Natural Health Remedies: An A-Z Family Guide Review

Natural Health Remedies: An A-Z Family Guide
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After hearing Dr. Janet Maccaro on a talk show, I couldn't wait to get her book Natural Health Remedies. It has been my belief for years, if it can be done the natural way,that's the way to go first. This "user-friendly" book encourages the reader to get their bodies back on track the natural way. The author is a Christian and believes we should look to God as the source of all healing and He has supplied every "herb of the field" as a support for the health of our bodies. One category most important to me, considering the times we are all in, is how our mind and spirit effects our health. Flower Power for Emotional Health is a miracle for those suffering from fears, worries,irrational thoughts, lack of self-confidence, despondency, etc. No other book does this like this one! Also extensively covered: Building Your Immmune System and Function; Top Ten Life Enhancing Supplements; Natural Healing Protocols; Anti-aging and Losing Weight. It truly is an A to Z book! A week after reading this book and using some of the suggested remedies, I have truly been astonished at the difference. My health food store is now recommending this book. It is a book everyone should read!

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This book offers an A to Z guide explaining physical, emotional and spiritual root causes of many common diseases and ailments. It also provides alternative, natural solutions from vitamins, minerals, herbs and food supplements.

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