Janice VanCleave's Play and Find Out about Science: Easy Experiments for Young Children Review

Janice VanCleave's Play and Find Out about Science: Easy   Experiments for Young Children
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I am a science teacher and I absolutely adore the Janice VanCleave science series.
It is HIGHLY appropriate for the early childhood set.
Every topic starts out with a question: i.e. I wonder why hair is curly and straight... And then it leads you through a very age appropriate/simple experiment and a few enrichment activities...
Each topic then ends in a very short explanation... The book has illustrations and each question is maybe 3 pages long total, before it goes on to another question.
I HIGHLY reccomend it as the BEST science series that I know of for young children. Experiences are the best science learning tools for this age.. more than reading non-fiction and such, although that has benefits as well..
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