On the Go with Baby: A Stress-Free Guide to Getting across Town or around the World Review

On the Go with Baby: A Stress-Free Guide to Getting across Town or around the World
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THis book had lots and lots of "adorable" stories about cute things the author's child did while traveling. It did not have much information that you couldn't figure out yourself, using common sense. I tired quickly of the author's anecdotes, and wished she had more substantial information, such as info on renting/availability of car seats, high chairs, services in different hotels , services provided by airlines, etc. Don't waste your money on this book, unless you are the type that never tires of hearing endearing stories about a stranger's child!

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A pack-up-and-go guide to get you and baby out of the house and on your wayFrom shopping at the grocery store to traveling Europe, parents will learn how to leave the house with their kids without having a panic attack. A reassuring book for parents who feared they'd never leave the house once they had kids.Parents of young children will enjoy practical advice on packing, babyproofing a hotel room, how to choose a vacation, how to handle public tantrums, and anything else that could possibly happen outside the home. Text is humorous and written in an approachable and helpful tone so you can leave the house with Junior, an organized baby bag and your sanity!

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