Just Fix It Review

Just Fix It
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This book does contain some useful information, but you could use a lot more. Most sections seemed to me to provide a person with less than a really good knowledge base for approaching the task, although the painting section is pretty good. There aren't very many illustrations. If you really want to be handy around the house, get yourself a bigger book with photographs--in my opinion, there are several better books, like those from Stanley or Black & Decker.

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Just Fix It - Hundreds of answers to your home repair questions.You will find effecive and practical solutions to many common household problems.Featuring phone, address and website information for over 250 home related compainies. Find you answers here - How can you... remove dirt and oil stains from concrete?...restore aluminum siding without painting?...easily remove dried paint spatters?...paint dark paneling?...reduce basement dampmess?...keep grout clean?...remove a broken light bulb?...stop banging pipes?...eliminate refrigerator odors?...quiet a squeaky door?...easily patch a leaking rain gutter???Hundreds of answers, great drawings, wonderful references, and a little fix-it humor.

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