Keeping Warm in Hard Times: The Art of Saving Money on Home Heating Costs Review

Keeping Warm in Hard Times: The Art of Saving Money on Home Heating Costs
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Have you ever wished at times that you knew everything that someone who knows the home heating field knows? Here is all the inside information and knowledge that I have about how to keep your house warm for less. I wrote this book because I was unable to find a book like it. A book that is focused on saving on home heating costs, not on reducing your "carbon footprint" or just the little minor energy savings projects featured in other books. I also made it a point to correct the deficiencies I disliked in other books, like omitting key details like books on wood heating failing to discuss how to light a fire. Failure to recommend specific models or list a price or a web page for more information. I also include installation details so you know what it takes to install something, and I also cover how to operate it. While I do cover the many little things you can do to reduce drafts and improve the efficiency of your existing heating unit, in my book the main point is about the big things that you can do to greatly reduce your home heating costs. If you have been reading the news for the last few years, you already know that in the near future we can expect large increases in the cost of energy. The purpose of my book is to educate you about what options are available to heat your home for less, and what you can do now to dramatically reduce what it costs to keep your home warm. So when energy costs do go through the roof, you will still be able to afford to heat your home. Folks, as bad as things maybe at the moment, this is still the calm before the storm. Now is the time to get ready by remodelling your home so it is easier to heat and can be heated with cheaper fuels in more efficient heating units. I also strongly advise the wisdom of having more than one source of heat, so that you have a back up in case one fuel becomes too expensive to heat with or is unavailable. I also cover what to do in black outs and when you can't afford to pay the heating bills. Plus I have one chapter on air conditioning on how to reduce your AC electric bill or even how to be comfortable without AC.
If by the time you are reading this; energy costs have already exploded and you have no money to do much of anything with, I also cover things that you can do yourself without spending a lot and some heating tricks that don't cost a dime but can save you some money. While you would have been far better off to have taken corrective steps earlier, you can still make the best of it by doing what you can to reduce your heating costs. I discuss what you can do to improve your current heating system performance and what you can do to keep from freezing when you can not afford heat or don't have heat.

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How would you like to reduce your monthly heating bill by over 75 percent? Huge reductions in heating costs are possible for most homeowners. Learn how you can reduce your heating costs by reducing your home's heat loses, upgrading to a higher efficiency-heating unit and switching to a cheaper heating fuel.Learn what heating options are available today including geothermal heat pumps, outdoor wood boilers, coal, solar heating, wood pellets, corn, grass pellets, biofuels and others, and see how they stack up against each other in terms of installation costs and operating costs. Included are what to do when you cannot afford heat, when the furnace breaks, heating in blackouts, when the gas stops as well as how to save on air conditioning costs and how to super insulate your house. A do-it-yourself book about how you can retrofit your existing house into the energy efficient home of tomorrow. (20 chapters, 356 pages)

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