Room for Improvement: Change Your Home Enhance Your Life With Tools, Tips, and Inspiration from Barbara K Review

Room for Improvement: Change Your Home Enhance Your Life With Tools, Tips, and Inspiration from Barbara K
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If anyone ever says a woman is not able to fix things up, and make improvements in their home, they have not been blessed in reading this outstanding book.
Author, Barbara K takes the guess work out of many projects that seem impossible for the average person to do. In this work, she takes you step by step, often with the help of pictures to show you how to do many improvements in your home.
Some examples are, wall coverings, lighting, floors and doors. She targets problem areas and gives solutions and she does all of this in an easy to understand manner.
I have to say by the time you are done reading through this book, you are energized and ready to transform your home. You just know you can do it. If you have been holding back, but wanting to make those changes, pick up this work. It just might be the encouragement you have been waiting for.
Shirley Johnson

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