The Mom's Guide to Growing Your Family Green: Saving the Earth Begins at Home (Stonesong Press Books) Review

The Mom's Guide to Growing Your Family Green: Saving the Earth Begins at Home (Stonesong Press Books)
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Living in a newly incorporated city, this book has spurred my interest into finding out what programs my community offers and what, if any, master energy plan is set for my city's future. I love the benefit of the plentiful pages of resources that may help jump-start a green energy plan/program for individuals, organizations, cities, and so forth.
Being that my city has mostly new homes that are Energy Star construction compliant, it would seem that we were doing all we can do. However, I learned through this guide about multiple other ways my family can come close to a zero-waste family and ways I can teach my children how to better treat the earth on which we live.
I'm also excited to start a green-type fundraising effort for my kids' schools and I think the parents, faculty, and students will be able to get just as excited!
I love the informative charts that explain how to dispose of differing types of waste appropriately. I also love the easy-to-understand descriptions of those little recycle symbols and numbers. They are really great references for my family's recycling program.
What is most helpful is that the author, Terra Wellington, obviously has experiences with her own family with the things she has written about. That makes my family's "green goals" seem attainable and makes me excited to see the results of our efforts. -- by Natasha Call, Utah

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With the multitude of green choices available, how can moms determine what will be best for their families—and the environment? Terra Wellington has the answers.

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