Quick and Easy Boat Maintenance: 1,001 Time-Saving Tips Review

Quick and Easy Boat Maintenance: 1,001 Time-Saving Tips
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I had high expectations of this book from reading the reviews. Yet, I found that alot of it did not apply to my situation. I own a 19 foot runabout for lake use only, and alot of the information in this book was specifically for larger off-shore boats. Still, some of the informaton will be useful I'm sure. I guess I was hoping for more technical maintenance stuff. If you own a large cuddy or deisel powered boat, this may be for you.

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A treasure chest of proven labor-savers that can help you get those pesky maintenance chores done faster--so you can get out on the water and play. Here are 1,001 tested tips from Boating Magazine's maintenance expert, giving super-effective yet environmentally friendly ways to clean and maintain all your boat's systems: deck, hull, cabin, engine, bilge, electrical systems, tanks, and gear. Stop working on your boat and go boating!

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Black & Decker The Complete Photo Guide to Home Repair: with 350 Projects and 2000 Photos (Black & Decker Complete Photo Guide) Review

Black and Decker The Complete Photo Guide to Home Repair: with 350 Projects and 2000 Photos (Black and Decker Complete Photo Guide)
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There are certain skills that are "wasted" on no one. Home repair is one such skill. I believe that 5 weeks after purchasing this book - the book has already paid for itself. My parents moved back into my grandmother's 1960-era house after she passed away last year. The house was in need of a few repairs, but money was a limiting factor. I had to find a way to teach myself (and my dad) how to weatherproof the basement, replacing an ancient water heater & dishwasher, replace several outlets with new GFCI (p. 397!) outlets, and finally, how to update the upstair's faucets and fixtures. I logged onto Amazon.com and typed-in HOME REPAIR. To be honest, I chose this book because it had 500+ pages and two 5-star reviews. When this book arrived, I instantly felt the weight and quality of the binding.(think college textbook material) I quickly found DETAILED descriptions of the tasks I would soon have to perform. I called my father and said "Get ready we're going to Home Depot!" On the phone, my father expressed concern over our lack of experience. When my father got in my truck, I handed him the the Black&Decker text. I had put PostIt's on the pages with our projects. He slipped on his glasses and peered through his bi-focals and didn't say a word on the way to purchase tools & supplies. Once in the parking lot, I could hardly turn-off the engine before he was pointing to pictures saying "Ours looks just like this! I want some gloves like that!" And he was making a bee-line for the door!(the old man can move!) He was excited and so was I. Now, it has beeen 5 weeks since that first trip to Home Depot. Both my father and I have the cuts and scrapes and the ever present sore backs to prove that we have done our own home repairs. My father now keeps the Black&Decker text at his house "for safe keeping." He cleans the text with a moist cloth after each project. The projects don't seem to have an end in sight, which I believe is a direct result of my dad reading the text for "suggestions." My suggestion....don't let anyone "borrow" this text, unless of course - you love him!

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Joey Green's Amazing Pet Cures: 1,138 Simple Pet Remedies Using Everyday Brand-Name Products Review

Joey Green's Amazing Pet Cures: 1,138 Simple Pet Remedies Using Everyday Brand-Name Products
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Amazing money saving and eco friendly pet care product most of us have in our homes. I found something I needed right of the bat, How to keep dogs from dropping presents in your yard- cayenne pepper ! It worked, the spot was not visited again. I actually got giddy with all the great tips for every kind of animal. We are a family of animal lovers and have spent a fortune on basic need items. Here I found cheap and easy ways to clean spots, kill fleas, and care for many different kinds of animals without buying those expensive specialized store items. I think it is a book every animal owner should have on their shelf.

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From the man who knows how to fertilize houseplants with Jell-O and give someone a dry shampoowith Quaker Oats comes the first book of pet care tips that tackles everyday pet illnesses, quirky behaviors, and animal smells and stains by tapping into the power of brand-name products.

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The Super Simple Guide to Breeding Freshwater Fishes Review

The Super Simple Guide to Breeding Freshwater Fishes
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Award-winning journalist Laura Muha presents The Super Simple Guide To Breeding Freshwater Fishes, a practical guide for both commercial and private freshwater fish owners. Chapters discuss the history of breeding fishes in aquaria, how to condition adult fish, raising the fry, disease prevention, notes on hybrids, species-specific guidelines and instructions, and more. The species catalogue includes such popular types of fish as livebearers (guppies, etc.), anabantoids, catfish, characins, cichilids, cyprinids, and rainbowfish. Color photographs on every page beautifully illustrate this handy, plain-terms guide, printed on sturdy, water-resistant paper stock. A "must-have" for anyone interested in successfully breeding freshwater fish.

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While the subject may seem self-explanatory, the fact is that breeding fishes in captivity can be quite challenging, and is as much an art as a science. It is also one of the most rewarding aspects of keeping fish, and something all aquarists strive to do well. With The Super Simple Guide to Breeding Freshwater Fishes, hobbyists at all levels need worry no longer about what to do. Passionate fishkeeper and journalist Laura Muha explains in compelling and "super simple" ways:-How to recignize and nurture breeding behavior-Where and how to house your spawning fish and its fry-How to feed breeders- and their fry- at all stages-How to nurse ailing fish back to health

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Salt: A World History Review

Salt: A World History
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It's become a party cliche to comment on our need for the results of combining a poisonous gas [chlorine] and a volatile metal [sodium]. Kurlansky passes quickly over such levity to seriously relate the role of sodium chloride in human society. While at first glance his account may seem overdone, a bit of reflection reveals that something so common in our lives is easily overlooked. Salt is essential to our existence. Our need is so strong and enduring that we tend to take its availability for granted. As a global history, this book is an ambitious attempt to re-introduce us to something we think common and uninteresting. It's immensely successful through Kurlansky's multi-faceted approach. He combines economics, politics, culinary practices, tradition and myth in making his presentation. About the only aspect ignored is the detailed biological one explaining why this compound is so necessary to our existence.
Because our need for salt is so fundamental, its history encompasses that of humanity. Salt was basic to many economies, Kurlansky notes. It's acted as the basis of exchange between traders, was the target of empire builders and even paid out to soldiers as a form of "salary" - hence the term. Venice, a coastal city tucked away from the main tracks of Mediterranean trade, bloomed into prominence when it discovered it could garner more profit by trading in salt than by manufacturing it. The Venetian empire and later renaissance was founded on the salt trade.
Empires may be built on salt, but can be felled by misguided policies on its trade and consumption. One element leading to the downfall of the French monarchy was the hated "gabelle", or salt tax, which imposed a heavier burden on farming peasants than it did on the aristocracy. The reputation of tax evasion borne by the French relates to the resentment expressed over the salt tax. A British regulation on salt resulted in similar reaction leading to the breakup up their own Empire. It was a "march to the sea" led by Mahatma Ghandi to collect salt that galvanised resistance to British rule. Over a century after the French Revolution, the British were displaced from India for similar reasons - greed.
While acknowledging the importance of salt in our lives, Kurlansky notes that determining how much is "too little" or "too much" is elusive. Many people today claim to have "salt-free" diets while remaining ignorant of how much salt is contained in our foods, both naturally and through processing. Yet, as Kurlansky records, salt has appeal beyond just the body's needs. He records numerous commentators from ancient Egypt, China and Rome who express their admiration for salt's flavour-adding qualities. Sauces based on various ingredients mixed with salt permeate the book. He notes that the salt dispenser is a modern innovation, supplementing the use of salt in cooking processes.
Salt's decline in conserving food, which changed the amount of salt we consume directly, came about due to increased world trade, displacement of rural populations into cities, and, of course, war. "The first blow" displacing salt as a preservative came from a Parisian cook; a man so obscure that his given name remains disputed. Nicolas [Francois?] Appert worked out how to preserve meat by "canning". Adopted by Napoleon's armies, the technique spread rapidly. The technology of the Industrial Revolution led to effective refrigeration. Kurlansky gives an account of Clarence Birdseye's efforts to found what became a major industry.
Although the topic seems overspecialised, the universal application and long historical view of this book establishes its importance. Kurlansky has successfully met an immense challenge in presenting a wealth of information. That he graces what might have been a dry pedantic exercise with recipes, anecdotes, photographs and maps grants this book wide appeal. He's to be congratulated for his worldly view and comprehensive presentation. [stephen a. haines - Ottawa, Canada]

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Mark Kurlansky, the bestselling author of Cod and The Basque History of the World, here turns his attention to a common household item with a long and intriguing history: salt. The only rock we eat, salt has shaped civilization from the very beginning, and its story is a glittering, often surprising part of the history of humankind. A substance so valuable it served as currency, salt has influenced the establishment of trade routes and cities, provoked and financed wars, secured empires, and inspired revolutions. Populated by colorful characters and filled with an unending series of fascinating details, Kurlansky's kaleidoscopic history is a supremely entertaining, multi-layered masterpiece.

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The Gerson Therapy: The Proven Nutritional Program for Cancer and Other Illnesses Review

The Gerson Therapy: The Proven Nutritional Program for Cancer and Other Illnesses
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A Highly Recommended First Book On The Use And Application Of Alternative Medicine/Natural Healing for Chronic Conditions.
This is the book that I would first recommend for anyone wanting to understand the use of alternative medicine for the healing of any chronic condition including cancer I would also highly recommend this book to anyone contemplating the use of conventional medicine as well because of the excellent material on the disease process and the potential for using this or some other alternative therapy in a complimentary or combination process of natural and conventional healing. The issue in addressing healing of chronic diseases is for the person with the disease and their family to be sufficiently unformed of the causes and all possible treatment possibilities so that they can make informed and responsible decisions about their total treatment. Other therapies and approaches could be evaluated as to how well they addressed all of the healing concepts detailed in this book.
"The Gerson Therapy" is a welcome and highly recommended addition to the multitude of books that address healing of chronic conditions including cancer by using natural or alternative means. The specific approach is healing by a combination of high quality nutrition and total body detoxification. The Therapy is a total program and does require significant life style changes at least for the detailed therapy. Actually, lifetime lifestyle changes will be required to remain healthy, but these are easily done once one has gone through the detailed therapy.
This book accomplishes several needed functions. The Gerson Therapy is brought up to date, (the therapy is over 60 years old), with the latest information including program modifications for people who have had chemotherapy, for people who are in an extremely weakened state, and a modified program for non cancer chronic conditions. The information is provided in a highly readable and understandable format. The book details the background, theory, and enough specific cases to establish credibility without being overbearing. In fact most of the case studies are used to detail understanding of the therapy. The book does not sugar coat the difficulty of healing using natural therapy and states that the Gerson Therapy may be the most difficult to follow of the many that are available. All of the information required to do the therapy either on one's own or in conjunction with a qualified clinic or practitioner is provided in easily accessible section. (There is some redundancy in some of the specific sections but this redundancy eliminates the need to search for needed information for people who are following the therapy). The number of recipes is expanded from previous books, and this is a welcome addition for anyone who has followed the therapy. The mental aspects of natural healing are now addressed and are given a separate section in the book. Finally, many tricks and techniques needed to make the therapy more workable are included. The bottom line is that the book is both informative and is useable as a day to day guide for anyone deciding to do the therapy.
I feel qualified to make these statements about this book because three years ago I was diagnosed with cancer and after much research and discussions with conventional and alternative practitioners, I chose to first start with the Gerson Therapy. The results have been wonderful with the cancer having gone in remission after about 18 months and numerous other problems have responded to the therapy as well. I have not had to revert to my back up plan of conventional medicine. Yes the therapy can be difficult to follow particularly because it is highly restrictive on food, requires time to make fresh vegetable juices several times every day, and requires time to do the detoxification procedures. And yes, the diet has different taste due to the salt and fat restrictions, but one quickly get use to the different tasee However, to be healed without permanent side effects is well worth the effort and the required life style changes. While I had excellent support materials available, this book is still a significant improvement to the available literature. I found nothing in this book that I had a problem with and with the improvements that have been made, the book deserves the five star rating
The process of natural healing is not easy, requires attention to detail, and continued study to avoid setbacks through the process. This new book on the Gerson Therapy will provide information that can assist the decision process and will provide up to date information on the therapy's application.

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Cancer. Hepatitis. Migraines. Arthritis. Heart Disease. Emphysema. For years, the medical establishment has called these chronic or life- threatening diseases "incurable." But now, The Gerson Therapy offers hope for those seeking relief from hundreds of different diseases. Juice your way to wellness. One of the first alternative cancer therapies, The Gerson Therapy has successfully treated thousands of patients for over 60 years. Now, in this authoritative revised and updated edition, alternative medicine therapist Charlotte Gerson and medical journalist Morton Walker reveal even more on the powerful healing effects of organic fruits and vegetables. Not only can juicing reverse the effects of many degenerative illnesses-it can save lives. The Gerson Therapy shows you:
How to beat cancer by changing your body chemistry
Special juicing techniques for maximum healing power
How to combat allergies, obesity, high blood pressure, AIDS, lupus, and other diseases
This unique resource will help and inspire anyone who has ever said, "I want to get well. Just show me how." The Gerson Therapy offers a powerful, time-tested healing option that has worked for others - and can work for you!

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Planning and Installing Sustainable Onsite Wastewater Systems Review

Planning and Installing Sustainable Onsite Wastewater Systems
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I used this book for projects in southern Africa including an ecolodge, low-cost housing, and general consulting. It is exceptional because it includes both technical guidelines for the environmental engineer as well as photos and CAD sketches for the builder. Various products are also mentioned. This book would serve anyone working in remote areas of the world, where limited skills, tools and materials are available, but I think it could also be valuable to people practicing in industrialized countries too.
-Chris Rollins, PE (Alaska and Colorado, USA)

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A detailed Guide to Sustainable Decentralized Wastewater Systems
Covering technical principles and practical applications, this comprehensive resource explains how to design and construct sound and sustainable decentralized wastewater systems of varying sizes and in differing geophysical conditions. Planning and Installing Sustainable Onsite Wastewater Systems covers state-of-the-art techniques, materials, and industry practices, and provides detailed explanations for why certain approaches result in more sustainable projects.A rational approach is presented for assessing assimilative capabilities of soils, and selecting methods of wastewater treatment and dispersal that make optimal use of natural treatment processes and site conditions.
In-depth design and construction information highlights nonproprietary methods proven to be very sustainable and cost effective on a long-term basis for many geographic settings.Step-by-step illustrations and project examples featuring real-world implementations of onsite wastewater systems are included in this definitive volume.
Planning and Installing Sustainable Wastewater Systems covers:
Sustainability factors and planning considerations for decentralized wastewater systems
Project planning and site evaluation
Wastewater collection and conveyance methods
Design and installation of primary treatment units
Comparisons of secondary and advanced treatment methods
Sand filter construction
Subsurface flow wetland performance and construction
Effluent dispersal methods
Design and installation of low-pressure dosed effluent dispersal systems

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Achieving Great Health -- How Spirulina, Chlorella, Raw Foods and Ionized Water Can Make You Healthier than You Have Ever Imagined Review

Achieving Great Health -- How Spirulina, Chlorella, Raw Foods and Ionized Water Can Make You Healthier than You Have Ever Imagined
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This book is very informative and educational. The information it provides is useful and well-documented. I started taking spirulina and chlorella six months ago and Achieving Great Health has been a very good resource for me. It is an easy read with well-documented support; I think everyone would benefit from this book, no matter what their understanding of health and nutrition. It is motivating and makes sense. McCauley provides a great resource to those looking for great health!

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The body can cure itself of any disease. If you are sick it is because you allow yourself to remain sick. Hydration, alkalization and detoxification are the three keys to preventing and curing us of any disease. Nothing is more important to the body than water and there is no better water for the human body than Ionized Water. It is a powerful antioxidant, as well as extremely alkalizing, hydrating and detoxifying. Fasting with water is the healthiest thing we can do for the body. Spirulina and Chlorella are the two most powerful whole foods in the world. They are perfect proteins and have the broadest array of nutrients of any foods. We should replace our traditional animal protein sources, meat, fish, eggs and dairy with these two nutraceuticals, which, like all raw foods, provide the body with the proper nutrition so the body can heal itself. Probiotics (acidophilus and bifidus) are friendly bacteria that help the body assimilate nutrients and keep the digestive tract clean and alkalized. They are crucial to human health and should be consumed with everything we eat. All cooked foods are acidic, poisonous and addictive. We eat them because we like their taste and because we have been conditioned all our lives to believe they are healthy for us. Raw foods are alkaline and rejuvenate the body by providing the body with nutrients that have not been either destroyed or chemically altered by cooking. Cooking is the greatest destroyer of our health. Raw foods contain enzymes which are responsible for every movement, action or thought of the human body and mind. Without enzymes, life would not be possible. Regular vigorous exercise is essential if we wish to achieve robust health. We should work each of our 650 muscles every day. Cultivating a positive mental attitude is also critical to our health. Self-doubt can destroy your efforts with the force of split atoms. Have faith in yourself and what you can achieve and a hero that others will want to follow will appear in your mirror one day. Great Health gives us confidence, vigor, purpose and even more importantly it gives us hope.

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Black & Decker The Complete Guide to Plumbing: Expanded 4th Edition - Modern Materials and Current Codes - All New Guide to Working with Gas Pipe (Black & Decker Complete Guide) Review

Black and Decker The Complete Guide to Plumbing: Expanded 4th Edition - Modern Materials and Current Codes - All New Guide to Working with Gas Pipe (Black and Decker Complete Guide)
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I very rarely spend hard earned money on "how-to" books since they very rarely offer the kind of insight a do-it-yourselfer is looking for. This book is the best exception to that rule that I have found. The book covers all facets of plumbing.
Included in the book are high level overviews, extensive discussions of plumbing materials, and step by step instructions for planning, installing, and repairing plumming systems. Whether you are a current home owner looking for assistance in home plumbing repairs, or designing the plumbing system for new construction, this book contains everything you need to get the job done.
In addition to the thoroughness of the information contained in the book, there are outstanding graphics and photographs depicting topic at hand. This book would be a bargain at five times the cost.

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Everything you need to know about plumbing. Everything.
Fresher and more complete than ever, this edition includes new material and revised information and is completely current with the 2006 Universal Plumbing Code. From basic repairs to advanced renovations, this is the only plumbing reference book a homeowner needs. And now, for the first time, Black & Decker The Complete Guide to Plumbing includes a comprehensive section on working with gas pipe. No other big book of plumbing for DIYers covers this important subject.
Also new to this 4th edition is expansive coverage of PEX (cross-linked polyethylene), the bendable supply tubing that's taking over a major portion of the DIY market. And with the current popularity of outdoor kitchens, we've expanded our coverage of outdoor plumbing as well. Now, we'll show you every step of the process to supply and drain an outdoor sink.

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Pools & Spas: Ideas for Planning, Designing, and Landscaping Review

Pools and Spas: Ideas for Planning, Designing, and Landscaping
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Full of photographs of beautifully designed pools and spas set in various architectural environments, "Pools & Spas" is literally full of creative ideas if you are planning on adding a pool or spa to your home. However, the book does not stop with designs but also includes information on maintenance, various types of pool equipment, and even the process of installing an in ground pool. While the coverage of in ground pool installation is not detailed enough to do it yourself it does give you an idea of what is going on at the various stages so you know what to expect from your contractor.
If you are even thinking of installing a pool or spa, whether in ground, above ground, or portable, you should pick up a copy of "Pools & Spas". It includes a lot of factors that you might overlook when planning your pool and everything you need to know to take care of it correctly when it is finished.

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Pools & Spas: Ideas for Planning, Designing, and Landscaping, offers ideas and advice through the complete process from pool/spa selection to creating an attractive landscaping environment. Over 300 inviting color photos and illustrations show the many options from infinity-edge pools to indoor swim spas; from built-ins to attractive above-ground pools. Valuable advice is included on site selection, materials, financing, and more.

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The NALCO Guide to Boiler Failure Analysis Review

The NALCO Guide to Boiler Failure Analysis
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This book is a need item to help trouble shoot problems with boiler, DA tanks, condensate return tanks,pumps, and piping. If you can see the problem, you will probably see a picture of the problem in this book along with what caused it...and in color 95 percent of the time. It has been a real life saver, literlly. You gotta have this book even if you only use it once..it could save your life, or your building/s. Try it ..you will like it. My instructor in 2 grade class was so impressed it got one.

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This book illustrates and explains virtually all common failure modes which adversely affect boiler reliability. Each failure mode is well illustrated with case histories. The corrective steps necessary to reduce or eliminate each failure type, as well as precautionary notes, are provided. The book is a comprehensive, authoritative field guide for the identification and elimination of boiler failures. Boilers of virtually all pressures and many construction designs are presented.

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Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands (Vol. 1): Guiding Principles to Welcome Rain into Your Life And Landscape Review

Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands (Vol. 1): Guiding Principles to Welcome Rain into Your Life And Landscape
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Note that the title of this book includes the words Drylands. This book is primarily about catching rainwater for use outside of your house, i.e. watering the plants. The illustrations and descriptions are based on life in Arizona. There you want to catch all the rainwater you can get and get some use out of it rather than simply letting it flow down the street. At this purpose, the book is excellent. This is the way it should be done but rarely is.
My own experience with catching rainwater is quite different. I was living out in the swamps in Louisiana. We had plenty of water. In any direction you cared to go there was water. Average rainfall was about 65 inches per year. In fact when we went to town we went by boat.
So why rainwater? Pollution. The water that comes to Louisiana has come down through a thousand miles or more of agricultural runoff, sewage treatment plants that may not have been working so well, feedlot runoff, and God knows what else.
We used a system kind of like his drawing on page 71, but there were certainly no cactus plants around. But note carefully item number 4 in his components, what he calls a first-flush system. This is a system to vent the first few gallons of water off the roof away from the storage cistern. If you are going to drink the water it's best to get rid of the bird droppings and other stuff that accumulates on the roof between rains.
He doesn't describe the first flush system but from the drawing it looks like it might be some kind of a commercial device. Ours was a home made affair. A two foot long piece of gutter was hinged so that it stuck up in the air, held there by a spring. When this gutter was up in the air, the water dumped into a bucket. When the bucket got full it pulled the gutter down against the spring and then it directed the water into the cistern. After the rain stopped you emptied the bucket and it sat there waiting for the next rain.
Great book, not only about how to collect rainfall, but about the general problem of the shortage of clean water.

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Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands: Guiding Principles to Welcome Rain into Your Life and Landscape is the first volume ofthree-volume guide on how to conceptualize, design, and implement sustainable water-harvesting systems for your home, landscape, and community. This book enables you to assess your on-site resources, gives you a diverse array of strategies to maximize their potential, and empowers you with guiding principles to create an integrated, multi-functional water-harvesting plan specific to your site and needs. Volume 1 helps bring your site to life, reduce your cost of living, endow you with skills of self-reliance, and create living air conditioners of vegetation growing beauty, food, and wildlife habitat. Stories of people who are successfully welcoming rain into their life and landscape will invite you to do the same!

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How to Brew: Everything You Need To Know To Brew Beer Right The First Time Review

How to Brew: Everything You Need To Know To Brew Beer Right The First Time
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Like most homebrewers, I started out with Charlie Papazian's book "The New Joy of Homebrewing". I had the second edition. It was a good book, but comparing it to this text, it seems hopelessly dated.
With the explosion of microbreweries across the country, lots of people got turned on to GOOD beer - and many of those looked into homebrewing. With so many people trying different methods and equipment, over time, brewing became simpler and much of what was deemed necessary in the earlier days was discarded. Many of the techniques and equipment listed here are the results of years of trial-and-error streamlining by other homebrewers. In addition, there's never been so many resources available via mail order and on the net. Homebrewing really is easy at this point.
This is the best basic brewing text I've found. You can start with it by making extract only beers, graduating to specialty grains in addition to extract, then to all grain brewing and making your own recipes and beer styles. The book is linear, presents the information as you need it and the information ranges from the most basic (like sanitation) to as technical as you could possibly want (water chemistry).
For years I've been an extract and specialty grain brewer. I never completely understood the process of all-grain brewing until I bought this text. It gave me the courage to build my own lautering tun and brew my first batch of beer made completely from scratch. It was a pale ale, nothing exotic, but man was it good beer. Check out the author's website and read the first edition online. The second edition is improved, so if you like the online text buy the hard copy book.
There are other good texts out there (the author lists many of them in the back of the book) but if you only want one homebrewing text, buy this one. It's a shame that Amazon doesn't carry it anymore. Track it down.

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Everything needed to brew beer right the first time. Presented in a light-hearted style without frivolous interruptions, this authoritative text introduces brewing in a easy step-by-step review.

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Heterotrophic Plate Count and Drinking-water Safety: The Significance of HPCs for Water Quality and Human Health (Who Emerging Issues in Water & Infectious Disease) Review

Heterotrophic Plate Count and Drinking-water Safety: The Significance of HPCs for Water Quality and Human Health (Who Emerging Issues in Water and Infectious Disease)
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This is an excellent book if you want to understand the current thinking about HPC bacteria in drinking water. The consensus chapter at the beginning is weak. However, the individual chapters, penned by various experts in the field, are interesting.

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This text, prepared by an international group of experts, addresses the 'heterotrophic plate count' test which is widely used in drinking-water assessment: what it detects (and what it does not detect), its direct and indirect health significance, and its use in the safety management of drinking water supplies. It includes the consensus statement from an expert review meeting and takes account of the presentations and posters at an international conference on the theme co-sponsored by WHO and NSF-International.It provides valuable information on the utility and the limitations of HPC data in the management and operation of piped water systems, as well as other means of providing drinking water to the public. It is of particular value to piped public water suppliers and bottled water suppliers, manufacturers and users of water treatment, and transmission equipment and inline treatment devices, water engineers, sanitary and clinical microbiologists, and national and local public health officials and regulators of drinking water quality.

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The Pinball Effect: How Renaissance Water Gardens Made the Carburetor Possible - and Other Journeys Review

The Pinball Effect: How Renaissance Water Gardens Made the Carburetor Possible - and Other Journeys
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Since Chaos burst upon the intellectual consciousness of the twentieth century, examples of the butterfly effect have inundated our lives. Chaotic systems exhibit a type of behavior where vanishingly-small perturbations in initial conditions result in wild and unpredictable alterations in a system's final state. The butterfly in China, flapping its wings, results in a hurricane off the coast of Florida 100 years later.
James Burke takes us on an intersected voyage through the web of history, and in the process shows the intricately connected nature of our lives in a chaotic mishmash of intersecting events. The mental imagery I concocted while reading his book was one of a small worm making its way through a biscuit of shredded wheat. With thousands of intersecting strands, and billions of route possibilities open at each juncture, my biscuit gives a feel for the intricate connection that every event in history shares with everything else. In fact, Burke has written his book from the worm's perspective, with branch points identified in the margins so you can follow a thread (instead of the book) as it weaves its way through history. You do not need to read this book sequentially, and quite possibly might choose to read it worm style rather than cover to cover.
When I first began Burke's book I looked for the obvious connections, but soon learned that was not his objective. Though he illustrates obvious connections, much of the interelatedness in Burke's book deals with subtle effects that changed people's lives and resulted in dramatic changes in history.Sometimes the stories become so intricate I found myself taking notes so I could mentally trace back through the web of events.
Most of the historical events he covers relate in some way to scientific or technical achievements and discoveries. In some of these, I found myself confused about the terminology used. Burke is not always clear when he comments about a particular discovery, whether he is making a statement about the way things are viewed today, or how they were viewed by the original discoverers. Because of this, I found myself sometimes irritated by technically incorrect descriptions. For example, on page 198 Burke says:
"There was only one thing that would reflect radio waves besides metal reflectors like the ones Hertz had used: ionized atoms, which had lost one or more of their electrons. These atoms became positively charged and would reflect electronic signals (which were negative)."
While it is true that ions are positively charged, radio waves are not negative. In another place, he describes voltage as charge (see page 186). He also mentions, off handedly, that collimated laser beams spread by only "a few feet" over the distance between the earth and moon (see page 75). [A collimated beam, with a wavelength of 600 nm, will have a half-beam divergence of about 48 feet over the distance between the earth and moon when collimated with a telescope having a 10-meter-diameter primary mirror. See, for example, Saleh, Teich, "Fundamentals of Photonics," Wiley Series in Pure and applied optics, equation 3.1-20.]
These examples left me with a sometimes uneasy feeling about the book's technical accuracy, yet I cannot discount the possibility that Burke was simply explaining these phenomena in the context of the way they were understood when first discovered.
The book has an excellent index. The figures, however, are of generally poor quality and hard to see. Another irritant was the frequent and often-detailed descriptions Burke gives of ingenious and complex machinery and gadgets. These descriptions are often very hard to follow, and would benefit greatly from drawings that support the textual descriptions.
Aside from these few criticisms, however, I found Burke's book most enjoyable. It will broaden your horizons and make you appreciate history from a new perspective. An ideal book for just before bedtime, I highly recommend it.
Duwayne Anderson

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Crazy Wool: Using Water-Soluble Stabiliser Review

Crazy Wool: Using Water-Soluble Stabiliser
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I am really excited about the creative idea this book offers with the use of water- soluble stabiliser. The products she uses in her projects are from the UK, as are the sources in the back of the book. So finding the specific yarns might be a challenge.

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Combining a mixture of beautifully coordinated wools and water dissolvable fabric with machine stitching, this informative resource features afantastic range of bags, sweaters, jackets, shawls and scarves. With projects that explore the exciting, experimental possibilities of fiber art, textured, wearable designs from wool stitched onto a water soluble stabilizer present a progressive approach to the craft—allowing accomplished crafters toset their creativity free.

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Home Maintenance For Dummies Review

Home Maintenance For Dummies
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This is a GREAT book for first-time buyers or for people who never learned what should be done to your home to keep it in good shape.
The book is well organized and has two main sections, indoor maintenance and outdoor maintenance. The book also includes nice graphical guides for those of us (me!) that need more than your basic instructions. Another great feature of the book are montly to-do's, to keep you on track throughout the year.
However, by far, the best thing about the book is it has saved me money! There are things outlined in the book that I thought I would have to pay someone to do, but realized how simple they really were and was able to do them myself!

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A hands-on, step-by-step guide to properly maintaining your home

Your home requires regular maintenance to operate safely and efficiently. The expert advice in this second edition of Home Maintenance For Dummies can help you save literally thousands of dollars each year by showing you how to perform home maintenance yourself!
This new edition provides the latest tips on how to tune up your home and make repairs to every room of the house, from basement to attic. By combining step-by-step instructions and expert information, this practical guide gives you the skills to tackle everything from furnace tune-ups to leaky roofs. You'll also learn how to conduct routine inspections, keep major appliances running efficiently, and increase energy efficiency.
Shows how to keep your home in tip-top shape, preserve its value, and avoid costly repairs
Covers all rooms of the house, in addition to the roof, foundation, and exterior
Explains how to keep all home systems and major appliances running smoothly
Includes a seasonal maintenance schedule
Provides the latest green maintenance options to help lower your utility bills

James Carey and Morris Carey have a radio show, a newspaper column, and a Web site, all called On the House, and appear regularly on CBS News Saturday Morning. They are also the authors of Home Remodeling For Dummies
If you've always wanted to tackle home repairs like a pro, Home Maintenance For Dummies, 2nd Edition is your ideal resource!

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