Another Use For... 101 Common Household Items Review

Another Use For... 101 Common Household Items
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I picked this book up from the library, and now I'm looking for a copy to purchase. I started reading this 143 page book, and by page 15, I knew it was hopeless because I kept finding helpful tips that I had never thought of but that I wanted to remember. However, there was too much, and I couldn't remember any of it, so I decided that I needed to have my own copy for reference. Not everything in it is helpful or applicable to me, and yes, crome does pop up frequently, but there is enough advise that I need to make it well worth it. It's also very diversified in useful utensils and in purposes, so I am sure that this book would prove just as helpful to anyone even if they thought none of the stuff I appreciated helpful and only wanted the advise that I threw aside. I haven't seen the 2004 edition, so that may be even better, I don't know.

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If you drop a raw egg, what's the fastest way to clean it up? With a turkey baster. What's the easiest way to clean a shower door? Wipe it with a fabric softener sheet. This new edition features practical, useful tips like these and dozens more.

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