The Frugal Woman's Guide to a Rich Life: Simplify Your Life, Save Money and Be Happier (iVillage Solutions, 7) Review

The Frugal Woman's Guide to a Rich Life: Simplify Your Life, Save Money and Be Happier (iVillage Solutions, 7)
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This book was published by IVillage. It is a compilation of postings from IVillage members -- advice on how to save money, time, etc. The sections all begin with "A frugal woman knows..." For example, "A frugal woman knows not to carry balances on her credit card" (but the book does not go into particular detail on debt reduction). Or "A frugal woman knows that to save money on groceries, she should try generic brands and loss leaders and always shop from a list." (uh-huh) My advice: A frugal woman knows that all of this information (if you don't know it already) can be found for FREE on the IVillage Web site. Don't waste your money. (Or else check it out of your local library.)

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The Frugal Woman is not cheap. She's a cost-conscious, savvy consumer who avoids wasting her time, her money, and her energy on things she does not need. She's organized about her money management, spending, and household planning. She makes decisions based on her own needs and values. She's in control of her life.

The Frugal Woman dresses her kids in brand-name clothes, gets her hair done in salons, buys antique furniture eats gourmet meals, gives gifts that wow her friends and family - and all the while socks money away in her savings and retirement account, living free of credit card debt, and feeling secure about tomorrow while enjoying today.

The Frugal Woman's Guide to a Rich Life tells how to be just such a Frugal Woman - how to make the best use of what you already have, how to identify what you really need in your life (and what you don't), how to get the necessities (and even a few luxuries) for less, and how to cut down on your and the earth's wasted resources.

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