Portable Gardens: Self-Watering - No Weeding Review

Portable Gardens: Self-Watering - No Weeding
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Book was just ok, way over priced for the material offered. Actually it shouldn't be called a "book", pamphlet would be more accurate.

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The portable garden simply allows you to garden ANYWHERE. You won't need a plot of land. You can create a garden oasis on a rooftop, porch, balcony or deck. You can bring your garden indoors in the winter or take it with you when you move. The portable garden is very low maintenance; no digging, weeding, or daily maintenance is needed. The garden can be self-watering and it does not use expensive hydroponics or chemicals. Plants grow at a convenient height in raised containers so you can garden even if you are physically challenged and cannot kneel or if you garden from a wheelchair. The elevation of the containers can be adjusted to meet your needs. You can start your seed and grow your plants to maturity in the same container.You should be able to build the garden in just a few hours. It does NOT require any special tools or extensive building skills. This portable garden is easily constructed of readily available, low-cost, reusable materials that should last many seasons.

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