Perennials for Dummies Review

Perennials for Dummies
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I love gardening. If I am not in the garden working, my hand will be holding a book or a magazine on flowers. It's my seventh house and each time we moved I started all over again. But this time we moved south. Different climat, different soil, everything is different. Perennials gardening is still very new to South Carolina. I didn't have too much help from my neighboors or even the nurseries. I was crying for help until I found perennials for dummies. I am now redoing the first bed that I did when I moved here following their instructions on the preparation of the soil and the best type of plants to use for this torrid, humid weather with mild winter. I recommend that book for any beginner and good gardeners. You will always find a new tips or answers to your questions and on top of that they are funny.

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Discusses the selection and care of perennial flowers, ferns, and grasses and suggests varieties for different conditions, soils, and climates.

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