Pharmacological Aspects of Nursing Care Review

Pharmacological Aspects of Nursing Care
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This is one of the worst textbooks I have come across in my educational career, if not THE worst. These are clearly smart authors who can't write themselves out of a paperbag. Finding information in this book is like going on a treasure hunt, but sometimes there is no treasure. It is neither clear nor concise. I am sorry I elected to take this class at a school that uses this book. There are so many other choices that are far better to read.
I was hoping the CD included with the text would be helpful, to offset the text. However the CD won't work until you download a patch; a patch that was created two years prior, in 2007. Thanks for the heads-up Delmar Learning!
If you are stuck with this book for a class, I'm sorry. If you can, find another class that uses a different book. There are many online choices to choose from!

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Pharmacological Aspects of Nursing Care is an indispensable text for today's nursing student. Newly revised and in full color, it features a comprehensive look at the increasingly complex nursing responsibilities related to pharmacology. Drug profiles have been expanded to include information on over 1,100 drugs; information specific to pediatric and geriatric clients is included as appropriate. Full chapter on drug calculations and thorough coverage of adverse effects reinforce the significance of absolute accuracy in drug administration. Nursing process presentation now includes diagnoses, planning goals and evaluation of outcomes. Enhanced critical thinking exercises and case studies bring real-world point of view to material while reinforcing key concepts. Text is accompanied by a new activity CD-ROM featuring over 500 study questions.  Instructor's Manual and a 1,000 question test bank in a new format are contained on a single CD-ROM for instructor convenience Features expanded home care and client teaching information  Relevant Internet site references direct students to additional, up-to-date information(Key Words: nursing, pharmacology, medications, drugs, drug calculation)

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