Healthy Mom Review

Healthy Mom
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Everywhere you look nowadays it seems like someone is offering advice on nutrition and it is hard to separate the fact from the hype. You hear things like 'high protein' or 'low carb'...or terms like organic and natural. Not to mention that trying to analyze the ingredient list on your package of food seems to require a degree in chemistry! Iva Young's book Healthy Mom is a down to earth, easy to comprehend guide to understanding nutrition and what the human body actually DOES with it.
I really liked the 16 tips the author gives on how to make sure your child develops healthy eating habits. Simple guidelines like leading by example, setting a schedule, and getting kids involved in food preparation. There is no way we are going to conquer the childhood obesity epidemic if we don't start following these recommendations!
I found it interesting that the author not only includes nutrition information but also discusses how our bodies actually USE those nutrients. Helping people gain a greater understanding of human physiology is a great way to get us to change our current diets.
The chapters in this book are all clearly labeled and are kept brief and very focused on the topic. The writing is simple to understand and you don't have to be a nutrition major to figure out what is being said.
I really loved that the author included information on artificial and natural sweeteners. Personally, I am against any artificial sweeteners at all but, as the author states, the FDA has recognized them as safe in certain levels. I have to disagree with them but the author does a good job of remaining neutral on this topic.
There is a nice discussion on organic foods and Ms. Young recommends moderation if necessary to help control cost. Organic is a method for producing is not a health claim! I did disagree with one sentence in the book that stated you could believe the product was organic if it said so on the label. There are often a lot of false claims and I like to see the USDA organic seal, personally. Or, meet the farmer who grew the food!
Remaining topics in the book include things like whole grains, reducing salt intake, fruits and vegetables, etc. The last half of the book is reserved for shopping lists, meal plans, and recipes. I didn't find this section all that helpful since I refuse to measure, count calories, or use structured diet plans.I prefer the method of 'eat healthy foods when you are hungry' method of dieting, myself, although others may like a more structured program.
All in all, a very helpful book that is laid out in such a way as to make it easy to understand. A detailed look at nutrients in our food, how to make sure we eat a balanced diet, and a reminder to avoid the 'hype' of the next great diet plan and just use common sense!Disclaimer: As per FTC guidelines, I received one copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. I received no monetary compensation. All opinions expressed here are mine and mine alone.

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Where can Moms go to for advice on nutrition, healthy ingredients and a happier lifestyle for their family and themselves?Healthy MomMost mothers learned to cook from their own mother or grandmother.Often these recipes, while filling, are actually overloaded with the wrong types of food.Fat, Sodium, Cholesterol...these are all the obstacles that Moms face everyday in their quest to help their families live longer and healthier lives.A mother must be equipped with not only knowledge of healthy eating habits, but also recipes that children will ask for time and time again.In her new book, Healthy Mom, author Iva Young not only shares her expertise, but also time tested recipes that will have families leaving the table full, healthy and happy.Iva Young is the family meal planner, ingredient buyer, cook and a Healthy Mom.Many of her friends asked her over and over, "Iva, How is your family so thin and healthy?"Her secret: purchase, prepare and eat healthy foods, including nutritious fruits and vegetables.A graduate of the California Polytechnic University with a Bachelors of Arts in Liberal Studies with an Emphasis in Kinesiology and Health Promotion, she believes that by truly educating yourself on the right nutritional data, choosing the right food products, learning about a system known to make your body work for you and not against you, and following meal plans are the keys to maintaining a lifelong healthy nutritional life. She lives in California with her husband and two childrenWith her next book, Healthy Kids, Iva continues to inspire and motivate Healthy Moms everywhere.For more information, visit

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