Architect's Portable Handbook Review

Architect's Portable Handbook
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This handbook brings together all the rules of thumb and reference facts for architects. Its quite the cheat-sheet for quick references especially in terms of costs. He has included cost (labor and materials as a % of the total) for just about everything in generic terms. Need to know a budget number for a solid core door relative to a hollowcore? its in there, painting by sf of drywall vs CMU or even fee % breakdowns. Having this book makes you look good and esp for architects that know the big picture but cant'remember the actual size of a conc block or what 11 block courses equal (vert or horiz) I tell people to get this book and keep it in your car or briefcase, so you can go look up the answer to those questions that put you on the spot esp on the job site.

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Organized in easy-to-follow CSI Materformat, which parallels typical job progression, the text covers initial planning and estimating through design and construction. Included are materials and specifications checklists, design data for major building materials and components details.

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