Beating Ovarian Cancer: How To Overcome The Odds And Reclaim Your Life Review

Beating Ovarian Cancer: How To Overcome The Odds And Reclaim Your Life
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I have never taken the time to write a book review before; this is my first. Let this be a testament to how upset I am with this purchase and read. I forced myself to complete about half of this book before I threw it in the recycle bin. My mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer about three weeks ago and I purchased this book based on the title and reviews - big mistake. Through the first half of the book (at least), the author mentions several times how "unusual" it is for woman to survive ovarian cancer and it really points to all of the reasons why. A really downer - to put it mildly. Well, I'm glad for her that she was able to beat it but I was really hoping and expecting to read something inspiring, something that could help me provide guidance to my mom as well as hope that people do and can beat this cancer. I was actually hopeful prior to reading this book that my mom had a chance. It's been a few days since I tossed the book so I'm starting to build up hope again based on other survivor stories we've come across. But I would warn anyone that I strongly believe the other reviews are written by friends of the author (one review even indicates as such) and if you're looking for a book that will give you hope - keep looking.

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A diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer does not have to be a death sentence. Recent advances in medicine have made this once incurable disease treatable and manageable. You can beat advanced and even recurring, ovarian cancer. Simple but significant lifestyle changes can produce big results when it comes to healing.

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