Living and Working in Spain: A Survival Handbook (Living & Working in Spain) Review

Living and Working in Spain: A Survival Handbook (Living and Working in Spain)
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I came across this book yesterday in a library and spent some time reading its most relevant chapters. I was very amused by the fantasies made up all along these chapters by its imaginative author.
Here are some (non 100% literal) excerpts from the book: "Robbery is widespread in Spain", "Spaniards usually live in blocks of apartments but if you decide to occupy a loft in one of them you should always check the roof, as you're likely to get soaked with the leaks", "If you want to build a house, you'll have to hire a foreign builder in order to get the house built to basic European standards", "The postal system is so inefficient that you'll have to rent a P.O. Box or have your mail sent to Gibraltar", "If you go to a Post Office you'll have to spend a very long time queuing, first to buy the stamps and then to send the letter", "Finding a telephone booth is almost impossible, let alone a working one, so your best bet is to find a good hotel, where you'll have to tip the receptionist", "Lying is part of the Spanish way of life", "It will take some time until the Spanish public services are brought up to what's common in `the rest of Europe'",...
I found these last two statements particularly hilarious, coming as they do from a Briton. After reading this book, anyone who has never been to Spain or knows little about the country, say an average American, should expect to find a land raided by sombrero-wearing bandits on the back of their donkeys.
As it happens, I was born in Spain and, in all, have spent over 30 years there, so I might be quite partial, myself. But nothing depicted in this book seems to have any resemblance with real facts. Most of all, I fail to understand why the publisher has decided to have such a misinformed/biased individual write this "How To" book.
The one aspect where Spain does lag behind its Western European counterparts is the labour market. But, in spite of the title of the book, no information whatsoever is given on this important matter. And, if you're serious about living in Spain, your source of income should definitely be your first concern, as you'll find a high level of unemployment and low nominal salaries, especially compared to what's usual in Anglo-Saxon countries. Nevertheless, if you are a native English-speaker and are willing to work as a language teacher, few countries offer as many possibilities as Spain. I personally met a 19 year old Irish girl who, with no secondary education or previous working experience, was making 1800 Euro a month, just teaching to the executive staff of a few local companies. Agriculture and the catering industry are also a constant source of lower-paid jobs.
Other than that, you should take the precautions you would normally take in your own country, under the assurance that things such as general public services, the health system, children's education, criminality, the banking system, transport, telephone, or the performance of helpdesks and consumer-facing staff are very well above the current British standards. In fact, at 19,100 USD, the Spanish per-capita GDP is now 85% that of Britain, with some regions in the north surpassing the British average and standing on top of the poorest British regions. Looking at the Italian and Irish examples, and considering the growth differential of the last decade, one could assume that this gap will close in the coming years.
That said, of course, one should still expect the problems and inconveniences any foreigner faces when moving to a different country, especially if their command of Spanish is not good.
As a summary, I would advice to stay away from this book and spend your money somewhere else. In the preceding paragraphs you have already found more factual information than you will in its 185 pages. While xenophobic nationalists are always a species to be avoided, they're probably at their worst when they try to sell you "information" about one of the countries they despise.

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Written in an entertaining style with a touch of humour, Living and Working in Spain is designed to provide newcomers with the practical information necessary for a relatively trouble-free life. It contents include finding a job, permits & visas, health, accommodation, finance, insurance, education, shopping, post office and telephone services, public transport, motoring, TV and radio, leisure, sports and much, much more. It is packed with vital information and insider tips to help minimize culture shock and reduce the newcomers rookie period to a minimum. Living and Working in Spain is essential reading for anyone planning to spend an extended period in Spain.

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The Mom's Guide to Growing Your Family Green: Saving the Earth Begins at Home (Stonesong Press Books) Review

The Mom's Guide to Growing Your Family Green: Saving the Earth Begins at Home (Stonesong Press Books)
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Living in a newly incorporated city, this book has spurred my interest into finding out what programs my community offers and what, if any, master energy plan is set for my city's future. I love the benefit of the plentiful pages of resources that may help jump-start a green energy plan/program for individuals, organizations, cities, and so forth.
Being that my city has mostly new homes that are Energy Star construction compliant, it would seem that we were doing all we can do. However, I learned through this guide about multiple other ways my family can come close to a zero-waste family and ways I can teach my children how to better treat the earth on which we live.
I'm also excited to start a green-type fundraising effort for my kids' schools and I think the parents, faculty, and students will be able to get just as excited!
I love the informative charts that explain how to dispose of differing types of waste appropriately. I also love the easy-to-understand descriptions of those little recycle symbols and numbers. They are really great references for my family's recycling program.
What is most helpful is that the author, Terra Wellington, obviously has experiences with her own family with the things she has written about. That makes my family's "green goals" seem attainable and makes me excited to see the results of our efforts. -- by Natasha Call, Utah

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With the multitude of green choices available, how can moms determine what will be best for their families—and the environment? Terra Wellington has the answers.

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The Frugal Gardener: How to Have More Garden for Less Money Review

The Frugal Gardener: How to Have More Garden for Less Money
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The Frugal Gardener is a great book of gardening strategy for those of us who want to (or have to) stay within a small budget. As it turns out, the frugal way is also the organic way, generally.
TFG is organized to guide you through long-range strategies that will save you money in both short-term and long-term investments. An early chapter deals with the bare bones tools that you will need to start with; how to spot quality that will last, how to maintain them, and different uses for each. Next we learn how to plan a garden based on regional climates, making heavy use of naturalizing perennials and native plants that need less maintenance, watering and/or care (and so fewer products to buy). If you like the quick gratification of annuals, there are quite a few tips here that will help you maximize their impact in your garden. A great emphasis is placed on soil health, how to get it and how to increase it, thus saving more money that would have had to be wasted on expensive fertilizers and replacement plants. Then there are the recipes for homemade bug sprays and remedies that can be concocted from common household items.
TFG explained gardening organically in a way that made it easy and sensible even for me when I was first trying to make compost and wean away from chemical sprays. There is a lot that can be done to fortify and protect your plants and trees that will benefit them and the environment, and surprise! It's cheaper than chemical solutions. My garden has been thriving ever since.
Frugal gardeners, don't be afraid to spend the money on this book! Even if you only use a few of the many tips packed within this book, you will more than make up the cost of buying it in the long run.
-Andrea, aka Merribelle

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Let gardener, author and lecturer Catriona Tudor Erler show you how to get your best garden ever-without spending a fortune! Catriona shares her tops for paring down expenses and shaving costs on just about anything you need to garden-from necessities like soil amendments and quality tools to prized perennials and beautiful garden structures that will make you the envy of your neighborhood. Armed with the advice of this expert bargain hunter, you'll learn how.* Save money on plants by knowing how to save your own seed, propagate new plants from cuttings, spot nurseries' "hidden treasures," organize plant swaps with neighbors and gardening friends, and more.* Make your plant selections pay off by choosing the best plants for your garden site.* Add all the right amendments to turn ordinary soil into great garden soil that produces healthy, thriving plants-for free (or almost free).* Add fences, benches, arbors, trellises, and other garden structures for half the price of retail, with a little ingenuity and elbow grease. "Frugal Gardener Workshop" boxes give complete step-by-step directions for making attractive and functional garden features.* Control garden pests and diseases safely and effectively so you don't have to waste money throwing away damaged plants.* Get the most for your money when it comes to tools-buy only what you need, know where to find the best bargains, and spot top-quality tools.

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Twelve Bags Fulled Review

Twelve Bags Fulled
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Terry has designed 12 lovely bags to knit & full [I call it felt]. I think there is something for everyone in this book. The photos are beautiful and the instructions are very clear. My personal favorites are the bags with flowers, the watermelon bag, and Terry's updated look on the "brown bag."
At the back of the book Terry has a tutorial on felting and tips and tricks along with a pattern for a small bag to knit first to kinda get your feet wet with felting if you've never tried it before. I haven't knitted any of the patterns in this book yet, but I have made a felted purse from another pattern Terry created and it came out great so I am looking forward to knitting a few of these.
If you like to full [felt] this book is a wonderful addition to your collection.

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A collection of knitted and felted handbag patterns inspired by each month of the year.

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The Guide to Owning Discus Review

The Guide to Owning Discus
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I've read several Discus books, some really good ones from Bernd Degen, and I really didn't like this one. It doesn't focus on anything at all and it has no hints about keeping them (despite the sub-title in the front page) beside temperature. Some average pictures after all, from the TFH archive.

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Black & Decker Advanced Home Plumbing: Hundreds of Step-by-Step Photos Review

Black and Decker Advanced Home Plumbing: Hundreds of Step-by-Step Photos
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Buy "The Complete Guide to Home Plumbing" instead of this book. The latter was published a year later and contains the exact information (down to the photos) as this book but has so much more. I don't understand why Creative Publishing continues to release this.

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• Reflects current Uniform Plumbing Code requirements; • Demonstrates steps to upgrade and add amenities; • Over 390 detailed, full-color photos and illustrations; • Easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions; • Learn to install new plumbing for a variety of situations; • Discover the most efficient methods for replacing old plumbing; • Select the best tools and materials; and • Master professional techniques and tips.

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Leslie Beck's 10 Steps to Healthy Eating: How to Boost Energy, Manage Weight, and Prevent Disease with Food, Diet and Nutr Review

Leslie Beck's 10 Steps to Healthy Eating: How to Boost Energy, Manage Weight, and Prevent Disease with Food, Diet and Nutr
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One of my interests is health so I often read books about health. One book I just read is called "10 Steps to Healthy Eating" by Leslie Beck. I enjoyed it (but I am a health guy so like stuff like this). It reinforces everything I already know and what my mother always said.
I liked the sections on how much protein, etc I should eat.
The book reinforces the need for exercise. It also has a lot of recipes but since I do not eat red meat and don't even eat chicken at home, many were not for me.
I eat well at home but I only eat at home a few times per week so my challenge is healthy eating on the road.
I am not big on supplements so I liked that she did not push that too much. I prefer food to pills.
Her steps (but you have to read the book to get the real sense of them all).
1 - get ready
2 - eat enough protein (I likely am deficient here)
3 - Choose the right carbohydrate
4 - eat more fruits and vegetables
5 - choose healthier fats and oils
6 - boost vitamins and minerals (this was the one I will not totally follow)
7 - eat more often
8 - Don't forget about fluids
9 - Control your weight
10 - Be active every day

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In Leslie Beck's 10 Steps to Healthy Eating, Beck tells you in no-nonsense terms how to get organized, choose the right foods, and know when to eat them. Drawing readers in with examples from her clinical practice, Beck shows us how her strategies have transformed the lives of her clients for the better, and how she can change yours. Featuring chapter summaries that break her strategies down into do-able steps, a 14-day meal plan, and over 65 recipes created by the Canadian Living Test Kitchen, this book will have you eating and feeling better in no time.

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The Story of Mr. Allergyhead Review

The Story of Mr. Allergyhead
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Mimi Borger's The Story of Mr. Allergyhead is a great book for parents of children with allergies, and even parents of non-allergenic children, who wish to raise their children in a safe, non-toxic environment. Steps are provided to help weed out possible irritants that may cause physical problems as well as behavioral problems. Ms. Borger gives specific, well-researched ideas in a friendly and humorous way. Anyone who reads the children's story of Mr. Allergyhead will be able to recognize at least one child he knows and be moved by it.

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A book especially for those with allergies: sensitivity to foods, chemicals, and toxins, resulting in physical, emotional, and behavioral difficulties. Simple, informative and inspiring, the author shares her experiences and helps adults and children understand, identify and naturally eliminate allergens and toxins from diet and environment. Includes a 32-page cartoon illustrated story.

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Green Shingles: At the Edge of Chesapeake Bay Review

Green Shingles: At the Edge of Chesapeake Bay
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I liked this book. Because of its cover, first. Because of its writing, second. And because of its humor. Mr. Svenson takes himself seriously--as he should, being a Master of Fine Arts (MFA). But he lets his hair down when he describes what it took for him and his wife (at midlife) to buy their green-shingled house on a bluff overlooking the Bay.
A lot of money, garnered from relatives. A lot of cleaning up...trash that pleasure boaters continued to throw toward his beach, and a rebuff by the art-league when someone hid an oil painting rather than display it.
Mr. Svenson's voice is his alone. Put a dictionary close as you read. Stand near the window as he examines the morning's boat traffic going by. Envy him and his wife (why didn't he name her, "Katherine," instead of referring her as K?).
It's a personal narrative that makes the skipjacks-and-oysters books on the Bay only the beginning. Here, under a green-shingled roof, is life-in-the moment. I thought I knew Chestertown, Centerville, and Rock Hall, the area the author writes about, but I know it much better now, through his eyes.

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Way Under Contract Review

Way Under Contract
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I'm a realtor and this book nailed the multitude of personalities, motivations, and quirky characters that inhabit the real estate world. From the legal forms we routinely deal with (and often don't understand ourselves), to the greed, selfishness, and foibles of buyers, sellers, investors, and lawyers -- this book covers it all. The descriptions of what can go wrong in a real estate transaction are barely far fetched at all. Any realtor who's been around the block a few times will find familiar stories in this book. The author's apt descriptions are funny and right on the mark. Ultimately though this is a story about redemption, learning to care about the world around us, and understanding our limited place in the universe.
I give this book a "thumbs way up."

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Way Under Contract uses black comedy to address a very serious issue: over development in the sunshine state. Although the story takes place on a fictitious barrier island in Southwest Florida, over development is effecting nearly every community in the United States.The setting? Shoreside Island Realty, which is an office like any other. There is a young sweet receptionist, an ice cold sales manager (often referred to as the "form nazi"), and numerous real estate agents on the make for the "deal of the century." Meet sleazy Jason Randazzle, who thrives on using tasteless sales tactics in order to get a listing, or Linda Hinckle who find herself painting by numbers in order to close a sale, or Adam Bartlett, the multi-million dollar producer who gets caught up with the underhanded developers of the Sanderling project. Meet their clients, obsessive Mildred Lee, who had been tracking every tropical depression just waiting for "The One," or Mr. Grinstead, who engages in a personal battle with his home's termites while his wife sits in a psychiatric hospital or the Hazeltons, who held "PhD's in how to look at houses by never find one to actually purchase." There are numerous other characters who you will love, hate and die laughing at as you watch their lies and schemes unfold in the face of Emily, a category five hurricane. In the final chapter, "God Bats Last," Emily puts all the lies and deception into proper perspective.While Way Under Contract is a work of fiction, what has happened to Florida's wildlife is not. Forced by bulldozers to retreat in silence, they search for anyplace to call home. With the purchase of this book, you can help. $1.00 of the proceeds from Way Under Contract is donated to the Sanibel Captiva Conservation Foundation (SCCF) for land aquisition. Collectively, we can make a difference.

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Fat Is Not Your Fate: Outsmart Your Genes and Lose the Weight Forever Review

Fat Is Not Your Fate: Outsmart Your Genes and Lose the Weight Forever
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If you have a history of alcoholism or drug addiction, or binge eating, take a look at the Phenotype A food plan. Genetically, Phenotype A people may have low levels of the neurotransmitters dopamine or serotonin. Their "feel-good" genes don't work, leading them to alleviate their "lows" in some other way.
I have found this food plan really helpful because it doesn't feel restrictive. It balances out the protein/carb/fat ratio and tells you exactly what types of food to eat and when. It suggests certain supplements for depression. Rather than being a short-term weight loss diet, it is a long-term food plan designed to alleviate cravings and mood swings. It pretty much follows a hypoglycemic diet, except for the caffeine. (For info on the link between hypoglycemia and alcoholism, see the Hypoglycemic Health Association of Australia.)

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WHAT TYPE ARE YOU? Do you constantly crave foods such as chocolate, overeat them, and feel out of control? Does high blood pressure run in your family? Do you have a strong family history of heart disease? Do you have an apple -- instead of a pear-shaped body? Do you find that food calms you down? Do you suffer monthly from PMS bloat, have leftover pregnancy pounds, or a menopause tummy? Take the Phenotype Quiz and learn how to manage your weight based on your individual gene type! Fat Is Not Your Fate offers a groundbreaking, scientifically proven approach to weight loss -- one that allows you to follow a personalized nutrition plan tailored to your own genetic blueprint. Based on the latest research, this program includes: • Personalized easy-to-follow menu plans for your gene type • Strategies to control your weight triggers • Easy, tasty recipes for your meal plan • Your optimum caloric intake and fat-protein-carb balance • Tips on exercise and activities to keep the weight off ...and other suggestions for achieving maximum weight loss, lowering your risk of disease, and satisfying your physical and emotional needs. If you're one of the millions of Americans trying to take and keep the pounds off, let Fat Is Not Your Fate be your first step toward a fit and healthy future.--This text refers to the Paperback edition.

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Deer & Deer Hunting: Book 1: The Serious Hunter's Guide (Bk.1) Review

Deer and Deer Hunting: Book 1: The Serious Hunter's Guide (Bk.1)
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This book was not very helpful. It has some good information in it, but it was not really that tight and as a collection of articles it lacked unity. I'd read something else.
not recommended.
nic gibson

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Deer & Deer Hunting is a Stackpole Books publication.

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Mrs. Clean Jean's Housekeeping with Kids: Family Pickup Lines (and Household Routines) That Work with Less Work from You Review

Mrs. Clean Jean's Housekeeping with Kids: Family Pickup Lines (and Household Routines) That Work with Less Work from You
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I bought this book with great hope. I need some help to get my home together and keep it that way. However, reading this book just depressed me - no way could I [or would I] do what she does in this book.
I thought most of her advice was just plain obsessive. Her family cleans their crown molding and base boards every week. Really. Not only would I *never* have time for that on a weekly basis, but I would *never* use my time like that if I did have a spare moment.
The laundry advice was very labor intensive too. This was the section I most wanted to read and where I need the most help, but I would never in a million years have time to do the laundry as meticulously as she recommends. [I was looking for ways to be more efficient with the laundry, not make it take even longer].
My kids aren't going to clothes pin their stained clothes on the spot where they stained them [the ones that stain frequently are too young for for that] and I'm happy if they just put their stained clothes in the "stain basket" so I can treat them later. I don't have the time, space, or inclination to use 7 different methods of stain removal based on 7 different cleaning products [several of which you have to make up yourself] to use on different kinds of stains. I would love it if my kids would clothes pin their socks together every single time, but I just frankly don't see that happening. I don't have time to sit with the toddler and have her sort out all the laundry into every different color of the rainbow before I wash it so she can "learn her colors". And I am *NOT* going to drip dry all our cotton clothing... no way.
Her ideas for the kitchen were similarly labor intensive I thought - like taking ALL dry goods out of their [perfectly good! ;) ] containers and placing them in clear plastic storage containers [even things like baking soda....]. Who has time for that? Not me at any rate. And I laughed out loud at the admonition that I should keep a lazy susan full of fancy teas, sugar swizzles, and biscotti so I would always be prepared for unexpected "drop in visitors". Personally, I don't want anyone stopping by my house without calling first, and I'm not going to reward them with fancy tea and biscotti if they are that rude. ;)
She also seemed germ-phobic to the point of unhealthiness. All the "newest research" is telling us that we are making ourselves sicker by trying to be "anti-bacterial" about everything and not allowing our bodies to build up immunities to germs. I really have the feeling, based on this book, that this lady's home is cleaner than most hospital operating rooms - she is really, really germ obsessed.
This book might work for someone who is super energetic and has a whole lot of time for cleaning or someone who has that inborn "neat freak" gene, but for most "regular" folks... it isn't going to help.
I found the book just really more disheartening than anything - because my house is *never* going to look like hers. And honestly, I wouldn't want it to - I just want it basically presentable.
I really thought her methods were over the top and very inefficient. "Sink Reflections" by Flylady is much more my speed. :)

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Got Kids?Get Mrs. Clean Jean's Housekeeping with Kids!From staying sane while sharing a bathroom (whether with teens or with toddlers in the throes of toilet training) to getting the kids to pitch in on laundry day (and keep the darks separate!), Mrs. Clean Jeans brings a wealth of tried-and-true tactics to the rescue. Her motto is "You didn't make this mess all by yourself, so why should you have to clean it up?" So she's figured out all the ingenious ways to get your kids to help you do the chores--or even do them all by themselves! Mrs. Clean Jeans starts with strategies, including involving the whole family, letting kids pick their favorite chores, having a set chore time so everybody's working together, and keeping chores reasonable, plus, of course, giving suitable rewards for jobs well done. Then she takes readers room by room, showing how to create kid-friendly storage, make sure things get picked up, avoid fights and confusion, and see to it that everything gets done--including the dishes. Packed with firsthand tips from the author's years of cleaning with three kids (now ages 3 through 13), Mrs. Clean Jeans' Housekeeping with Kids is the ultimate household help book

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Just Fix It Review

Just Fix It
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This book does contain some useful information, but you could use a lot more. Most sections seemed to me to provide a person with less than a really good knowledge base for approaching the task, although the painting section is pretty good. There aren't very many illustrations. If you really want to be handy around the house, get yourself a bigger book with photographs--in my opinion, there are several better books, like those from Stanley or Black & Decker.

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Just Fix It - Hundreds of answers to your home repair questions.You will find effecive and practical solutions to many common household problems.Featuring phone, address and website information for over 250 home related compainies. Find you answers here - How can you... remove dirt and oil stains from concrete?...restore aluminum siding without painting?...easily remove dried paint spatters?...paint dark paneling?...reduce basement dampmess?...keep grout clean?...remove a broken light bulb?...stop banging pipes?...eliminate refrigerator odors?...quiet a squeaky door?...easily patch a leaking rain gutter???Hundreds of answers, great drawings, wonderful references, and a little fix-it humor.

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Mummies & Their Mysteries (Carolrhoda Photo Books) Review

Mummies and Their Mysteries (Carolrhoda Photo Books)
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This is to me, without a doubt, one of the best non-fiction book for kids ever created. It's a great book!
The pictures are wonderful- from a baby mammoth preserved for hundreds of thousands of years to the oldest mummy of a human being ever found (5000 years old!).
The facts are interesting, too- for instance, mummies are found all over the world, so long as the temperatures are either really dry or very cold.
It's short enough to keep kids reading, interesting enough to keep them looking, and informative enough to get them to learn... a must for any teacher or kid's library.

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Bathrooms Review

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There is nothing particularly fascinating about this book due to the dryness of the writing. As a "How To Design a Bathroom" book, this one hits all the major points, but it does not inspire a design with the photographs picked. There were not enough bathrooms shown due to the extensive repetition of the same bathrooms throughout the book.
I would definately not recommend this book to other designers due to the lack of new information or ideas. Instead, buy Bathing Spaces by Ali Hanan because of the variety and careful selection of pictures and text.

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The bathroom is an increasingly important room in the home - much more than just a place in which to wash at the beginning and end of the day.As well as offering a haven for a therapeutic soak, it may have to satisfy a variety of needs, from doubling up as an exercise area to providing a dressing room, or even a laundry.Bathrooms by interiors writer Vinny Lee is an inspirational source book of ideas that guides the reader through every aspect of putting a bathroom together.It explains the various stages of planning and design, and advises on how to make vital decisions about everything from the size of your bathtub to the best wall colours and accessories.Whether you are planning a bathroom from scratch or renovating an existing one, this comprehensive book will provide all the information you need, as well as hundreds of inspirational photographs by Chris Everard to allow you to create the bathroom of your dreams.

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What's Your Secret?: How One Centerfold Stays Alluring and Fit Past the Age of Fifty Review

What's Your Secret: How One Centerfold Stays Alluring and Fit Past the Age of Fifty
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I'll admit, I was first a little off-put by buying a book by a former playboy centerfold. However, that being said, that is my problem. I also believe if Ms. Antonaccio had a different title/different book cover, she would get many more reviews. I don't know how many books she has sold. However, that is part of her identity and who am I to really judge her, you know? I was looking on one day for anti-aging books and hers came up.
Getting that out of the way, let me just say Helena Antonaccio looks INCREDIBLE, almost too good to believe...for past 50. She claims to have had no plastic surgery.
I'll just say this - she is a living testament to clean living, no smoking, drinking, taking vitamins, doing facial exercise, exercise/walking/ballet every day, organic diet. She also interestingly follows the diabetic diet, though she herself is not diabetic. She feels this is a very, very nutritious diet. She also says her mother had diabetes. She also takes a very large amount of anti-aging vitamins and wears sunblock at ALL times (except when sleeping).
I believe the reason she looks SO INCREDIBLE (I swear in most pictures she doesn't look a day over 35, in some pics, 30) is because she began taking care of herself at folks, she didn't start at 30 or 40 for these daily things she does, she started at 18.
Also, I think it is worth commenting that she has a very beautiful, positive outlook on everything. She mentioned several times how being in nature and around animals revives her spirit and makes her feel good.
Beautiful lady, inside and out.

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A Playboy Playmate of 1969, author Helena Antonaccio was asked to pose for the magazine once again for the August 1997 issue. Even though she's past the age of fifty, Antonaccio still makes a living in front of the camera. How does she do it?

What's Your Secret?: How One Centerfold Stays Alluring and Fit Past the Age of Fifty reveals Antonaccio's secrets for looking and staying young. With the public's hunger for natural, real-life solutions, Antonaccio tells you exactly how she has kept her beauty, energy, and vitality. Through a compelling mixture of alternative anti-aging methods and good old-fashioned advice, Antonaccio offers you ways to improve your enjoyment of life as a whole by discussing the following:

Benefits of vitamins
Stretching exercises
Organic foods
Dos and don'ts of skin care
Anti-aging foods
And much more!

Antonaccio proves that it is possible to look good past the age of fifty, and will inspire you to live a more healthy and happy life. What's Your Secret? can help you be young and vital again!

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