HVAC Equations, Data, and Rules of Thumb, 2nd Ed. Review

HVAC Equations, Data, and Rules of Thumb, 2nd Ed.
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Are you collecting all of the most crucial mechanical design information and putting it in a three-ring binder? If so, throw it away and get this book! It has absolutely the most comprehensive collection of mechanical design information availible. Along with the ASHRAE handbooks, this is all you need for reference material.

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The Latest Information and "Tricks of the Trade" for Achieving First-Rate HVAC Designs on Any Construction Job!

HVAC Equations, Data, and Rules of Thumb presents a wealth of state-of-the-art HVAC design information and guidance, ranging from air distribution to piping systems to plant equipment. This popular reference has now been fully updated to reflect the construction industry's new single body of codes and standards.
Featuring an outline format for ease of use, the Second Edition of this all-in-one sourcebook contains:
Updated HVAC codes and standards, including the 2006 International Building Code
Over 200 equations for everything from ductwork to air-handling systems
ASME and ASHRAE code specifications
Over 350 rules of thumb for cooling, heating, ventilation, and more
New material including: coverage of the new single body of construction codes now used throughout the country

Inside This Updated HVAC Design Guide
• Definitions • Equations • Rules of Thumb for Cooling, Heating, Infiltration, Ventilation, Humidification, People/Occupancy, Lighting, and Appliance/Equipment • Cooling Load Factors • Heating Load Factors • Design Conditions and Energy Conservation • HVAC System Selection Criteria • Air Distribution Systems • Piping Systems (General, Hydronic, Glycol, Steam, Steam Condensate, AC Condensate, Refrigerant) • Central Plant Equipment (Air-Handling Units, Chillers, Boilers, Cooling Towers, Heat Exchangers) • Auxiliary Equipment (Fans, Pumps, Motors, Controllers, Variable-Frequency Drives, Filters, Insulation, Fire Stopping) • Automatic Controls/Building Automation Systems • Equipment Schedules • Equipment Manufacturers • Building Construction Business Fundamentals • Architectural, Structural, and Electrical Information • Conversion Factors • Properties of Air and Water • Designer's Checklist • Professional Societies and Trade Organizations • References and Design Manuals • Cleanroom Criteria and Standards

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Hands in Clay : An Introduction to Ceramics Review

Hands in Clay : An Introduction to Ceramics
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This became one of those costly book purchases students have come to resent: required for an introductory level class in ceramics, part of the core requirements towards a studio degree, expensively imposed on a class the bulk of whom will never continue on in ceramics, therefore ultimately destined to become a neglected text sitting on a dusty shelf or returned during university book buy-back for a pittance. This is a shame, as the book is one of the more comprehensive and beautifully put together texts of its kind, and had it been required of students whose clear intention was to go on in ceramics, its obligatory purchase would have been more valued and appreciated.
Containing information well beyond the scope of an introductory survey of ceramic processes, this book is densely packed with information, providing a historical and cultural overview of the use and development of one of the most ancient of the arts, as well as detailed discussions of its various forms and construction, the mixing of clays, the necessary chemistry, kilns, and clay's many glazings and firings. Appendixes and charts containing quite a number of recipes for both mixing clay and creating slips, colorants and glazes are provided at the back, encouraging experimentation, as well as a basic description of the chemical constituents encountered in ceramics. In terms of the latter, both within the text and the appendixes, concerns of potential toxicity are highlighted, providing valuable and essential information often overlooked when working with the potentially hazardous components present in most clays and colorants. Additionally, the authors provide encouragement as to how to easily recycle the environmentally unfriendly waste by-products associated with ceramics, along with helpful tips as to how to set up one's studio in a way that is at once utilitarian and environmentally sound, offering a list of governmental agencies and associations that can assist the ceramicist in addressing these concerns. In addition to providing through the appendixes further avenues for exploration on the part of those working with clay, the authors must be applauded for not ignoring or obfuscating the obvious safety and environmental concerns involved in working with ceramics.
Well organized and detailed, the text is also liberally endowed with photographs and drawings, providing clear visual examples of both the equipment and techniques the ceramicist may encounter, as well as beautiful color plates showing contemporary examples of noted artists' work using a variety of forms and processes. These plates exemplify the diverse and often stunning manner of expression that can be captured in clay, ranging from the sculptural and painterly to installation and multimedia. Their inclusion, along with the depth and breadth of information presented here, certainly justify the price asked for this text, and this book should grace the library or studio of any serious student or practitioner of ceramics. And, I suspect, there is enough information provided here to allow the student that has access to a studio and equipment to begin learning ceramics without the necessity of a classroom.

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This is the only full four-color introductory ceramics text available that combines a thorough appreciation of the aesthetics of ceramic art with extensive discussions of the history of ceramics as well as techniques for working in clay.

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Soapmaking for Fun & Profit: Make Money Doing What You Love Review

Soapmaking for Fun and Profit: Make Money Doing What You Love
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I have many books on soap making and they are pretty much all the same.... all someone else's recipes. I have been searching for one that would give me the "base" formula and I found that in this book. You get a short history in how soap began, and thorough explanations on the different oils, fats, butters, and scents.... how each is used and what they do for your soap. It even explains the different aromatherapy characteristics of the fragrance and essential oils. There is a wonderful explanation on how to calculate the saponification values that even an 8 year old could understand. Yes there are a few recipes to get you started in each type of soap making (melt & pour, hand milled, rebatched, and cold processed), but mostly you are encouraged to create you own recipes.
The business part is also one of the most thorough I have found. It covers licenses and permits, copy right laws rights and wrongs, FDA labeling rules, taxes laws, and so much more. This book is a must have for beginners and experienced soap crafters alike!

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Discover How to Profit from Your CraftHave you ever dreamed of learning how to make fragrant soaps? You can! Soapmaking For Fun & Profit was written with two purposes in mind: to teach you the basics of this fun craft and to show you how to turn these new skills into cash! Whether you've been crafting for years or are just getting started, you'll learn: ·The benefits and enjoyment of soapmaking ·The right materials, tools, and equipment to use ·How to create a special "crafting place" in your home ·Ways to sell your creations at craft shows, shops, and other outlets ·Craft business basics, including pricing and record keeping ·And much more!

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Starting A New Life In Rural America: 21 Things You Need to Know Before You Make Your Move Review

Starting A New Life In Rural America: 21 Things You Need to Know Before You Make Your Move
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This is a great book to start with if you think you want to move to 'the sticks', as the author puts it. Benson's writing is strightforward, easy to read, and right to the point. This is not a detailed everything-about-everything book, but he does give links to useful information if you choose to pursue a certain topic further -- one reason it might be wise to start with this book as a means to see which (if any) more books you might need to purchase.
Benson covers everything from picking your land, real estate issues, dealing with pesky 'critters' and managing your septic tank, to integrating smoothly into rural community life and rural etiquette. I have extended family that grew up and reside in the country, but I didn't know nearly as much about their lives as I thought I did. This book helped me realize there is a big difference between country living on an acre or two, with a little extra grass to mow and room for a garden, and truly RURAL living. After reading this book, you will know without a doubt whether or not rural living is for you. I highly reccommend this book as a great place to start.

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Has the threat of urban terrorism, debacles like the disastrous response to Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans or just the general hassle of city life got you thinking about moving to the country?Good idea, but before you pull up stakes, here's a chance to learn about some of the realities of rural living that you might never have faced in your city or suburban home.Ragnar Benson grew up on a farm and has lived in the sticks for decades, and he has helped dozens of transplants settle into their new homes in the country.Now he has gathered his advice into this handy familiarization manual to introduce you to some of the issues you need to know about life in rural communities.Get an informed head-start on the adventure, independence and tranquility of a new life in rural America.

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Preventing and Reversing Osteoporosis : What You Can Do About Bone Loss--A Leading Expert's Natural Approach to Increasing Bone Mass Review

Preventing and Reversing Osteoporosis : What You Can Do About Bone Loss--A Leading Expert's Natural Approach to Increasing Bone Mass
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This book offers advice that you won't hear from the average doctor. Every patient with osteoporosis has already heard the advice "take more calcium and excercise more", but this author suggests that in addition to adhering to that advice, folks should also take additional mineral supplements (including strontium, boron, and several others, many of which the author documents to be at least as important as calcium in building bone density). The author also explains exactly why progesterone (not progestin) is a good thing to take and documents its lack of side effects (which I'm happy to report has been my experience). No one had ever told me there are natural compounds other than calcium which are important (perhaps crucial!) to building and maintaining strong bones. I am so grateful I stumbled upon this book.
I found out at age 28 that I had osteoporosis. Within a couple of years of reading this book and following its advice, my bones have actually become denser and I have had no fractures. I am happy to say that thanks to this author I have been able to avoid taking bone-building drugs, many of which can have strong side effects.
Your bones will thank you for reading this book!!

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You Can Fight—and Even Reverse—Bone LossHow strong are your bones? At 35, a woman's battle against bone loss begins. And, it intensifies with menopause and beyond. Conventional medicine has offered such controversial therapies as estrogen replacement, a treatment that is potentially dangerous and only partially effective. Now, Dr. Gaby, one of the foremost authorities on nutritional and natural medicine, offers practical advice on osteoporosis that substantially increases a woman's chances for maintainting and even regaining normal bone mass. Inside you'll learn:·How diet can help or hurt your bones ·How food allergies contribute to osteoporosis ·Which types of exercise are beneficial ·Why vitamin K is as important for bones as calcium ·And much more! "A breakthrough approach to the successful treatment and/or prevention of osteoporosis."—Health News & Review"Clear and practical. This book will help thousands of women create healthy bones. And for those who already have osteoporosis, it provides solutions and hope." —Christiane Northrup, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., bestselling author, Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom

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How to Open a Financially Successful Pizza & Sub Restaurant Review

How to Open a Financially Successful Pizza and Sub Restaurant
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This is a great book whether you really want to open a pizzeria or just want to know what goes on behind the counter. I fall into the second category - I'm always interested in how other businesses are run.
The first few chapters will help you understand if owning a pizza restaurant, or indeed any kind of business, makes sense for you. It clearly lays out the skills and talents you need and the first steps to make your business successful.
Read it from cover to cover. Every little detail is in here. What kind of oven should you buy? How should your menu look? Will you offer delivery? How will you evaluate employees? There are even about 70 recipes to get you started.
Most people who go into the pizza business probably won't read this book. Reading it will give you a leg up on the competition. They may have good recipes and a strong work ethic, but they'll struggle with bookkeeping, marketing, and so on. Meanwhile you have the answers from this book, or you know where you get them (from resources listed in the book). It includes a companion CD-ROM that includes all the forms, worksheets, and recipes.

I highly recommend it.

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The explosive growth of the pizza and sub shops across the country has been phenomenal. Take a look at these stats: Americans eat approximately 100 acres of pizza each day, or about 350 slices per second. Pizza is a $32+ billion per year industry. Pizza restaurant growth continues to outpace overall restaurant growth. Pizzerias represent 17 percent of all restaurants. Pizza accounts for more that 10 percent of all food service sales. Here is the manual you need to cash in on this highly profitable segment of the food service industry. This new book is a comprehensive and detailed study of the business side of the restaurant. This superb manual should be studied by anyone investigating the opportunities of opening a pizza or sub restaurant. It will arm you with everything you need including sample business forms, leases, and contracts; worksheets and checklists for planning, opening, and running day-to-day operations; sample menus; inventory lists; plans and layouts; and dozens of other valuable, time-saving tools of the trade that no restaurant entrepreneur should be without. While providing detailed instruction and examples, the author leads you through finding a location that will bring success, learn how to draw up a winning business plan (The companion CD-ROM has the actual pizza restaurant business plan that you can use in MS Word), basic cost-control systems, profitable menu planning, successful kitchen management, equipment layout and planning, food safety and HACCP, successful beverage management, legal concerns, sales and marketing techniques, pricing formulas, learn how to set up computer systems to save time and money, learn how to hire and keep a qualified professional staff, new IRS tip-reporting requirements, managing and training employees, generate high-profile public relations and publicity, learn low-cost internal marketing ideas, low and no-cost ways to satisfy customers and build sales, and learn how to keep bringing customers back.

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Rock and Gem Review

Rock and Gem
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What a beautiful book! This coffee table book on rocks and minerals is absolutely stunning.
The book is divided into 4 sections:
1.Origins, focusing on the evolution of the Earth and the universe, and how and why minerals are formed.
2.Rocks, a species-by-species guide to the major sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks.
3.Minerals, a species-by-species guide to the key minerals (silicates, oxides, sulfates, etc.).
4.Fossils, showing fossils of the major taxonomic groups.
The strength of the book is sections 2 and 3. Almost every page has jaw-dropping photographs of high-quality museum specimens of rocks and minerals (principally from the Oxford University Museum of Natural History), interspersed with great stock photography. On a visual basis, this book leaves its competition in the dust. The accompanying text is interesting as well, particularly in its explanations of how various minerals (and their component elements) are used in modern society. The species-by-species descriptions are interrupted by sidebars on interesting topics (the Taj Mahal, the Hope Diamond, the Petrified Forest, etc.).
To make this book an ideal stand-alone volume on rocks and minerals, some of the space devoted to individual rock, mineral, and fossil descriptions should have been allocated instead to more general topics. Instead of 100 pages on individual silicate minerals, for example, the book could have used more detailed information on rock collecting, mineral properties, and mineral extraction (mining). Still, this comes closer to being an all-in-one guide to rocks and minerals for the layperson than any other book I have come across.
Be aware that you are buying a general information volume on rocks and minerals, not a rock collecting guide. The book's size and information content both work against using this book in the field. To make a comparison with astronomy, this book is more like a collection of photos from the Hubble Space Telescope than a star chart that will show you how to find the constellations.
With that caveat in mind, this book is a source of wonder that you will find yourself returning to time and time again. It will make you aware of how much natural beauty there is in our world, for those who take the time to look.

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A fascinating encyclopedic reference on rocks and gems, including their identification, composition, and their use. The many feature boxes cover topics such as the Malachite room in the Winter Palace and the collection of the Hope Diamond and the superstitions surrounding it.

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Better Basics for the Home: Simple Solutions for Less Toxic Living Review

Better Basics for the Home: Simple Solutions for Less Toxic Living
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I'm single, a downtown apartment dweller, and I've been using natural, homemade cleaning products for almost three years. I have read - and use regularly - several natural cleaning books, including another of Annie Berthold-Bond's titles, "Clean & Green." However, I have become interested in "green living," not just cleaning. That means switching from commercial household products to homemade products for personal care, pest control, etc. That is what led me to "Better Basics For the Home."
"Better Basics" is far easier to use and much better organized and written than "Clean & Green." It is set up in logical sections according to the products' uses. The index is very good. You can find a recipe quickly, although I would suggest you read through the book once and get a feel for how to go about things. Also, one of the best aspects is the "Sources and Resources" section near the back. If you live in an area without health food stores, woods or land suitable for growing your own herbs, then this will be essential for your ability to find ingredients to make your own green household products.
This book is also suitable for the beginner green cleaner. Most of the recipes, once you have the correct ingredients, are very easy to make and quick to put together. That being said, this book is also for people who are really serious about green cleaning, personal hygiene, pest control and other aspects of running a household. I say that because some of the ingredients used in many of the recipes are costly if you have to buy them instead of gathering them from your yard or a nearby wooded area. Also, essential oils - literally essential in green cleaning! - are expensive. (A little goes a loooong way, though.) This is a lot more than vinegar-baking soda-Castille soap cleaning and requires a higher level of commitment financially.
As a single person, I also found that many of the recipes, especially the ones that are highly perishable, would make too much for me to use in the time they are fresh. Of course, the easy way to get around this is to simply cut the recipes in half or even a quarter. If you can cook or do some simple math (I'm terrible at math and I have no troubles), then you as a single person can cut the recipes down to a manageable, useful amount. I have already cleaned my leather couch, made lanolin hand lotion (great stuff!) and protected my hemp shower curtain from mildew with a spray-on solution containing tea tree oil. How long did it take? I did it effortlessly in one day, around other chores. Very easy.
I would recommend, if you are really interested in green cleaning by desire or necessity, to buy this book and also get "Clean House, Clean Planet" by Karen Logan. To me, Logan's book is the single best way to get someone involved in green cleaning. Her recipes tend to be cheap, easy and effective. This book has a far greater range of recipes for many more uses, but they are overall more expensive and specialized.
Also, a few tips if you are going to get into green cleaning:
1) Get equipment that is used only in making your cleaning products. Some essential oils and other ingredients are very bad for you to eat, and mixups and residues could make your day very long and very bad. I have a simple list: a medium-sized Pyrex bowl and 2-cup Pyrex measure, a silicone spatula, *metal* measuring spoons, a whisk and some glass jars with metal screw-on lids you can get at any decent-sized grocery store. With about $20-$30, you can have nearly all the equipment you will ever need.
2) Start with one product that is cheap and easy to make, and works on something you want to clean right now. Instant gratification is a great way to get into the habit!
3) Especially if you want to clean rather than make personal care products at first, buy one small bottle of essential oil that smells good AND disinfects to cut down costs. I happen to like tea tree oil, but if you prefer a wintergreen type smell, choose lavender. If you find out that green cleaning is for you, then you can branch out into other essential oils more suited for other tasks.

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Handbuilt Ceramics: Pinching * Coiling * Extruding * Molding * Slip Casting * Slab Work( A Lark Ceramics Book) Review

Handbuilt Ceramics: Pinching * Coiling * Extruding * Molding * Slip Casting * Slab Work( A Lark Ceramics Book)
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This book is actually three books in one. First, it contains a large collection (310 images) of beautiful color plates showing a huge variety of ceramic work in a wide variety of styles that is nothing short of inspirational. This alone is worth the price of the book. It is the equal of any museum exhibition or juried ceramics show book I've seen. Secondly, it is an excellent basic-through-advanced 'encyclopedia' of handbuilt terms, techniques and materials written in a clear, unambiguous style with carefully photographed examples that clearly illustrate the topic being discussed. The text and photos combine to make this book an absolute pleasure to read. You never have to scratch your head and wonder if you understand -- everything is clearly and perfectly explained. And finally, the book contains a series of eight projects which serve to thoroughly introduce the basics of handbuilding with clear, 'how-to' photographs accompanying the text which serve to demonstrate exactly what is being talked about. There is also a materials list and a step-by-step discussion of problems, pitfalls, and the techniques involved. This book would be a bargain at three times the price.

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Rodale's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs Review

Rodale's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs
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No matter how hard I search, I've yet to find the "perfect" book on herb use and herb growing. This book isn't perfect, but it does have some real strengths.
Rodale's ILLUSTRATED ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HERBS is organized in a strange way--everything, and I mean everything--falls into alphabetical order. For example, "Gardening with Herbs falls between "Foxgloves" and "Garlic" and "Growing Herbs" falls between "Grindellia" and "Hawthorn."
The book is printed on semi-gloss paper so it will stand up to use and not crumble in a few years. Each entry contains line drawing illustrations and a few sections of the book are highlighted with color photos.
The plant profiles are succinct, covering topics such as 'history', 'cultivation' and 'uses.' Many entries contain material from other sources such as Maud Grieves' A MODERN HERBAL Vols. 1-2. Some information is repeated without attribution or verification. I always find "They say" and "It is thought" offputting, while I appreciate direct citations of which there are many in this book.
THE ENCYCLOPEDIA covers some topics not readily found in other books. The most useful of these is a compendium discussing the "Dangers of Herbs" (located between "Dandelion" and "Deadly Nightshade." The editors have compiled the FDA listing of "tricky" herbs (could kill or cure depending on use) from PREVENTION magazine, as well as similar ratings from James Duke's CRC HANDBOOK OF MEDICINAL HERBS, Jean Rose's HERBS AND THINGS, and Varro Tyler's THE HONEST HERBAL. You realize on reading this section that everything is relative.
The biggest problem with the misuse of herbal remedies is the misclassification of plants by the practicioner. To be an herbal healer one simply must understand botany. The second biggest problem is conflicting information about what a plant will or will not do based on singular accounts (which could be the result of a misclassification of plants or a misapplication of the plant extract). The third problem is idiosyncratic plant and human interaction. One man's poison can be another man's elixer. As with synthetic drugs, each individual has a unique chemical compostion and the herb in question may or may not be effective, or in some cases may provoke an allergy. Of course, there are some herbs that are downright deadly as every mystery reader knows.
This wouldn't be a Rodale book with out a section on "Pests" and "Pest Control" or the synergistic and conflicting effects of various plant combinations in the garden. This information and the sections on poisonous attributes make the book worth it's cost. All I can say about plant combinations can be summed up to this...plant catnip. You'll have to read the book to find out which kind.

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Bread Machines For Dummies Review

Bread Machines For Dummies
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I can't believe more people haven't reviewed this book! It's been especially helpful to me because I bought my bread machine 2nd hand and it didn't come with a direction or recipe book. Most books for bread machines have instructions that say "add ingredients according to manufacturer's directions" well, if you don't have a manual, you're not sure what to do. This book solved that problem as the directions say to put the ingredients into the pan in the order that they're listed. A huge help to me!
The information contained in this book, from explaining what all the ingredients do and how they interact together to the helpful hints, possible "danger" areas, and shopping tips are invaluable. If you're new to bread machines or baking in general, you can't go wrong with this book. I think it's a must have.

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There's nothing like the smell and taste of fresh homemade bread. But who has the time to make it anymore? You do—with a little help from your automatic bread machine. All bread machines can make good bread; they just need a little help from you to turn out a good loaf. With a little practice and a lot of fun, you too can make freshly baked bread in your kitchen with the touch of a button.
Bread Machines For Dummies is for anyone who has ever been frustrated by a bread machine and wants to know if it's really possible to turn out great bread with a minimum of time and effort (it is!). This fun and easy guide shares simple techniques and more than 85 tested, foolproof recipes for making aromatic and flavorful breads—either for your bread machine or from dough that you shape yourself and bake in the oven. You'll see how to make:
Soft white bread
Cracked wheat bread
Basic danish dough
Babka and C hallah
Bread bowls
Bread sticks, pizza, and focaccia
And so much more!

This handy resource guide provides everything you "knead" to know about making bread, including the best ingredients to use, how to work with dough, and how to get the best results out of your machine. Along with plenty of cooking, measuring, and shopping tips, you get expert advice on how to:
Shape simple doughs into beautiful breads
Mix flours and liquids for perfect bread texture
Adapt machine recipes for two loaf sizes
Understand the different wheat flours
Fit bread into a gluten-free diet
Avoid moisture mistakes
Make breads with alternative ingredients such as rice flour, potato starch, and tapioca flour
Featuring a cheat sheet with standard measuring equivalents and temperature conversions, tips for troubleshooting your machine, and delicious recipes for such tasty delights as Cheddar Cheese Corn Bread, Pecan Sticky Rolls, Cranberry Nut Bread, and Banana Lemon Loaf, Bread Machines For Dummies reveals the best ways to bake, store, and enjoy your bread!

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The Landlord's Kit, Revised Edition: A Complete Set of Ready to use Forms, Letters, and Notices to Increase Profits, Take Control and Eliminate the Hassles of Property Management. Review

The Landlord's Kit, Revised Edition: A Complete Set of Ready to use Forms, Letters, and Notices to Increase Profits, Take Control and Eliminate the Hassles of Property Management.
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Honestly I haven't read this book before, but I just recommended this book to a friend that is renting out his condo for the first time. I personally know Mr. Taylor from many seminars and webinars and his books and articles jam packed with information. Mr. Taylor has 20+yrs of experience in the industry.
Though, I haven't read this particular book, I have read and recommend his other book, "The Landlord's Survival Guide".That book along with Mr. Taylor's teachings and principles has taught me the proper way to screen tenants and operate any CASH FLOWING property. I am now successful in a tenant (resident) placing service as a real estate agent and I owe all my success to Mr. Taylor and like minded people such as him.
If you want to learn about the eviction process after it has begun....don't buy this book. If you do want to learn the business correctly and create passive wealth through cash flowing real estate properties, buy this book as your first investment!Trust!

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As seen in news media stories nearly every day, more and more properties for sale are not selling due to an oversaturated market and rising interest rates. Tens of thousands of homeowners have turned to renting out their properties. It is essential that they quickly learn how to market to ideal renters, communicate in such a way to collect timely rent, retain residents long-term, and get them to properly maintain the premises (doing all this without losing everything, including their sanity).In this fully updated and revised edition of the bestselling The Landlord's Kit, Jeffrey Taylor, "Mr. Landlord," the nation's leading authority for landlords and property managers, provides every form or checklist a landlord would ever need to communicate with tenants to be successful. From the rental advertisement and initial interaction/screening to leasing, collecting rents, maintenance, lease violations, retention, and property turnover, effective landlord-tenant communications can mean the difference between making big profits or losing thousands of dollars when renting residential properties.

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Expecting 411: Clear Answers & Smart Advice for Your Pregnancy Review

Expecting 411: Clear Answers and Smart Advice for Your Pregnancy
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I have been a practicing obstetrician for 16 years. I try to read the pregnancy information books as they come out so I know which ones to recommend to my patients. I found this book to be accurate and easy to read; the advice is sound and well supported by the medical literature. I have purchased a few for my waiting room and I will definitely be recommending it to my patients.

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Congratulations! You're pregnant! Now, where do you turn to for the best advice? What if you could bottle the wisdom of all those women who came before you—and combine it with the solid medical advice from a renowned Beverly Hills' OB/GYN and nationally known pediatrician? Expecting 411 is the answer: smart, up-to-date and refreshingly free of paranoia, this is the book you'll turn to for quick answers to your most pressing questions.

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How to Formulate & Compound Industrial Detergents Review

How to Formulate and Compound Industrial Detergents
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This book was written by an author who actually did formulation himself. The book is very instructive. Buy it.

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How to formulate, compound, and manufacture industrial detergents.

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Aromatherapy for the Healthy Child: More Than 300 Natural, Nontoxic, and Fragrant Essential Oil Blends Review

Aromatherapy for the Healthy Child: More Than 300 Natural, Nontoxic, and Fragrant Essential Oil Blends
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This book is astoundingly thorough and complete. I cannot say enough good things about it. It covers just about every childhood ailment you can think of, and ways to treat it with aromatherapy. And not just the typical massage oils and room scents. This book goes into hydrasols, essential oil waters, and the best carrier oils to use on kids. It covers every single thing you need to know to start using essential oils on your child. Not only that, it has dietary recommendations, mental health blends for the kids, and just good advice in general. It has a wonderful A to Z section of ailments that includes detailed explanation of the symptoms, cause, and treatment. This book is just great. It even has a small section on kids who have special needs. Everything is detailed perfectly. The layout is easy to follow and conditions or informaton can be swiftly looked up. If you have kids, you really should get this book. It is so informative and easy to read. I just can't say enough good things about this book.

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This reference shows how essential oils can help parents raise healthier, happier children. Chapters cover every age from newborn to teen with aromatherapy remedies for typical problems--from diaper rash to bedwetting to asthma. The book features information for pregnant mothers and physically challenged children and appendices with reference charts, safety data, and supplier information. This is a valuable book for every concerned parent.

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Janice VanCleave's 202 Oozing, Bubbling, Dripping, and Bouncing Experiments Review

Janice VanCleave's 202 Oozing, Bubbling, Dripping, and Bouncing Experiments
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I checked this book out at the library for my kids and loved it so much, I bought it! Easy but facinating experiments with stuff you have around the house. I'm using it as part of my home school curriculum. My 1st and 3rd graders love it!

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Why do bubbles escape from soda?How can you clean up an oil slick?What's the best environment for worms?Why does milk curdle?Explore the strange and sometimes slimy answers to these and other questions about astronomy, biology, chemistry, earth science, and physics in Janice VanCleave's 202 Oozing, Bubbling, Dripping, and Bouncing Experiments. Try these fun-filled, hands-on projects at home or in the classroom. Drip liquid mud to show how craters form on the moon, use toothpaste to simulate a shield volcano, and make your own "bouncy blubber" with water, borax, and glue. Each experiment includes an illustration and safe, simple, step-by-step instructions.This latest Janice VanCleave treasury, a companion to the enormously popular 200 Gooey, Slippery, Slimy, Weird, and Fun Experiments and 201 Awesome, Magical, Bizarre, and Incredible Experiments, brings together projects from her SCIENCE FOR EVERY KID and SPECTACULAR SCIENCE PROJECTS series -- plus 40 all-new experiments that make science ooze, bubble, and drip with excitement.Children Ages 8 -12"A gimmick-free book in which doing is learning. Great for home or classroom." -- American Bookseller on Janice VanCleave's 200 Gooey, Slippery, Slimy, Weird, and Fun Experiments"VanCleave writes books designed to show students that science is fun, and this latest collection does just that." -- School Library Journal on Janice VanCleave's 201 Awesome, Magical, Bizarre, and Incredible Experiments

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DEWALT Construction Professional Reference (Dewalt Trade Reference Series) Review

DEWALT Construction Professional Reference (Dewalt Trade Reference Series)
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I purchased a _Handyman In-Your-Pocket_ years ago and was amazed at the amount of info it contained. Now that I am doing handyman work for a living, I found and purchased the _DeWALT Construction Professional Reference_ and am again astounded at the sheer volume of good, solid, extremely useful tips contained within. From door striker centerline height (40-5/16" from the bottom frame) to clear span charts for different wood species, to nailing schedules, to rigging info, to painting specs, to masonry/concrete, to screw torque charts, this PAL-format pocketbook has an extremely long list of useful info ready for you. I keep mine in the truck with me for reference on the job. The two books have different data sets, and I'm glad I have both HIYP and DCPR. I wish I'd known about the DeWALT book earlier. It's a must-buy. If I ran a crew, I'd buy a copy for each and every one of them. Just Do It!

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This outstanding "answer book" is the perfect professional reference for questions concerning basic building disciplines. The DEWALT Construction Professional Reference features at-a-glance information on hardware sizing, correct nailing patterns, walls and flooring, doors and door openings, roof pitches, stairway stringers, steel, excavation, masonry, and much more!With illustrative diagrams and construction documents for use on the jobsite, this valuable reference is sure to be an effective tool from the configuration of a job to its conclusion.

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