Diet for a Hot Planet: The Climate Crisis at the End of Your Fork and What You Can Do about It Review

Diet for a Hot Planet: The Climate Crisis at the End of Your Fork and What You Can Do about It
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Many of you thinking about buying this are expecting somethng similar to the "Diet for a Small Planet", which is, in part, a cookbook for vegans and vegetarians. There are no recipes in this book.
What this is, is a very well done discussion of green farming, agribusiness, and what to do to eat greener. There are several chapters discussing the greenwashing of agribusiness, and how marketing makes us think that products are "green" which inherently are not. It's fascinating reading.
Specifically, there has been an enormous amount of discussion in the popular press in recent years about how agribusiness-grown foods are better for the planet because they're more efficiently grown--which isn't true; the numbers that have been manufactured to make agribusiness look good don't take into account the sheer volume of fossil fuels required to transport food.
There are also some interesting discussions about how to get sustainable beef: the author talks about carbon sinks in grassland; some ecologists have noted that large swaths of grassland hold even more carbon than forests. If we could just keep cows out of feedlots, then it would be a lot more o.k. to eat beef.
Then, the author goes off on a "green farming" tangent that is a little hard to stomach because her ideas about real farming aren't realistic; the author goes into a long discussion of green farming and rhapsodizes at great length about "growing what would grow there naturally."
No offense, but you know what grows in much of the breadbasket of the United States (California and Texas) without huge amounts of transported water? Nothing.
Despite some of the unrealistic ideas, there are some neat ideas in the chapters on green farming.
The author tells you what to actually eat near the end of the book. It's the usual, "Food, mostly plants." to quote Pollan, and preferably local.
This is very well thought-out, analytically sound, reference for anyone interested in farming or ranching in a sustainable way. It's much better logically than much of what gets published in the popular press.
Who would like this: ecologists, farmers, ranchers, owners of small family farms, people involved in urban planning, and anyone who wants a more in-depth discussion of green farming techniques.
Who wouldn't like this: PETA apologists, and vegan evangelists. She has some negative things to say about them.

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Plumbing Review

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When I ordered this book I did not realize it was British. This may very well be a great book for those in Britain, but it does not necessarily reflect the codes and practices of the United States.

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This book provides a single volume text for NVQ plumbing and gas installation students at levels 2 and 3. It tackles the subject, topic by topic, in double page speads of text and illustrations so that the reader can grasp essentials quickly and easily.The new edition has been updated to cover revised standards, new regulations and the latest health and safety legislation. It is based on the latest NVQ programme. It features, for the first time, a large number of photographs and all illustrations have been redrawn.For further information please go to

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Lucky Child: A Daughter of Cambodia Reunites with the Sister She Left Behind Review

Lucky Child: A Daughter of Cambodia Reunites with the Sister She Left Behind
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Ms. Ung has once again given us a powerful rendering of what it means to survive. Her first book, First They Killed My Father" was extraordinary for its ability to translate the experience of the Cambodian genocide for a public disconnected to the realities of that war.
Her second book is no less a tour de force, giving us an eye into the life of a young girl from a radically different culture (and history of deprevation) trying to come to terms with this American life. She does it remarkably well, with candor and grace.

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How To Start a Foreclosure Cleanup-Property Preservation Business: EARN UP TO $100,000 per Year CLEANING OUT FORECLOSED HOMES Review

How To Start a Foreclosure Cleanup-Property Preservation Business: EARN UP TO $100,000 per Year CLEANING OUT FORECLOSED HOMES
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My husband and I had really wanted to start a business cleaning foreclosures and really didn't know where to start, this book is very detailed about how to start your business, where and how to get the contracts, price the bids, and everything. I highly recommend it!!

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RIDE THE WAVE OF FORECLOSURES TODAY! LEARN HOW TO START A FORECLOSURE CLEANUP-PROPERTY PRESERVATION BUSINESS NOW!Banks desperately NEED vendors to Clean, Repair, & Maintain their Foreclosed Homes! Banks Pay Literally Millions Of $$$ Each & Every Year For Foreclosure Cleaning & Property Preservation Services! The Average Vendor Cleans 8-20 Homes per Week and the Average Pay Ranges from $250 to Upwards of $2500 Per Property!!!EXCELLENT Hombased Business! Start Your New Business Part-Time or Full-Time! Become Your Own Boss and Set Your Own Hours! There is HUGE Income Potential in the Booming Foreclosure Cleaning Business! GET STARTED NOW!How to Start a Foreclosure Cleanup-Property Preservation Business book teaches you how to Successfully Start & Run a Foreclosure Cleaning Business Immediately! It provides step by step detailed instructions for rekeys, boardups, lawn maintenance, trashouts, and more. Learn how to price your foreclosure cleaning bids for success! It comes complete with Over 40 REO Bank Direct Contacts to Sign Up with to get you up and running right away! Also, included in this book guide:*Top of the Line Industry REO Contacts*Expert Marketing Tips to Grow and Expand your New Business *Teaches you how & where to get the Foreclosure Cleaning Contracts*Includes HUD Guideline Tables to help you accurately price your bidsThis booming business has been showcased on Oprah, 20/20, & many news stations across the US! DON'T WAIT-Banks NEED People Now To Work On Their Foreclosures!

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Amazing Insider Secrets: 1703 Money Saving Tips Review

Amazing Insider Secrets: 1703 Money Saving Tips
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This book contains does contain information that many people are already are aware of, but it also has a good bit of stuff that most people haven't heard of or is not widely known. I like the tips that show the reader how to use items around the house as problem solvers versus having to purchase a new product. This is certainly a great book to have around the house or to give as a gift. By showing me how to use what I already have on hand, it has saved me money and shown me several ways to save even more. It's kind of like having all the best tips and tricks from grandmas all over the world in one book :)

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Save hundreds of dollars by just following the secret tips found in this handy reference guide filled with tips and "confidential advice" that come straight from the mouths of knowledgeable insiders. Most of us have been victims of misinformation or withheld information. Amazing Insider Secrets will give you the facts that will make you the smartest, sharpest consumer on the block. The secrets range from how to slash your food costs to crucial appliance-care instructions that belong in every owner's manual. You'll be amazed at how enlightening and simple these remedies and professional solutions are: *Dealing with stress? No need to buy an expensive drug—try basil tea. Fresh basil is easy to find in any supermarket. *Fake the cream in sauces: Use nonfat condensed milk instead of heavy cream; you get the creaminess without the fat and calories—and save money. *Seeing spots: Spray an ink spot with hairspray then launder, or sprinkle baby powder on an oil stain, let the powder absorb the oil then brush it off. *Don't buy plants retail. Divide perennials with friends and neighbors, or watch for a local garden club to hold a plant sale. Learn easy, low-cost solutions to problems around the house, common lawn care mistakes, must-have kitchen items to have on hand, and many more handy tips that will keep your life running smoothly, prevent huge repair bills, and save you time and hassle.

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Design An Expandable House: For Present Needs And Future Dreams Review

Design An Expandable House: For Present Needs And Future Dreams
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This book fell far short of my expectations. Not much meat for $40. Seemed more like a pamphlet than a book. I was expecting more design information that would make it possible for me to build my own expandable house.

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"Stanley Mazor is one of the architects of the information age... So it was not surprising that when Mr. Mazor turned his hand to building a vacation house, his approach would be inventive..."- The New York Times, 2/5/2005This unique guide chronicles the multi-staged development of a 3-story French Chateau using novel Styrofoam ICF building blocks and other innovative materials.The techniques used and lessons learned during this project are illustrated with more than 70 photographs and many diagrams.In this practical guide, an amateur architect shares the lessons learned designing his home using novel building materials. Follow his journey to France to find the original chateau, and his work with local Oregon craftsman to create a work of art and a contribution to his community.

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MediQuik Drug Cards Review

MediQuik Drug Cards
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I am a 3rd block nursing student and bought these drug cards for use at clinicals. They come in handy and contain the information that my clinical instructor always asks about my medications. I have only come across one drug so far that wasn't in there and I just added a card for that drug. Some of the cards contain the IV administration rates and information on reconstitution which is important for me.

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MediQuik Drug Cards are a portable guide that help nursing students learn about drugs, their uses, interactions, reactions, administration techniques, and more. Nursing students preparing for the NCLEX® or any practicing nurse needing a quick reference to drugs will find this deck a valuable tool in both educational and professional nursing settings. Boxed with a plastic sleeve for carrying selected cards, the drug cards contain generic and trade names; drug name pronunciations; adverse reactions classified five ways; interactions classified as drug-drug, drug-herb, drug-food, and drug-lifestyle; route-onset-peak-duration tables; patient assessment;key nursing diagnoses; planning and implementation, including patient teaching; and evaluation of patient outcome. In addition to specific drug information, the cards provide a quick-read format; nursing process organization on all drug cards; prototype drugs for all classification cards; dimensional analysis for calculating dosages; illustrated drug administration cards; and cards on common herbs.Symbols and clear headings eliminate the need for searching through pages and pages to find needed information.

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Straight Talk about Quilt Care: Display, Cleaning, and Storage of New and Antique Quilts and Needlework Review

Straight Talk about Quilt Care: Display, Cleaning, and Storage of New and Antique Quilts and Needlework
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This book, published in 2005, has been out of print for some time now. Quilter's Muse Publications decided to reissue the book as Straight Talk About Quilt Care II, an e-book with 123 pages, 22 chapters, 82 photos, and 8 graphics. The e-book has expanded topics and updated contact information for people and products mentioned, additional photos, and more. The e-book is available at: [...] The customer can print out pages of the e-book, as desired, for personal, home use.
The original print book will never be in print again, and much of its information has been surpassed due to changes of product lines, etc.

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Straight Talk about Quilt Care provides an overview of ways to preserve and protect quilts and other textiles to ensure their maximum longevity. The book concentrates on presentinginformation known in the past only to museum curators and professional conservationists. For all of those individuals who have ever wondered abouthow to clean, display, or store their grandmother's quilt in a home setting, and keep the item safe from moths, mildew, rodents, and other potential damage factors, such as light damage, this book is the one to have available for ready reference.Procedures for washing, plus an indepth look at various cleaning agents are discussed. The author adds many instructive "tales" that she has personally witnessed, as examples of what not to do in caring for textiles.

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Buying a Home in Portugal: A Survival Handbook Review

Buying a Home in Portugal: A Survival Handbook
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My wife is a Portuguese citizen and although we are currently living in the USA we've made plans to purchase a second home in her native country. This book is good for a basic introduction to the idea of purchasing a home in Portugal, but it really only skims the surface. The main chapters in the book are well laid out, but the narrative seems to lack a continuous flow at times and doesn't do a good job of summarizing key points or explaining the fine details. What the book does best is at least make the reader aware of the many considerations and complex issues (different taxes, different possible ways to arrange for a mortage, etc.) that need to be examined before making a purchase. However, the book doesn't provide enough information on any of these issues for the reader to make any judgements about his own situation. I guess I was hoping the book would be more along the lines of the humbly-entitled but very helpful "Idiots Guide" or "Dummies" series. This book is definitely not along the sames lines as those books. Good news if you're proud of the fact that you're not an idiot, but when it comes to buying a home in Portugal I'll be the first to admit that I AM and idiot, and would like to have things explained to me thus! I also think that my admittedly "American" expectation was that the book would be comparing purchasing a home in Portugal with purchasing a home in the USA. In all fairness to the author, that's not what was stated. The book doesn't directly compare purchasing a home in Portugal to purchasing a home anywhere else, which makes the task of explaining the business of buying a home in Portugal very difficult indeed - the author doesn't share a common frame of reference with the reader. (Though one can definitely tell that the author is from the United Kingdom). Because of the dearth of information available, I am still glad I bought it and can recommend that anyone thinking of making this move read this book. However, I'll still be relying on my wife's in-depth knowledge of Portugal when we do purchase our home there. Best of luck to you!

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Fully revised and updated 2nd edition and the best-selling book about buying property in Portugal since it was first published in 1998. Essential reading for anyone planning to buy a home in Portugal and the most comprehensive and up-to-date source of information available. Buying a Home in Portugal is designed to guide you through the property jungle and make buying a home a pleasant and enjoyable experience. Most importantly, it contains vital information to help you avoid disasters that can turn your dream home into a nightmare - and will also save you time, trouble and money!

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Not Another Feel Good Singles Book Review

Not Another Feel Good Singles Book
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Picked this little honey up for my brother and bought a copy for myself. It's funny and shows you how to do some real stuff.

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Pride in America: Our Economy and What YOU Can Do To Help Review

Pride in America: Our Economy and What YOU Can Do To Help
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Hope this book is referenced by all Americans! Everyone talks about supporting America and it's workers, now this is a really easy way to see who actually produces their products right here in America. It is easy to reference and organized so we can look up what we are purchasing before we shop and support those companies. What an excellent idea! Just bought my new sink from Kohler who is on their list...

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The U.S. economic crisis has led the American people to unite in theirefforts to strengthen the country. The U.S. debt has risen to over $11trillion, with one third of the U.S. budget paying the interest only onthis debt. As a result, tax revenues intended to fund our budget arenot available to pay for education, social security, governmentworkers, and essential programs that are important to taxpayers.Consequently, the task of writing a workable budget has becomeincreasingly difficult. If our debt continues to rise, the time willcome when we will no longer be able to pay the interest on the debt orfund our budget. What will happen to us then? How high can we afford tolet the debt rise?The time has come for individual Americans to unite in theiractions and focus on the big picture of the economic condition in theU.S. Pride in America offers resources and simple strategies to help.The final success or failure of our country lies in the hands of ourgeneration.

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More Fabric Savvy: A Quick Resource Guide to Selecting and Sewing Fabric Completely Revised and Updated Review

More Fabric Savvy: A Quick Resource Guide to Selecting and Sewing Fabric Completely Revised and Updated
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I am a sewing professional, and I also own Clare Shaeffer's Fabric Sewing Guide, which is excellent and does cover more fabrics. However More Fabric Savvy is really the indispensible guide that should be right by your sewing machine. MFS is not as big, so one is more inclined to open it up and take a look at the suggestions. Also, the spiral binding on MFS lets it lie open flat so you can refer to it easily. MFS is a re-issue of the original Fabric Savvy, and it addresses all the shortcomings of the original - far more fabrics are covered. There is also an extensive list of alternative fabric names, so you can really find the details for any fabric one needs. The size of MFS means you can put it in your bag and take it with you to the fabric store, and I'd recommend doing this, as it will make you more aware of interlining needs, or fastening limitations, BEFORE you spend all your heard-earned money on the fabric of your dreams, only to find out you really need to spend an extra $40 (which you don't have) on silk organza to interline the garment. All the review for the original Fabric Savvy spell out the great features of this book - this edition really just fixes the few criticisms people had.

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America's best-selling quick guide to selecting and sewing fabrics is now completely revised and updated. More Fabric Savvy brings over 100 new tips, over 400 new color photos and drawings, the latest new fabrics, and entirely new and useful features, including a handy guide to stain removal. From Sandra Betzina, the dynamic host of HGTV's Sew Perfect, this easy-to-use reference belongs on every sewer's bookshelf.

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A Woman's Complete Guide to Natural Health (Avery Health Guides) Review

A Woman's Complete Guide to Natural Health (Avery Health Guides)
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This book is attractive, fairly well presented, and might be a good addition to your collection if you're already knowledgeable of Natural Health topics,but to say it's COMPLETE is inaccurate.
On your road to self care knowledge, this is interesting to read but not a primary resource as the cover seems to want you to believe. The author gives you her personal twist on a number of women's health issues but focuses on relatively few products by some rather obscure brands. This leaves readers to wonder if she writes mostly about brands offered by her own herb company. An herb company appears to be promoted in the book by referral to a very cursory web page and 800 number in the introduction but not specifically identified as her own entity.
Some of the homeopathic entries are intriguing, but again are generally referring to one company's offerings in a way that felt like the company was being promoted rather than more clearly addressing the homeopathic topic.
If you can only choose one book on natural health, the one to have is the most recent edition of Prescriptions for Nutritional Healing because the entries are more thorough and the product recommendations offer a broader scope of what's out there on the shelves. If you want several resources in your personal library, this book might be on down the list after a couple of quality guides to homeopathy and natural healing.
I have owned every edition of Prescriptions for Nutritional Healing (PNH), and it continues to be the best and most complete book on natural health that I can find anywhere. There is also a new 2002 PNH smaller guide to supplements that covers even more products and updates, but it too doesn't claim to be a complete guide - a good clue.

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The most comprehensive and up-to-date A-to-Z reference to natural treatments for women. For ten years, Lynne Paige Walker worked as a pharmacist. Dissatisfied with conventional medications and their side effects, however, she left traditional medicine and became a practitioner of alternative medicine. Here she found that nature offered all the treatments she needed-without the side effects. In Nature's Pharmacy for Women, Walker and Brown combine their experience in conventional and alternative medicine to create a comprehensive, accessible guide to natural healing that addresses the specific needs and concerns of women at every age and stage of life. Beginning with an overview of women's bodies, their hormones, and a variety of natural approaches designed to keep them in balance, the book then reviews more than 140 of women's most common complaints, explaining each illness, its associated symptoms, and the safest and most effective treatments. Drawing from and comparing a number of treatment options-including drugs, herbs, nutritional supplements, homeopathic remedies, Chinese patent medicines, flower essences, and essential oils-this reference allows women to choose the most appropriate and safest therapies for their individual needs.

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Environmental Forensics: A Glossary of Terms Review

Environmental Forensics: A Glossary of Terms
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This glossary is the companion to Environmental Forensics: Principles and Applications. When used in conjunction with this book, it provides the practioner with the needed tools to understand and forensically review environmental reports and expert witness testimony. The glossary is easy to read and includes a section on acroymns used in the environmental sciences. This glossary is a bargain and can save the user a tremendous amount of time trying to discern text or testimony associated with environmental reports and environmental expert witness testimony.

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Environmental Forensics: A Glossary of Terms contains over 3,500 definitions and 1,500 acronyms. Compiled from common technical terms encountered in millions of pages of environmental reports over the past 15 years, this book contains regulatory phrases and acronyms; geologic, toxicological, laboratory, and chemical terms; as well as words and phrases unique to environmental forensics.The Glossary clarifies terms with multiple meanings, allows you to perform a more expedient and comprehensive review of an environmental report, and helps in deciphering works encountered during expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. Practicing environmental attorneys and environmental consultants/engineers will find this book a useful tool in correspondence, interrogatories, court filings and pleadings, and communication with environmental consultants and regulators.

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Fragments: Coping With Attention Deficit Disorder Review

Fragments: Coping With Attention Deficit Disorder
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I found Fragments to be moving and engaging and could not put it down! I read it straight through until I was finished!
Amy, offers creative alternatives to traditional treatment for those who have been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD.
Her personal experience and dedication to this subject, offer hope and encouragement to those who struggle, or know someone struggling with ADD/ADHD. Enjoy the ride, as she takes you along on an incredible journey of creativity, learning and faith !

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Explore effective alternative approaches to improving the lives of those diagnosed with attention deficit disorder!This remarkable new book offers fresh perspectives on ADD/ADHD. Even more important, it provides new direction for sufferers, introducing an ecologically based lifestyle that focuses on hands-on interactive learning. Fragments: Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder shows how to use environmental education and activities such as organic farming, community service, mission work, art, yoga, meditation, and spirituality to bring about positive change in people diagnosed with ADD or ADHD.From author Amy E. Stein: "This book is about life. It is written for those who think they have no hope, who struggle with life, with decisions, with addiction, and in search of themselves. I do not believe traditional psychotherapy or medication are solutions for those of us who fall under the label of ADD or ADHD."Candidly written by a woman who, at age 25, was diagnosed as "a textbook case for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder," this insightful book examines:
the pitfalls of traditional psychotherapy and medication for those diagnosed with ADD/ADHD
how an interactive hands-on learning environment can markedly improve the educational experience of ADD/ADHD kids
how an organic, holistic approach can benefit those diagnosed with ADD/ADHD
the correlation between agriculture and ADD/ADHD and the impact of eliminating pesticides and increasing fatty acid intake in the diets of sufferers
how incorporating spirituality and faith into ADD/ADHD sufferers' lives can help to add discipline and bring greater satisfaction
and much more!
Five helpful appendices give you easy access to environmental education resources, agricultural resources, a sample agricultural curriculum, a sample ecology curriculum, and an environmental art curriculum.

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Appliance Handbook For Women: Simple Enough Even Men Can Understand Review

Appliance Handbook For Women: Simple Enough Even Men Can Understand
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I consulted this book because I had a white film on my dishes after the wash cycle was complete. I appreciated the diagnosis techniques and solutions the author provided. After taking the author's advice, I'm glad to say I don't have to wipe off my dishes after the dishwasher cycle is complete! This was a readable quick-reference guide that made me more knowledgeable about my appliances and saved me money by not having to make a service call.
I was surprised (and happy) to read the last chapter which included an honest treatment of how to protect yourself from the no-so-honest service industry. It's nice to know a seasoned professional is on your side and can give an "insider" perspective. This book will pay for itself MANY times over during the lifetime of your appliances.

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Tired of paying ridiculous prices for service to find out there was a simple solution to your problem? Save money by reading this book before you call for in-home service on major household appliances or heating/air conditioning systems. This book can save you hundreds of dollars in unnecessary repairs.Dishes still dirty after running the dishwasher? Clothes take forever to get dry in your dryer?Washer not spinning all the water out of your clothes? Microwave making funny noises? Range isn't cooking correctly?Look up the type of appliance; find the complaint that matches your problem, read and follow the solution. These and many more problems can be solved by following some simple steps and without ever touching a tool.

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Rug Hooker's Bible, The: The Best From 30 Years of Jane Olson's Rugger's Roundtable Review

Rug Hooker's Bible, The: The Best From 30 Years of Jane Olson's Rugger's Roundtable
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This is a great, step by step, instructional manual. The directions are easy to understand and the many pictures really show what's supposed to happen. This book has helped me more than the rug hooking classes I've taken.

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Features 30 years of articles from Jane Olson's,Rugger's Roundtable
Learn the best techniques of hooking a rug from beginning to end
Detailed step-by-step directions and easy-to-follow text plus how to hook the same design four different ways
Using Jane Olson's 30 years of articles from her Rugger's Roundtable as a base, The Rug Hooker's Bible, brought to you by Rug Hooking magazine, is an easy-to-use standard text for beginner and teacher alike. Decades of experience is edited, expanded, and updated so students can easily study the very best techniques of hooking a rug. See how the same designs can be hooked in as many as four different ways-fine shaded, primitive outline and fill, dip dyed, and with artistic scraps. This book is an indispensable tool for all levels of hookers.

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