Chemical/Biological WarFare: How You Can Survive Review

Chemical/Biological WarFare: How You Can Survive
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Although the author is a little premature in his prediction, I believe he still hits the mark. I would like to rebut the review by "A Customer". Being a christian you should know that the evangelical church in America is a fractured, near useless organization more interested in their denominational traditions than the mission they are actually charged with. There are various reports but I have read that there are as many as 24,000 christian denominations in existence today. In the ten years since this book was published America has suffered unprecedented natural disasters as well as the greatest attack on American soil in history on 911. Brocato identified the Axis of Evil three years before George W. Bush. If The Church doesn't get it's act together and focus on unity, 911 will look like a dress rehearsal. I'd keep this book handy. It's a great resource.

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Chemical/Biological WarFare...How You Can SurviveUpdated expanded version---over 400 pages.Some of the topics include:How to lessen the severity of a microbial assault.Why it may be best not to be a vegetarian with the coming bacteriological(biological) warfare attack.Who may be most susceptible in germ warfare.What nutritional supplements may enhance your chances of survival....and little known facts about vaccination and antibiotics asthey relate to chemical/biological warfare.Taking other medications may compromise your recovery from an attack.What to do if your water supply is attacked.All this and more is covered in the book. There is no other book like this! If you want to know what's really going on, this is the book for you.

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