Guerilla Guide to Brain Tumors: Shameless Dirty Tricks to beat the system and STAY ALIVE Review

Guerilla Guide to Brain Tumors: Shameless Dirty Tricks to beat the system and STAY ALIVE
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At 28, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. My wife had the good sense to get me this book, and it quickly became more important to me than the bible... It's funny, powerful and most of all, it gave me hope. My only regret is that I didn't get the book sooner. I am now tumor free, and learning to walk again. Recovery is a long road, but this book WILL help you get there. A must for anyone who wants to survive a brain tumor, but applicable to anyone fighting any type of cancer... Do yourself a favor; get this book. Read this book. Live tumor free. Thanks.

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In an unprecedented format, the Guerilla Guide to Brain Tumors is written in a format that combines the layout of the For Dummies series with a drill-sargent's attitude. (the back page says it all) This is a book of War Nothing warm and fuzzy or socially acceptable here and nothing about "Dying with Dignity". Just what it takes to win. And win you will, complete with a trail of wreckage behind you. It's a book for the patient, NOT the caregiver. The Guerilla Guide to Brain Tumors is a book that will take you out of the "Grovel and Wretch" mode and into the "Command and Dominate" mode with the following factions of our society: The Medical EstablishmentThe Social Services EstablishmentChurch, Friends and FamilyAnd most importantly...Yourself No punches are pulled here. Prepare to be shocked, experience uncontrollable bursts of laughter, learn gut-turning remedies, gain the motivation and grit to dump friends and family, intimidate social services employees, access top medical care using the most unethical tactics...and the list goes on. If you want to die in peace, read another book. If you want to live in pain this book not only shows you how to manage pain- but use it. Some people can take a punch while others would rather fold and die with a smile on their face, but then again-Dead people don't win wars. Only the living count

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