Fabric Dyeing and Printing Review

Fabric Dyeing and Printing
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I borrowed this book from my local library to look up information on how to turn dye into printing ink...Having found that information quickly, the book was impossible to put down. Each section captured my interest in turn and the great illustrations made me want to try most of the other techniques, and as soon as possible. This book would suit anyone from a textile beginner to the most advanced student at university level...perhaps even the textile practitioner, wishing to try new techniqes. It is clearly written but best of all, in reading it, you feel it is more than possible to try --and achieve--an exciting result. Thanks, Kate.

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Fabric Dyeing and Printing is the most comprehensive and well-researched printing and dyeing text available. Author Wells explores not only traditional techniques of fabric dyeing and printing, but also such cutting-edge techniques as devor and cloqu. The book offers a fresh and current aesthetic that will intrigue and seduce the novice and expert alike. In step-by-step process photos and illustrations, the author outlines 30 key patterning techniques. Twenty dye recipes are presented in easy-reference cookbook style.

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