Bonsai (A Care Manual) Review

Bonsai (A Care Manual)
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This is a very visually-appealing book with creative photography and excellent color pictures on almost every page. It is targeted to the beginner, and (though a beginner myself) I think it is quite informative and gets one off to a good start. It has an index of many common trees used for bonsai and rates them according to difficulty, hardiness and sun/shade preference. It's weakness is an abundance of technical printing errors (goofed up captions, mostly), but in spite of this I heartily recommend it to the beginner for use as "A [Basic] Care Manual" and say it's well worth its price.

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Whether you are an experienced collector or a nervous newcomer, you will profit from the tutelage of Colin Lewis.He has studied the art of bonsai in Japan, and is a member of the Bonsai Kai of the Japan Society of London.Clear, authoritative text and superb step-by-step illustrations and photographs guide you through all aspects of bonsai care.Also in the Care Manual series: Roses, Cactus and Succulents, Clematis, Fuchsia, Magnolias, and Rhododendrons.

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