Healthful Foods Review

Healthful Foods
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What is not well known, is that Jethro Kloss knew Ellen G. White, who was given light from God on how to prevent disease through healthful eating, drinking, living, etc. and how to use simple natural remedies or herbs. Jethro Kloss new Ellen G. White, and read her works and was amazed at what he learned. This information he passed along in his own books.
If you would like to know more about the material he studied from Ellen G. White, find a copy of the books: "Healthful Living", "Ministry of Healing", "Counsels on Health" and "Counsels on Health and Diet" -- all by Ellen G White. She had much to say on health and true spirituality (she also talked about this subject in her other works) - way before anyone else was really promoting this in the US, back in the mid to late 1800's.
True health is absolutely dependent on true Spiritual health and Mind health. They cannot be seperated. If you find help for any one of these three, then the other two will be helped. Her main thesis was that "The Body is the Temple for the Holy Spirt to dwell in", and "he who destroys the body, God will destroy" - which comes from the Bible. She says that all who are waiting for God's Apearing should be temperate in all things and live healthfully. She also says that studying the laws of health in nature is part of God's law, the same as "the Scriptures" and should be studied as dillegently by all who take His name.
She was talking about Smoking promoting cancer and other problems at a time when Medical Doctors will still proscribing Smoking for people with Asthma and other lung problems!
She also talked about the importance of getting not consuming flesh foods and eating fruits, vegetables and grains. She also talks about not doing improper food combining - eat only 2 or 3 kinds of food at a meal. The importance of fasting for cleaning out the system, and many other things that people who are into health are not just knowing in the last 20 years or so.
She has also said things that the health industry still hasn't learned, so if you want to learn even more, study her books on health.

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Healthy eating doesn't have to be boring. Healthful Foods from the best-selling Back to Eden offers a beautifully designed re-issue of healthy-eating pioneer Jethro Kloss's 1939 masterpiece. One of the original cornerstones of the natural foods movement, this book is a guide to a natural lifestyle and has withstood the test of time, selling millions of copies. This new edition has been redesigned for greater ease of use and includes updates of herbal references and a useful index. Take control of your lifestyle with Healthful Foods.• A tried and true treasury of recipes and useful information on natural foods - all promoting health and healing.• Updated from an acknowledged classic, based on Jethro Kloss's 40 years of experience - this is a book that helped to create the natural foods industry.• Many agree that the original Back to Eden stands as one of the major texts on herbs, natural diet and health and a holistic lifestyle.• One of the first vegan (and vegetarian) cookbooks - and still one of the best.• Some of the first (and classic) recipes to use soy and soy products.

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