Solving the MS Mystery: Help, Hope and Recovery Review

Solving the MS Mystery: Help, Hope and Recovery
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I gave this book only four stars for a couple of reasons. Despite its profound importance and excellent content on dental amalgam as the underlying cause of a great number of today's illnesses which have mercury as the root etiology, the content is unfortunately not up to date on certain technical issues. For example, he asserts that methylcobalamin will methylate inorganic mercury and is therefore dangerous. While it is true that some bacteria can methylate the mercuronic ion, and that this reaction can be made to occur in a laboratory test tube, this is not what happens in real live human beings or animals when given subcutaneously, intramuscularly, or intravenously. This was confirmed to me in personal communication with Boyd Haley, PhD, who has done much work in this field. In addition, please refer to the work done by the Swedish physician, Dr Britt Ahlrot-Westerlund, and her success with treating patients with high doses of injectable methylcobalamin status post amalgam removal for further elucidation on this subject. (One should be cautioned however, not to accept any B-12 injections which contain a preservative, as this can cause problems in a detoxing patient. Also, some people experience angry agitated aggression and can get themselves into trouble even though it is helpful for most.)
Huggin's approach to "balancing chemistries" is somewhat misguided, since this does not actually detoxify the system, but rather make it work better while the mercury remains in place. Thus it is a permanent lifestyle change - well worthwhile in terms of symptom reduction - rather than an intervention that can be stopped at some future point in time. While diet and supplements are paramount to the detoxification process, one will not get well if they are very poised unless they chelate. This leads to another problem I have with his approach of using DMSA on alternating days as there are multitudinous reports of this inappropriate and harmful protocol causing psychosis and permanent motor neuron damage in many people who use it. He completely disregards the pharmacokinetics of DMSA. If you are looking for an appropriate way to detoxify, I would recommend reading Andrew Cutler's book Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment (IBSN 096716808 - search on this number to find it easily). Cutler holds a PhD in chemistry and actually looks at the science behind detoxification as well as collecting patient reports on what the different protocols felt like and how the people responded after using them. Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment is an excellent companion volume to Dr. Huggin's book.
All in all, this book has much merit and a few problems. If you are sick - really sick - I advise researching your options thoroughly before you end up paying more than you have to - in terms of health and dollars - for bad advice. This book can be a good place to start your research, but further investigation is absolutely essential to avoid falling prey to the few pieces of bad advise intermixed with all the good advice the hard way. The book is well worth the money as long as you do further investigation before trying things. [...].

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If, unfortunately, you have Multiple sclerosis, or if you know someone who does, this definitive work in the field of autoimmune diseases, Solving the MS Mystery, will be just what you have been looking for. Hal A. Huggins DDS, MS, had promised that, after treating 1000 MS patients, he would write a book detailing the Protocol that has worked to reverse autoimmune diseases. This is that book.If you are frustrated and discouraged from hearing that there is nothing but pharmaceutical drugs you can take or you are exhausted from trying strange and costly treatments, take heart. This book quotes scientific journals and is based not only on scientific studies and biochemistry but also on the experiences that Dr. Huggins has had with his MS patients over the last 33 years.Always on the cutting edge, when he received information about dental toxicity that was contrary to what he had been taught in dental school, Dr. Huggins was, at first, disbelieving. However, reviewing the scientific literature, working with dental patients, and, finally, going "back to school" to receive his Masters emphasizing immunology and toxicology from the University of Colorado confirmed what others in the field had shown him—that toxic dental materials in the mouth so close to the brain could trigger autoimmune diseases. He wanted to know why—not just alleviate the symptoms, but also know why.His study in the field of biochemistry convinced him that he could balance a person's body chemistry just like a racecar mechanic could perfectly tune a car. Why, if we think it's important to have other mechanical devices work at peak effectiveness should we not have our body tuned as well?This book has practical information as well as scientific information for the professional. Take a look at the Table of Contents listed below. Information you need to know to give yourself Informed Consent for treatment is in this book. Take charge of your health and become educated about treatments that work. You can do as much or as little as you want, but now you will know what is available.

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