Snowbirds Unlimited: Tale From the Restless Traveler Review

Snowbirds Unlimited: Tale From the Restless Traveler
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Each chapter was full of worthwhile information. The chapters were easy to read because they were short and to the point. Thank you Marilyn because you have also added new locations to our travel list.

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Snow falls each year before we leave Central Oregon for the winter. Usually a light dusting that doesnâ??t last. Itâ??s a lovely reminder of what we once enjoyed. However, I put my cross-country skis in a garage sale before I moved to Central Oregon in 1999, knowing my husband Harry Taylor and I would be spending our winters in Mexico. When I started searching for answers to why we are called snowbirds, I ran across the lyrics of Anne Murrayâ??s song, as well as an encyclopedia section on the Junco, or snowbird, relative of the finches. Slate-colored Juncos breed in northern evergreen forests of Canada and the United States, and are found as far south as the Gulf of Mexico. Canadians and Americans have been heading south for decades, if not centuries, to escape the cold sting of winter. You need only drive on Oregon Highway 97 from late September through December to see the migration of cars and RVs heading south. My how these â??houses on the roadâ?? have grown â?? many â??snowbirdsâ?? now are full timers. Snowbirds Unlimited: Tales from the Restless Traveler merely scratches the surface of a lifetime of travel at home and abroad, by air, land or sea, coupled with ten years of documenting portions of that travel in published columns and articles. Many interesting, exotic and wonderful destinations are missing from this book due to the space limitations. This is a pick up and put down book, much like my previous collection of published columns in Mother of Eight Survives Population Explosion: Just Between Us Column Selections. Although the days of family-travel slide shows in the living room have passed, we now have social networking to share our enthusiastic reports and photos online. And, if some of us are fortunate enough to do what I am doing, and readers are interested enough to buy the books â?? we still can share our adventures.

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