Rural Renaissance: Renewing the Quest for the Good Life Review

Rural Renaissance: Renewing the Quest for the Good Life
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While I applaud the authors move to a "simpler" lifestyle, I really had a difficult time wading through this book. Filled with clichés and writing that would better suited for an overly sentimental greeting card, the pace of the book really dragged. It seemed to me that the editing could have been tighter, as the timelines were hard to follow at points, even though I tried to cross reference with their website. (Is the greenhouse finished, or isn't it?) Do I really care about the fact that they like to run around naked and are experts on all things cappuccino? If they have traveled all over the planet before "going green", they have already left a rather large carbon footprint (now they plant trees to offset their carbon production).
I found some of their math to be either hard to believe or nothing to brag about. If they are consuming fair trade coffee, Ben & Jerry's Chubby Hubby ice cream and Stonyfield Farm yogurt, plus buying most of their grains and dried legumes in bulk (all of which are good products in general), how can they be producing 70% of their own food? Bragging about their "super efficient" Sunfrost refrigerator having a payback time of 50 years (initial cost vs energy savings) - wow - either they or the refrigerator could be dead long before then. This wasn't going to have me running out to buy that fridge.
I did like their lists of sources and resources throughout the book, a few of which I had not seen before. I think this book would be good for urban dwellers who are just starting out "going green", if you don't mind a lot of extra verbage. I was born and raised in the country, lived in the city and suburbs, and have finally moved back to the country. I know a lot of people who have done more with less, and they're not being featured in USA Today and praised up and down by other national organizations. The authors are good at publicizing what they do, which is certainly am important part of running a successful Bed & Breakfast, I was just hoping for a more "down-to-earth" story.

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In the '60s it was called the "back to the land" movement, and in Helen and Scott Nearings' day, it was "living the good life." Whatever the term, North Americans have always yearned for a simpler way. But how do you accomplish that today?Blending inspiration with practical how-to's, Rural Renaissance captures the American dream of country living for contemporary times. Journey with the authors and experience their lessons, laughter and love for the land as they trade the urban concrete maze for a five-acre organic farm and bed and breakfast in southwestern Wisconsin. Rural living today is a lot more than farming. It's about a creative, nature-based and more self-sufficient lifestyle that combines a love of squash, solar energy, skinny-dipping and serendipity . . .The many topics explored in Rural Renaissance include: "right livelihood" and the good life organic gardening and permaculture renewable energy and energy conservation wholesome organic food, safe water and a natural home simplicity, frugality and freedom green design and recycled materials community, friends and raising a family independence and interdependence wildlife conservation and land stewardship.An authentic tale of a couple whose pioneering spirit and connection to the land reaches out to both the local and global community to make their dream come true, Rural Renaissance will appeal to a wide range of Cultural Creatives, free agents, conservation entrepreneurs and both arm-chair and real-life homesteaders regardless of where they live.Lisa Kivirist and John Ivanko are innkeepers, organic growers, copartners in a marketing consulting company, and have previously published books. John is also a photographer. Former advertising agency fast-trackers, they are nationally recognized for their contemporary approach to homesteading, conservation and more sustainable living. They share their farm with their son, two llamas, and a flock of free-range chickens. Rural Renaissance also offers a foreword by Bill McKibben.

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California Real Estate Principles, 5E Review

California Real Estate Principles, 5E
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This book is not a very in-depth book on the principles of california real estate. It covered topics only very breifly, and really sped through them with not a whole lot of explanation. I would highly advise buying a different book if you intend to pass the CA Real Estate Licensing Exam.

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Combining the latest state specific information with solid industry fundamentals, this user friendly text gives students a strong foundation for a career in real estate.California Real Estate Principles comes loading with instructor resources and extra features to enchance the student learning experience and make teaching the class easier than ever.This new fifth edition has been updated for 2004.Chapters include:IntroductionPart 1: Teaching Outlines *Chapter 1 The Business of Real Estate *Chapter 2 The Nature of Real Property *Chapter 3 Ownership of Real Property *Chapter 4 Transferring Real Estate *Chapter 5 Encumbrances *Chapter 6 The Law of Agency *Chapter 7 Contracts *Chapter 8 Financing Real Estate *Chapter 9 Government-Sponsored and Other Financing *Chapter 10 Escrow and Title Insurance *Chapter 11 Real Estate Taxation *Chapter 12 Landlord and Tenant *Chapter 13 Real Estate Appraising *Chapter 14 Residential Design and Construction *Chapter 15 Government Control of Land UsePart 2:Chapter Quizzes and Exams, including a Math Appendix Quiz (you need a PIN number to access this file) *Chapter Midterm Exams (you need a PIN number to access this file) and Comprehensive Chapter Exam.Part 3:Answer Keys *Answer Keys for All Quizzes and Exams (you need a PIN number to access this file)Part 4:PowerPoint Slides

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The Sixth of Seven Wives: Escape from Modern Day Polygamy Review

The Sixth of Seven Wives: Escape from Modern Day Polygamy
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Mary Mackert tells a poignant and powerful story about her life in Mormon polygamy. The story is presented as a reflection of her life- she was born and raised in a polygamous family and she married into one. The reflection takes place during a time when she had been abducted and held captive in a bedroom after she had first attempted to leave the group. The story gives the reader a view of polygamy from the inside, and it describes a closed society that few Amercans would imagine exists in our midst. It does,and has deep roots in Mormonism and its history. Her story is important reading, especially at a time when another oppressive polygamous culture on the other side of the world (radical fundamentalist Islam) has wreaked such havoc and caused such suffering. Her story is true, and her book is also very readable. It gets a "thumbs up" from me.

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This is the most unique story written about modern day polygamy and chronicles the teenage years and sixteen-year marriage of the author. Mary Mackert was born into a family with a history rich in the traditions of fundamental Mormonism. The author shares her private thoughts and feelings as a seventeen-year-old bride facing an arranged marriage to a forty-nine-year-old man that has five other wives. The forbidden love she has for a young man displeases her parents. Obedience and submission to her parents in all things is required for her to see heaven. While her young sweetheart is on a mission she succumbs to the pressures of her family and resigns herself to a marriage of religious duty to a man older than her father. She pressures her father to hurry the marriage arrangements for her true love will return and she cannot face him. She cannot look into his eyes and say that she does not love him. Witness the sorrow and grief of her wedding day. Experience the struggles of her sixteen-year marriage that spawned her courage to flee from this religious bondage. Two days after leaving her husband, she is abducted and locked in her bedroom. During the day-and-a-half she is a prisoner, her husband's attempts to persuade her to return include pleading, preaching, condemnation, and threats of blood atonement execution for her supposed indiscretions. The Sixth of Seven Wives is an inspiring account of one woman's courage to flee from the secret society of her birth and enter the world she'd been taught to fear to obtain a better life for her children.

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The Cultivators Handbook of Natural Tobacco: Second Edition Review

The Cultivators Handbook of Natural Tobacco: Second Edition
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Bill Drake's book combines a wonderfully relaxed and friendly writing style with a beautiful layout that invites casual reading as well as serious study. He moves smoothly through four major areas: the history of Native American tobacco and its use, the growing of that tobacco and more modern varieties, an attack upon the commercial growing and production of tobacco products using chemicals and additives, and historical notes both extolling and condemning tobacco and its use.
Throughout "Tobacco Culture" Drake supplements his own writing with extensive and fascinating quotes and stories stretching from early Native American history into the 1800s and 1900s of European and modern American history. He shows an awareness of and respect for the health aspects of tobacco use, but clearly appreciates the fact that many tobacco users derive enough good in their life from such use that it may balance those health effects.
He spends one considerable section excoriating modern tobacco companies for what they have done to his beloved traditional tobacco plant and raises the question of how much of the supposed "smoking-related" health effect shown by various studies may actually be an effect of the chemically-intense cultivation and the use of non-tobacco additives to modern commercial products. Very little research has been done on the health effects of smoking pure tobacco since there are relatively few people out there who've spent their smoking lifetime enjoying such a product, but it is indeed quite possible that non-commercial tobacco could prove far safer than its much maligned cousins decorating store racks with all their bright colors and logos.
For those unfamiliar with him, Bill Drake is a cultural hero of old-line 1970s hippies for his Cultivator's Handbook of Marijuana published back in the late 60s (recently followed up with The International Cultivators Handbook: Coca, Opium & Hashish. ) He began experimenting with early Native American tobacco species in the late 70s and went on to found the beloved "American Spirit" brand of cigarettes produced by the Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company. Sadly, as he outlines briefly in this book, his early vision for American Spirit and Santa Fe ran into some rocky roads after a few years and was basically swallowed by commercial interests.
I wish I had written this review a month ago as I'd have strongly recommended Tobacco Culture as a Christmas gift for anyone who loves their tobacco or has started to move toward growing their own crop. I'm about a week too late for that particular recommendation, but it would certainly make a great "After Christmas" gift for some folks and I'm sure it would be appreciated. I noticed just now that there is a Kindle edition of "Tobacco Culture" but I think a pure print version such as I believe Kindle offers would lose a lot of the flavor imbued through the author's careful page layouts and illustrations: "Culture" is definitely a beautiful coffee-table and gift book as much as it is a simple cultivator's guide. A definite five stars!
Michael J. McFadden
Author of Dissecting Antismokers' Brains

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Native Americans believe that Tobacco is one of the most sacred gifts of the Great Spirit to his People, along with corn, beans and squash.I also believe that tobacco is a great gift of the great spirit of the natural world, and I want people who enjoy tobacco to be able to liberate themselves from the thrall of the multinational so-called "Tobacco companies," whose products really have nothing to do with the sacred herb and are nothing more than industrialized poison.Now I'm sharing my years of experience raising natural Tobacco in what I hope is a useful, interesting and thoughtful book - The Cultivators Handbook of Natural Tobacco.As I hope you'll come to see, the ultimate aim of this book is to make it possible for smokers to no longer be enslaved to criminal corporations for their personal supply of pure, natural tobaccos.In addition to sharing my own growing experience, I've reached far into the past to find tobacco growing books written by masters of the subject, from Cuba to the Philippines, from America to Brazil. In an all-new Section Two I've gathered together the best advice from these old-time masters regarding every aspect of Tobacco cultivation, from which varieties grow best in which soils and environments, to the carefully guarded secrets of curing and flavoring the primo leaves of this unusual plant. Also, I'll give you an internet address where you can download all of these original, invaluable tobacco resources for free in PDF format for easy reading on your computer or any reading device.

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The Savvy Woman's Guide to Owning a Home: How to Care for, Improve and Maintain Your Home Review

The Savvy Woman's Guide to Owning a Home: How to Care for, Improve and Maintain Your Home
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I am shocked by the good reviews this book is getting. I made this purchase thinking I'd learn how to "care for, improve and maintain" my home. Instead I found a bunch of non-specific reasons why I need to maintain my home and nothing about how to do so. What exactly are these reviewers referring back to? There is no information here that is complete enough to be useful. I am willing to bet that I never need to open this book again.
Anyone who has ever moved already knows most of the helpful hints contained in the first 1/3 of this book. We're talking about simple things like: change your address with the post office; find out how to get from your new house to your office; call the electric company and get the power turned on...
The real content is in middle third of the book. That's the section that's supposed to be about maintaining your home. Here's the gist: Houses have plumbing systems, call a plumber. Houses have electric systems, call an electrician. (Unless you want to change the color of your light switch, apparently as women we're all supposed to get giddy at the thought of light switches in different colors.) The repairs chapter is concentrated on which professionals to call in. Roof trouble requires a roofer... There are a whopping 2 paragraphs about doing repairs yourself. In these paragraphs Ms. Werner recommends purchasing a book about home maintenance!!! The seasonal and yearly checkup chapters are the only redeeming part of the whole book, although they are still lacking. These consist basically of a list of places to check for structural damage.
The final 1/3 of the book contains more generalized information that about emergency planning, picking schools for your kids and canceling your mail when you go on vacation. Again, this is not really relevant to home improvement, and is mostly targeted at people lacking common sense or people who have made long distance moves. This is followed up by a few pages about remodeling. Guess what: you're supposed to call a contractor to do you're remodeling.

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In a light and humorous way, yet clear and detailed enough to be of real help, the book teaches the basics of home care, safety, and getting into a new community. It covers everything from moving into the new place, to seasonal and yearly "to do" lists, to dealing with a host of repairs.The book is laid out in a sensible way and contains sidebars with lots of helpful hints and fun anecdotes.It's something I could easily see becoming a bible for the new homeowner, female or male, but is especially excellent for women because it avoids the jargon often used when such information is geared toward men.KK Wilder, Producer, "Wild Spirit: The Writing Life"

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Milady's Standard Fundamentals for Estheticians 9E - Workbook Review

Milady's Standard Fundamentals for Estheticians 9E - Workbook
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I looked like it had been passed down a few times because most areas were completed by different people. Overall it is still usable.

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This newly revised workbook directly follows the information found in the student textbook. This popular supplement contains detailed, interactive exercises designed to reinforce learning and increase student comprehension, including fill-in-the-blank, word review, matching, and final review examinations.

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Dating Your Mom Review

Dating Your Mom
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In between some failed pieces and some merely funny ones, there are some works of mind-melting satire. Throw in a viscious vision of pretention at all levels of society, and you've got Frazier at work. "The Death of Bob's Bob House" was one of the strangest and funniest things I have read in quite some time. He does not always connect, but when he does, Frazier can smack that puppy out of the ballpark.

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Be Your Own House Contractor: Save 25% Without Lifting a Hammer Review

Be Your Own House Contractor: Save 25% Without Lifting a Hammer
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In 1990 I had my ten acres paid for, and was ready to being building my retirement home. A friend gave me Carl Heldmann's book, Be Your Own House Contractor. I had a set of plans made from my sketching, and got three bids for building. The cheapest was $97,500.00. I decided to try my own general contracting, with little to no experience in construction. With the help of some friends whom I bounced ideas off of, I started out with a spread sheet of sub-contracters, getting three bids from each in their order of appearance. In six months, we finished our home, and without cutting any real expenses, built our home for $67,500. All due to the teachings and following of Carl Heldmann's book. Even if you do decide to use general contractor, this book is still invaluable in the detail and advise given. I have since given this book to three friends who have built homes, and all three were very impressed with the subject matter. A MUST read, in my opinion, for anyone who is going to undertake building or having a new home built. I know of no where else one get such a step by step explanation covering the do's and don't of every phase of the process.

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Portable Gardens: Self-Watering - No Weeding Review

Portable Gardens: Self-Watering - No Weeding
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Book was just ok, way over priced for the material offered. Actually it shouldn't be called a "book", pamphlet would be more accurate.

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The portable garden simply allows you to garden ANYWHERE. You won't need a plot of land. You can create a garden oasis on a rooftop, porch, balcony or deck. You can bring your garden indoors in the winter or take it with you when you move. The portable garden is very low maintenance; no digging, weeding, or daily maintenance is needed. The garden can be self-watering and it does not use expensive hydroponics or chemicals. Plants grow at a convenient height in raised containers so you can garden even if you are physically challenged and cannot kneel or if you garden from a wheelchair. The elevation of the containers can be adjusted to meet your needs. You can start your seed and grow your plants to maturity in the same container.You should be able to build the garden in just a few hours. It does NOT require any special tools or extensive building skills. This portable garden is easily constructed of readily available, low-cost, reusable materials that should last many seasons.

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Homegrown Vegetables, Fruits & Herbs: A Bountiful, Healthful Garden for Lean Times Review

Homegrown Vegetables, Fruits and Herbs: A Bountiful, Healthful Garden for Lean Times
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This book is like having Jim walk through your garden with you, teaching you every step of the way.
Does everyone remember Jim Wilson from the Victory Garden South at Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain, Georgia? Sure we do! I loved watching the PBS series, The Victory Garden, every Saturday back in the 1980's (and before) and especially liked when they segued from Boston down to Georgia to see what Jim was growing.
He was always growing something exciting, or at least it seemed exciting the way he talked about it. I loved how he walked around the gardens sampling all kinds of vegetables and raving about how good they were. I still remember him picking an ear of sweet corn, maybe in his garden or maybe in one of the many gardens he visited, cutting off a few kernels with his pocket knife and eating them right there. He probably said something like, "My goodness that is sweet. No butter needed for this corn. That is one sweet ear of corn". It looked and sounded so good that I wanted to grow corn like that!
Now with this book, it's like Jim, and Walter, are walking us through the garden telling us once again how to grow our own produce. In an easy to read style, through words and pictures, they provide all the information you need to be successful growing your own vegetables, fruits, and herbs. As Jim noted at the beginning, he wants people to have success their first year growing vegetables, to avoid "the disappointment and downright failure that often comes with the first attempts at cultivating produce". Jim knows, we all know, that if that first garden is a flop, many people will give up and never try again. So he and Walter came out of what he refers to as "blissful retirement" to write this book at a time when he felt we needed good, practical information about growing our own vegetables and fruits.

Through this book, Jim Wilson, is teaching us in his own style how to be successful growing a vegetable garden. And Walter Chandoha is tempting us through his photographs to grow vegetables we swear we don't even like, but decide we'll grow them anyway, just because they look so good in those pictures.
This is the book I'm going to recommend to anyone who tells me they want to finally grow their own vegetables and asks me how to get started. This is the book I'm going to pull off the shelf when I have a question about something I want to grow in my own vegetable garden. This is the book I'm going to read and enjoy whenever I feel a need for some gardening advice for myself.
Thank you, Jim Wilson and Walter Chandoha, for coming out of retirement to collaborate on this wonderful book, Homegrown Vegetables, Fruits, and Herbs.

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Starting with the basics and the author's secrets of successful, time-efficient food gardening learned over a lifetime of gardening, this book is the complete vegetable gardening system for busy people who want to grow fresh produce to save money and ensure their food is safe.

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Perennials for Dummies Review

Perennials for Dummies
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I love gardening. If I am not in the garden working, my hand will be holding a book or a magazine on flowers. It's my seventh house and each time we moved I started all over again. But this time we moved south. Different climat, different soil, everything is different. Perennials gardening is still very new to South Carolina. I didn't have too much help from my neighboors or even the nurseries. I was crying for help until I found perennials for dummies. I am now redoing the first bed that I did when I moved here following their instructions on the preparation of the soil and the best type of plants to use for this torrid, humid weather with mild winter. I recommend that book for any beginner and good gardeners. You will always find a new tips or answers to your questions and on top of that they are funny.

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Discusses the selection and care of perennial flowers, ferns, and grasses and suggests varieties for different conditions, soils, and climates.

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Hot Tropics and Cold Feet Review

Hot Tropics and Cold Feet
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Diann Hunt keeps getting better and better. I chuckled through Hot Flashes and Cold Cream; RV There Yet? held side-splitting moments, but Hot Tropics and Cold Feet has topped them both! I howled with laughter.
When Maggie, Lily, Jill and Louise hit the beach, things start happening. With antics like escaping a resident alligator, parasailing, and rescuing baby sea turtles, you'll laugh your way through this book. I had a hard time putting it down. Part of me wanted to keep turning pages, while the other part told me if I didn't stop soon, I'd turn the last one. And I didn't want it to end. I was having too good of a time with the "girls." But willpower lost the battle and I read it in two sittings. Well I had to get SOME sleep.
Any woman with a group of close girlfriends will see herself in this bunch. What I didn't expect were the tears Hunt elicited from me, when Lily's new husband is moving her away from Charming, Indiana--and Maggie. I've moved away from close girlfriends before, and it brought back sweet memories of long-standing friendships.
From health-nut Jill, wrinkle-free Louise, indecisive Lily to hot-flashing Maggie, these characters truly will leap off the page and into your hearts. Well, maybe leap is too strong a word. Jog? No, not Maggie--too much like exercise. Well, anyway, you know what I mean. You'll love them.
Hot Tropics and Cold Feet receives Novel Reviews top recommendation- a 5 and goes into the line-up for my pick as book of the year for 2007. This one will be hard for anyone else to beat.
Reviewed by Ane Mulligan

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When the going gets tough, the tough hit the beach.

After years of being single, Lily's about to head down the aisle again.But just as she's about to take the plunge, she gets cold feet--ice cold.

To calm her pre-wedding jitters, Lily and her girlfriends take off on a getaway to Siesta Key, Florida.Harkening back to younger days, they stalk Donny Osmond, get tattoos (henna!), and turn the heads of local studs.But not far from any of their minds are the challenges of midlife:grown children coming home to roost, husbands in midlife crisis mode, and--could it be?--a first-time pregnancy at forty-five.

The "girls" all have their baggage in tow, but the salty air and laughing with friends is just what the doctor ordered--if they can weather the hot flashes until wedding bells ring!

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Another Use For... 101 Common Household Items Review

Another Use For... 101 Common Household Items
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I picked this book up from the library, and now I'm looking for a copy to purchase. I started reading this 143 page book, and by page 15, I knew it was hopeless because I kept finding helpful tips that I had never thought of but that I wanted to remember. However, there was too much, and I couldn't remember any of it, so I decided that I needed to have my own copy for reference. Not everything in it is helpful or applicable to me, and yes, crome does pop up frequently, but there is enough advise that I need to make it well worth it. It's also very diversified in useful utensils and in purposes, so I am sure that this book would prove just as helpful to anyone even if they thought none of the stuff I appreciated helpful and only wanted the advise that I threw aside. I haven't seen the 2004 edition, so that may be even better, I don't know.

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If you drop a raw egg, what's the fastest way to clean it up? With a turkey baster. What's the easiest way to clean a shower door? Wipe it with a fabric softener sheet. This new edition features practical, useful tips like these and dozens more.

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Idea Wise: Bathrooms Review

Idea Wise: Bathrooms
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Many good kitchen ideas. I was looking for paint color ideas, not remodeling ideas at this time.

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Today's bathroom is more than a functional, utilitarian space-it is also a sanctuary and private retreat. The bathroom receives more remodeling dollars than any other room in the house (except the kitchen). Today's bathroom is a center for both physical and mental relaxation, and IdeaWise: Bathrooms will show you how to get the most personal satisfaction from this all-important room. There are also good economic reasons for remodeling or adding a bathroom-a major bathroom project returns virtually its entire investment by adding value to your home.

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Materials Handbook (Handbook) Review

Materials Handbook (Handbook)
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The "Materials Handbook" (15th Ed.) is now one of my favorite reference books. The variety of materials that it documents is pretty amazing. This is a great book for the scientist, engineer & layperson alike. A reader can quickly find the basic description & properties for alloys, elements, non-metallic substances, plastics, wood, liquids, etc., etc. If you can name it, it's probably in this book. There's one caveat; even at 1244 pages, it cannot contain every useful fact pertaining to a particular substance. Given that practical limitation, I suspect that many of us could learn exactly what we wanted to know about a substance and others can search other references that focus exclusively on specific materials in whatever category. Again, it's a very valuable reference and it is a great addition to any technical library.

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The Materials Handbook is an encyclopedic, A-to-Z organization of all types of materials, featuring their key performance properties, principal characteristics and applications in product design. Materials include ferrous and nonferrous metals, plastics, elastomers, ceramics, woods, composites, chemicals, minerals, textiles, fuels, foodstuffs and natural plant and animal substances --more than 13,000 in all. Properties are expressed in both U.S. customary and metric units and a thorough index eases finding details on each and every material.
Introduced in 1929 and often known simply as "Brady's," this comprehensive, one-volume, 1244 page encyclopedia of materials is intended for executives, managers, supervisors, engineers, and technicians, in engineering, manufacturing, marketing, purchasing and sales as well as educators and students.
Of the dozens of families of materials updated in the 15th Edition, the most extensive additions pertain to adhesives, activated carbon, aluminides, aluminum alloys, catalysts, ceramics, composites, fullerences, heat-transfer fluids, nanophase materials, nickel alloys, olefins, silicon nitride, stainless steels, thermoplastic elastomers, titanium alloys, tungsten alloys, valve alloys and welding and hard-facing alloys.
Also widely updated are acrylics, brazing alloys, chelants, biodegradable plastics, molybdenum alloys, plastic alloys, recyclate plastics, superalloys, supercritical fluids and tool steels.
New classes of materials added include aliphatic polyketones, carburizing secondary-hardening steels and polyarylene ether benzimidazoles. Carcinogens and materials likely to be cancer-causing in humans are listed for the first time. (20021001)

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Ultimate Guide to Plumbing: Complete Projects for the Home Review

Ultimate Guide to Plumbing: Complete Projects for the Home
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Merle Henkenius holds a master plumber's license and has extensive experience in home construction, so he's the perfect author to create a do-it-yourself plumbing guide in ULTIMATE GUIDE TO PLUMBING: COMPLETE PROJECTS FOR THE HOME, which appears in a new, expanded edition to provide basic step-by-step instruction for installing sinks faucets, showers and repairing all such fixtures. Color photos throughout accompany step-by-step instructions and flow charts which are easy to follow, making this an excellent pick for both do-it-yourself homeowners and libraries catering to them.
Diane C. Donovan
California Bookwatch

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Ultimate Guide to Plumbing: Complete Projects for the Home is an updated and expanded edition of Creative Homeowner's comprehensive plumbing how-to book, which prepares the do-it-yourselfer to handle any plumbing task in the home, from replacing a washer in a leaky faucet to cutting and joining cast-iron vent pipes. The author's emphasis is on doing things correctly, so all the projects use only code-compliant techniques. The most up-to-date products and techniques are included. The book gives readers an overview of a house's plumbing system, including supply, waste, and vent piping, and explains the basic physics that keep everything working well. Readers learn not only how to plan and complete each project but how to spot and improve outdated or dangerous techniques and materials in their home's plumbing system

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A World of Light Review

A World of Light
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I really enjoyed Skloot's previous two collections of writings, and I enjoyed this one too.
This one is very different to the other two though as Skloot barely mentions his illness at all in this one.
I came to know (and love) Skloot's writing because I could relate to his experiences with having a severe neurological illness. He writes so eloquently about all the symptoms and describes many of them so well, better than I've ever read anywhere else; it was like reading my own diary written by someone else at times! Wonderful writing.
But I also came to just like reading what Skloot had to say when it wasn't about his illness too. So I'd highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoyed either of his previous books - just don't buy it if you're only after more insights and discussions of his illness because they just aren't there!

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