Building for a Lifetime: The Design and Construction of Fully Accessible Homes Review

Building for a Lifetime: The Design and Construction of Fully Accessible Homes
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It really helps to lead you in the design and placement of all items and objects, as well as the general layout of you houseplan, rooms and location of house on lot, to make it more convenient and easier for you to get around no matter what your age, height, or physical strength is. It helps you decide the right height for switches, outlets, windows, etc., where they should be in proximity to doorways, beds, work zones, etc. It also gives a good discussion on types of lighting, why and where each is best suited, types of switches, step heights, ramp heights and lengths, the need for less steps, proposing the need to consider letting mechanical aids do the work rather than tired or frail and aging bodies. Helps lead you to the thoughts of doing your exercise in the gym and not be forced to do it in the house. Gives an excellent discussion of what and how for heating, air conditioning, lighting, everthing that goes into a house. It also gives excellent pointers as to what scales to use in creating your house plan drawings to avoid confusion and mistakes by the builder in implementing your plans. Compares accessible building standards to the currently accepted building standards and provides the reason for the departures from the norm. A lot of information is provided on the methods of testing and developing the standards that this text espouses, sort of like in depth and pragmatic time and motion studies. Much of this can be ignored by the reader, but for the doubters out there it does fully explain and support the standards and approaches provided.

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