Four Seasons of Mojo: An Herbal Guide to Natural Living Review

Four Seasons of Mojo: An Herbal Guide to Natural Living
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I will start by saying that I am not a hardcore hoodoo expert. I will say that I am very informed of many similar traditions. I found that this book was well written even though I am not crazy about the Llewellyn publishing format. Ms. Bird does a great job of bringing many traditions into mainstream and there is nothing wrong with that. Her audience is everyone--not hardcore hoodoo folks.
This is a great book to gift to a female family member or dear friend and should be a part of every woman's bookshelf. It is inspiring to follow some of the recipes, advice and ruminations and I could care less if every single piece of advice is authentic, especially if something works well for you. Traditions vary from one family to the next and this book is a mixture of Ms. Bird's family traditions and research. She doesn't claim to be an anthropologist publishing a dissertation on historic hoodoo traditions so I don't know why some people here have gotten so up in arms. There's is plenty of hardcore Hoodoo books out there and there is a time and place for those publications--they may bore some people to tears.
If you want to clean house, feel good about yourself, energize your household and feel connected with the earth again, this book is great. Considering how ignorant new generations are of simple home remedies, recipes and natural health, this book is unpretentious and true to its subtitle : Everyday HooDoo-Natural Living and Simple Magic. The book is clearly categorized New Age/Herbalism/Alternative Health, so please do not act so misled if you are not into New Age works.
I found the seasonal organization very nice and I was reminded of many forgotten traditions. The book contains more than Hoodoo and I consider that a bonus so enjoy it and gift a copy to someone you love. It is very unpretentious, poetic at times and also very useful to people on a budget. I applaud Ms. Bird for being true to herself.

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The changing of the seasons can feel magical-greens changing to browns and golds, snow melting to show fresh buds. We all recognize these tell-tale signs, but few are aware of the powerful impact each season has on our spiritual lives. Four Seasons of Mojo infuses ancient techniques, rituals, and methods from around the world to use each season's inherent energies to supplement body, mind, and soul. Designed to further spiritual practices by learning from neighboring cultures, this book provides readers with useful ideas unrestricted by geographic borders, ethnicity, religion, or magical path. Included are recipes and concepts from the Caribbean, African American soul food, Buddhist Meditation practices, sacred Hindu rites, Old European traditions, Australian Aboriginal dreaming lessons, and Native American wisdom.

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