Learn to Garden Review

Learn to Garden
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If you are new to gardening or love reading about how to make leaf mold or want to learn how to recycle carrot peels and eggshells, then this is your book. I loved the quick introduction to topics like photosynthesis, pollination and other topics of interest that reminded me of my favorite Biology class in high school.
Learn To Garden will also teach you how to:
Make a Compost Pile
Figure out where to place plants according to sun/shade
Organize a Pet Friendly Yard
Plant bulbs at the proper depth
Transplant without harming plants
Prune Roses
Analyze Soil
Take Care of a Lawn
Plant Trees, shrubs and Climbers
Organize plants in containers, beds and borders
My favorite part of the book was actually how to make leaf mold. It is fascinating to think that you can make nourishing items by letting things decay. I will never look at raking leaves in the same way again. My father was an excellent gardener when we lived in Africa and I observed the way he made compost piles and nourished the dry sandy soil. Soon, we had lovely vegetables and were happily enjoying fried squash blossoms and other such gourmet luxuries.
When I was a child, the garden was were I was the happiest, getting lost amongst the corn, shelling peas on the back steps and digging up carrots to see if they were ready to eat. If you are trying to recreate some childhood memories or even just create a beautiful space to eat breakfast, this book has many ideas. This book gave me a lot of ideas, but now I'm going to have to think about moving because there is an "secret garden" idea in this book on page 77 that will need more than a deck!
What I miss most about my childhood home, is the scent of the soil and the fresh peaches we used to pick to make ice cream. The authors also discuss fruit trees, growing strawberries and those types of delicious topics.
If you have cats and have wanted to grow an herb garden, a two-tiered plant stand works very well. I'm finally growing herbs high enough off the ground so the cats don't nibble on them. Planting catnip in the lower tier is the next idea...
~The Rebecca Review

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This primer provides everything the new gardener needs to know to create a garden, whether beginning with an existing garden or starting a brand new plot. With its practical and un-intimidating approach, Learn to Garden takes the bafflement out of gardening for the novice.

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