Coming Clean: Dirty Little Secrets from a Professional Housecleaner Review

Coming Clean: Dirty Little Secrets from a Professional Housecleaner
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I found this book disappointing, especially after reading the description and the glowing reviews posted here. I thought I would get a lot more tips on how to clean quickly and efficiently, but I only found one tip I felt would make a difference. I also thought the book would give a better plan of attack for cleaning the whole house, but the plan was scattered throughout the book. I would have liked to have seen that plan presented in a single place (perhaps as a review at the end of the book.)
I also felt this book just scratched the surface of the hows and whys of cleaning and organizing. I think people would be much better served buying two separate books that go more in depth into both topics. I don't know which book to suggest for cleaning, but for organizing "Organizing From The Inside Out" by Julie Morganstern is the best.

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A book about "work simplification in your home," Coming Clean offers a no-nonsense plan of attack for weekly, monthly, and seasonal chores. As a commonsense approach to the business of running a clean, organized home, Schar Ward champions simple tools and routines. She discusses supplies, equipment, and planning, and focuses on specific areas in the home (including dreaded children's rooms), problem surfaces, and thinking clean when it comes to remodeling.

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