Holistic Care for Birds Review

Holistic Care for Birds
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In HOLISTIC CARE FOR BIRDS, authors McCluggage and Higdon address preventative care as well as spiritual and emotional healing. They begin with a brief overview of `bird keeping' - Different birds have different needs..Not all birds like to be petted while others may become miserable without constant affection. Sometimes the difference is species specific, other times it is related to the bird's treatment by previous owners.
Obvious physical problems may send you scrambling to the vet, but there are remedies you can keep on hand to deal with life's stresses and less serious physical injuries. For example, according to the authors, mild camomile tea in the bird's water bowl offers a soothing aperitif following a bad "out-of-cage" experience with the family dog or as a palliative for feather picking. Aloe juice used to treat human skin problems as well as Vitamin E and C can also be used to address bird wounds inflicted by cage mates.
The authors address a range of treatments for ailments as diverse as sore feet and broken feathers to heart disease. They do not eschew veterinary care, indeed McCluggage is a DVM as well as a Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist. Higdon has written a number of books on happy, healthy pets (Lovebirds, Quaker Parrots, etc.). The book includes a section on nutrition, as the best health care involves diet.

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Birds are ideal subjects for holistic care. They are especially sensitive to emotional and physical stresses. Based on what we have learned from wild birds and studies completed in the last 10-20 years, this book will help you provide your bird with a longer, healthier life. Each beautifully illustrated chapter is written from two viewpoints, one from the leading holistic avian veterinarian and the other from a bird owner's viewpoint. Holistic care is defined and the value of this type of care in relation to conventional western medicine is discussed. Other interesting topics include the physical bird, the emotional bird, nutrition and special holistic therapies.

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