From Container to Kitchen: Growing Fruits and Vegetables in Pots Review

From Container to Kitchen: Growing Fruits and Vegetables in Pots
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I was hoping for some tips and tricks to growing Fruits and Veggies in containers. At first when i read the first couple of pages before purchasing it seemed like the author was witty and experienced. Then after purchasing the book and reading the first 2 chapters I knew I made a mistake. The author started going into the spiritual and medical properties of plants for multiple chapters. Tell me how to make my plants produce more and you have won my heart. Tell me how patients who looked at pictures of plants got better faster and I think you are collecting royalties you don't deserve. He spent an entire chapter on how to buy and decorate pots. He left out a few technical details such as any measurement to define the small medium or large pots that he recommended for a few of the plants. He spent a chapter on proper soil preparation and nutrients, but never gave a recommendation or any actual amounts for different plants. He rambled on and on about where in your home potted plants could be placed and how they not only brighten up the home but have health benefits. Every time I thought I was going to get advise he backs out or changes the subject. I think all the tips and tricks put together if condensed could have been less than a single chapter and most could be found on the back of the seed packet. Most of the book was filler that had nothing to do with how to grow the plants. Do I really want to hear what he does when he gets up in the morning? Do I care where he lives and why? Should I be interested in how his home and pots are decorated or where the pots were found or how they were made? If you want to know more about the health benefits of container gardening this is the book for you. If you want to actually try container gardening don't choose this book. I wonder about most of the other reviews. Some look professional and almost make me want to read the book again to see if I missed all these helpful tips he gave. It also make me wonder if some of the reviewers were paid.

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More and more people are recognizing the need for nutritious, local, sustainable food, but organic options can be costly, and the produce sections of most supermarkets are packed with fruits and vegetables that have racked up more frequent flier miles than a rock band on world tour. How can urban dwellers without ready access to fertile land enjoy the benefits of traditional gardening? And for those with a yard, how do you maximize the harvest of fresh, healthy edibles?In From Container to Kitchen, D.J. Herda shows that there is a way. Written for the novice home gardener as well as the seasoned pro, this fully illustrated, comprehensive guide will show you how to save up to 70 percent on your produce bill by growing fruits and vegetables in pots. Topics include:Selecting the right container size and location Optimizing soil composition and nutrients Managing light, water, and humidity Choosing the best fruits and vegetables for container gardening Eliminating pests and plant diseases naturally Extending the harvest Dig in to this bumper crop of container gardening tips and techniques and learn how to create your own moveable feast!D.J. Herda is an award-winning freelance author, editor, and photojournalist who has written several thousand articles and more than eighty books, including Zen and the Art of Pond Building. He is an avid organic gardener and test grower and has been writing extensively about growing fruits and vegetables for over forty years.

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