Kids, Herbs & Health: A Practical Guide to Natural Remedies Review

Kids, Herbs and Health: A Practical Guide to Natural Remedies
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I am writing to highly recommend this book, Kids, Herbs, and Health, to parents and health practitioners alike. It is absolutely unique- the first of its kind to address herbal remedies for children in a complete and scientifically sound manner. My perspective is unique because I am a scientist (I hold a Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry), a new Mom, and because I am intensely interested in herbs.
Mavor and White have done an outstanding job of explaining complex health/biochemical issues so that parents can make informed healthcare choices for their children. These topics include, but are not limited to, the pros and cons of antiobiotic use, the advantages and disadvantages of over-the-counter cold medicines, the safety of using herbs for kids, etc. I am impressed by the comprehensive nature of the book. Topics range from herbal treatments for common ailments such as colds, ear infections, sore throats, and colic, to treatments for less frequent problems such as attention deficit disorder, sleep and psychological problems. The herbal remedies the authors' suggest are supported by results from numerous clinical studies. Among herbal medicine guides, the science in this book is outstanding.
As a new Mom, I have found this book incredibly practical and useful. In every chapter there are recommendations for appropriate herbal remedies, as well as symptoms that indicate the child should see a doctor, and a wealth of other helpful information (for example, elevating the head of your child's bed during ear infections). The authors include the soundest advice on nutrition I've seen in books of this nature. I love the recipe for the "immune-building" soup! For the people who would like to be self-sufficient and save money, there are many recipes and instructions for home preparation of the herbal glycerites recommended for various medical conditions (i.e. the "runny-nose glycerite"). I have begun to make many of these glycerites during my son's well-times, so that they'll be ready when the need arises.
The book is easy to read, and, surprisingly for a book packed with so much information, I can sit and read it much like a novel. I appreciate the authors preparing this book. I'm certain it's going to positively impact the health of my child

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By emphasizing self-care technique that include herbal treatments, holistic approaches, and lifestyle changes, parents can treat their child's coughs, fevers, minor injuries, and other common childhood ailments - and this book shows them how.

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