Defy Aging: Develop the Mental and Emotional Vitality to Live Longer, Healthier, and Happier Than You Ever Imagined Review

Defy Aging: Develop the Mental and Emotional Vitality to Live Longer, Healthier, and Happier Than You Ever Imagined
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In Defy Aging, psychologist and life coach Michael Brickey has written a compendium of information and insights on how to live a longer, healthier, and happier life based on choices and attitudes. Brickey maintains that based on studies of centenarians, 70% of longevity is mental and lifestyle. He also cites dozens of exercises to help live a vital long life and explains why extreme diets or extreme exercise are not need and may prove counterproductive. Scientific breakthroughs in medicine and genetic engineering suggest that the human body can enjoy a life span of 150 years or longer giving the proper care and mental attitudes. Of special import is Brickey's commentary on how to deal with the challenges of keeping a lifelong sense of purpose, outliving friends and family, and dealing with the massive changes that will inevitable be experienced during the course of a long life in the modern world. Defy Aging is very highly recommended, thought provoking, quality of life enhancing reading for men and women of any age.

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Solidly supported by research, Defy Aging explains for lay and professional readers the "mental ABCs" - 4 Attitudes, 36 Beliefs, and 4 Coping Skills that foster vital longevity. It is a very practical self-help book that focuses on what works and helps the reader develop and implement an individualized, personalized life vision, mission, purpose and strategies.It is critically acclaimed by Dr. Bernie Siegel, Betty Friedan, Dr. Ronald Katz, (Pres. Amer. Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine) and 4 past presidents of the Amer. Psychological Assoc.It is a finalist for ForeWord Magazine's 2000 Book of the Year Awards. Author Michael Brickey, Ph.D. is a Board Certified psychologist and a life coach.

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