Complete Guide to Predictive and Preventive Maintenance Review

Complete Guide to Predictive and Preventive Maintenance
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I am half-way through this book and realize that I have used Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) for years. This was the approach we used because of HAZOP studies. If you look at the methodology, they are the same. It is an excellent book for first-pass economics of preventive maintenance (PM). Through numerous examples, he shows when to PM, when you are spending too much for PM, and when to just run the damn thing 'til it breaks. As I said, it is a great introduction. I have picked up Doc Palmer's book and can see I would be lost without preparation. If there are any short-comings, it is grammar and spelling. There are numerous typographical errors. Most engineers seem to have taken an-engineer's only english class in college. I found the errors troubling but the writing clear and concise. A very good book for a refresher (as in my case), or an introduction.
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Looks at ways to achieve success in preventative maintenacesystems, covering the engineering, management, economic, and psychological aspects of each task.

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