Choosing Health: Dr. Force's Functional Selfcare Workbook Review

Choosing Health: Dr. Force's Functional Selfcare Workbook
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I am a Naturopathic Medical Doctor and own several hundred books on health care. Out of all these books, I feel "Choosing Health" is the most valuable. The information in this book is so useful, that I provide a copy to every new patient in my naturopathic practice. It makes my job much easier.
The only other books like this are Dr. Balch's Nutritional Rx, Andrew Weil's Optimal Wellness, The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, and Linda Page's book. I think this book beats them hands down.
This book avoids the common pitfall of most natural health book, i.e. green drugs. Green drugs are herbs or natural remedies that are used like prescription drugs. Each condition has a list of natural "cures", e.g. for headache - Feverfew. Dr. Force allows the reader to develope a plan based on their individual and unique cause(s) rather than the symptom (headache)
This book is unique because it provides comprehensive details on the "elements of health." These are essential lifestyle choices that patients make for themselves. This is the first but most important step in healing any chronic pain or illness. Dr. Force calls these essential elements "functional self care".
Dr. Force also has included a health questionaire section that allows a person to discover their functional health weaknesses. Functional health weaknesses are the organs, glands, or systems that are not working optimally, but have not progressed to the point where they could be identified in a blood test, xray or mri. Identifying and correcting these problems before they manifest in tissue damage is the beauty of this approach. This book provides patients with this valuable tool.

There is great section that helps patients make sense of standard blood work, chem screen and CBC. This is invaluable for the patient that wants a deeper understanding of their blood chemistry instead of their doctor just telling them, "everything looks ok." OK, compared to what? This section alone is worth the price of the book.
The most common complaint in my practice is fatigue and stress. Dr. Force has a wonderful section on the causes and the physiologic effects of stress. His suggestions for improving adrenal dysfunction resulting from stress are comprehensive and very useful.
As a practicing physician, Dr. Force has not put himself or other doctors out of business. He clearly states that this book does not replace health care from a physician. People need both: healthcare and selfcare. A healthy person should get a yearly physical and a health tune up. Others that are not healthy should incorporate the "elements of health" and the functional self care suggestions. If they don't improve, then they should see their physician for health care.
When this book receives the kind of publicity and reception it deserves and people follow the suggestions, it will truly transform our medical system. The conventional medical "disease care" system is failing miserably. This book should be required reading for all doctors, parents, and anyone interested in truly improving someones health.
This is a great book. Do yourself a favor, buy a copy for yourself, a few more for your family and friends, and lastly a copy for your doctor, chiropractor, naturopath. If they won't read it, I'd suggest you find a different doctor.

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The Choosing Health Workbook gives you the tools and strategies of Functional Selfcare, a completely unique approach that puts you in control over your own health.Functional Selfcare consists of two parts:1. The Elements of Health are those components essential to a healthy lifestyle and include strategies for supporting body, body chemistry, and mind and spirit.2. Self-Directed Selfcare includes the tools for evaluating the exact status of your health using home tests, graphing the function of your body systems from a health questionnaire, and reading your own lab results clearly, easily, and with complete understanding.Practicing Functional Selfcare gives you knowledge about your body and what works to improve and protect your health. You will be able to measure the results on your health from any drug, nutritional supplement, diet, exercise regimen, or lifestyle habit.Additionally, you will know from this workbook what stress is and is not, how dramatically it affects your health, how to measure yourself what stage of stress your body is in and how it has affected your health, know what to do to restore your health from the ravages of stress, and measure the improvement in your health objectively.

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