Encyclopedia Of Exotic Tropical Fishes For Freshwater Aquariums Review

Encyclopedia Of Exotic Tropical Fishes For Freshwater Aquariums
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I've been keeping freshwater fish (and just about everything else that ever tooled about the freshwater environment at one time or another) for a long, LONG time, and I've found this text to be as authoritative and reader-friendly as books can get. Simply stated, the novice can learn all he or she needs to about a species or genera of fish in order to successfully keep that species in captivity, while the advanced hobbyist has at his or her fingers an unparalleled resource text in this book. As an expert whose knowledge is certainly limited, I've found this book to be a sort of catch-all text that answers most any question I might have about the freshwater species of fishes. More so even than that, I consider this book a reference text in that when I go to the local fish shop and I see something I've never seen before, I can come home, reference my Encyclopedia of Freshwater Fishes, and come away with a solid understanding of the species that I just encountered for the first time; I don't have to rely on the "guess and pray" information given me by the pet shop's clerk, I can simply rely on this book to fill in the gaps and bridge the information-gulfs that stand between me and my chosen species of captive fish.
While the above information is simply my amateur opinion on the information the text provides, the following is my professional take on the book as published work. My name is Phil Purser, and many of you may have read my books on Moray Eels, Green Treefrogs, or Garter & Ribbon Snakes. I've been writing on fish & reptiles/amphibians for over a half-decade, and I know what is good and what sucks when it comes to the pet trade. I've read myriad books by "authors" who couldn't find their noses in the dark, and I've read authoritative books by the leading minds of the field, and I can honestly say that, after reading this book from the front cover to the back, this text is one book that will stay one my personal shelves for years and years to come. The information in it is up-to-date, accurate, and timeless (of course nomenclature can change, but the care of each species is pretty well fixed). When you've got all the information you'll ever need in one book, why would you ever reach for another?
The authors of this book are some of the best in the field...better even than myself. Despite my decades of experience studying and writing about fishes, I still defer my questions and inquiries to men such as Glen Axelrod and Brian Scott. Any hobbyist who keeps his or her fingers on the pulse of the freshwater aquarium hobby will attest to the expertise of these scholars; they know their stuff!
I guess what I'm saying is that if an old expert like me can enjoy and reference a book so much as I have this text, then ANYONE who is even remotely interested in the keeping and understanding of freshwater fishes can certianly learn from and relish a book like this one. I honestly believe that a book to rival this one in scope and depth of knowledge will be written for a long, long time to come.

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The Encyclopedia of Exotic Tropical Fishes for Freshwater Aquariums is an inspiring resource. The book is separated into two sections, with the first part encompassing six chapters of both general and specific fishkeeping information and the second part offering detailed profiles of 1000 freshwater species. All fish enthusiasts will appreciate the down-to-earth writing style and superb images by some of the world's top photographers. This practical reference also features anatomical drawings, multiple tip boxes, and over 2800 full-color photographs.

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