In Suspect Terrain Review

In Suspect Terrain
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McPhee writes elegantly plain English. He finds awesome beauty under foot, in vistas, and in words. His fine and pleasing writing deftly evokes the prodigious forces that shaped the landscape along Interstate 80 from Brooklyn to Chicago. McPhee is a magician: he makes deep geological time come so alive you can almost feel the earth move under your feet as it responds to the titanic forces of shifting continents, water, and ice.
McPhee writes epitomes of geological processes: here glacial forms (and diamonds!) in Indiana, there the Delaware Water Gap, or fossil thermometry by his "tour guide" Anita Harris, frank embarrassments to plate tectonics, Appalachian mountain making, petroleum cooking, or again the Ice Ages. This paean to nature, without mysticism, is printed in an old fashioned typeface on quality paper. It has no maps, sections, or illustrations. If you indexed the somewhat non-linear text yourself, this would be an instructive companion to take along on your next trip on eastern Route 80 (or an entire traverse of America if you add the other three books in McPhee's impressive "cross-section" of North America: Rising from the Plain, Basin & Range, Assembling California).

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