Living Green: The Missing Manual Review

Living Green: The Missing Manual
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This book can be preachy and a bit breathless in some of its content, but it's really a fascinating and educational read.
Conner works hard to cover a lot of topics and gives you material on everything from the chemicals you may not know about in your home to alternate and renewable energy sources. Along the way she also covers raising a green family (I raised two kids via cloth diapers and was happy to see them covered), building/remodeling, eating green, responsible shopping, and a number of other topics.
A number of topics were thrown out without enough evidence of whether or not there's really a basis for concern (the impact of volatile organic compounds offgassing from foam in furniture or dryboard markers, for example), but generally Connor does a very nice job of giving you a good background on the topics she's writing about. There are also a lot of resources referenced in the book so you're able to go look at more material from one side of the story, at least.
While there's a chapter dedicated to "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle," Brown seems to carry that theme through the book. I don't know if that was intentional or not, but I found it very helpful to consistently find small reminders of those principles in many of the book's topics. I'm a proponent of reducing the number of things around me and trying to reuse as much as possible - but I'm nowhere near as good at it as I'd like to be.
Overall I enjoyed the book and found it very useful.

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Taking care of the earth is more important than ever, but the problems we're facing can seem overwhelming. Living Green: The Missing Manual helps make earth-friendly decisions more manageable by narrowing them down to a few simple choices. This all-in-one resource is packed with practical advice on ways you can help the environment by making simple changes in your home routine, work habits, and the way you shop and get around town. You don't have to embark on a radical new lifestyle to make a difference. Living Green: The Missing Manual shows you how small changes can have a big impact. With this book, you will:

Learn how to make your home energy efficient and free of toxic chemicals
Discover how to reduce waste, repurpose and recycle, and do more with less
Build and remodel earth-friendly homes with new techniques and materials
Learn tips for buying organic food and what it takes to grow your own
Get helpful information on fuel-efficient cars, including hybrid and electric models
Make your workplace greener and more cost-effective -- from changes at your desk to suggestions for company-wide policies
Explore how to choose renewable energies, such as wind and solar power

The book also provides you with ways to connect with like-minded people and offers a survey of exciting new green technologies. Learn how you can help the planet with Living Green: The Missing Manual.

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