Cost-Benefit Analysis: Theory and Application Review

Cost-Benefit Analysis: Theory and Application
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I used this book to learn more about cost-benefit decisions in tranportation planning, and albeit the book does not relate specifically to that field, it worked very well. The nice part is that it first discusses some macro-economical concepts before delving into cost-benefit calculations. This is very useful if you, like me, do not have a background, classes, courses or a degree in economics. As an introductory book on an undergraduate level this book is excellent.

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This book has been designed specifically with the non-economist in mind, for example, students in public administration, urban studies and health care who may have little or no preparation in economics. It includes recent developments in the theoretical and empirical cost-benefit analysis (CBA) literature beginning with a detailed discussion of welfare economics and the microeconomic foundations of CBA. It gives comprehensive treatment to CBA methodology and concludes with the current state of CBA as it is practiced by public and international agencies, with applications in areas of health care and the environment.

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