Invisible Illnesses Review

Invisible Illnesses
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Dr. Gilbere does it again here and in more detail. This book is a wonderful book that related hidden illnesses to a problem most doctor's are not addressing. Your intestinal and colon health. This is a major place to look for the cause of these so-called "Invisible Illnesses" She goes allot more into detail than in her first book "I Was Poisoned by my Body" which is a great book as well. This one talks allot about specific diets, colonics, colon cleansing etc. There are very vital tools to getting well and she talks all about them here.
This would be a very good investment in anyone's health to read this book.
"Be Well"

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Millions of people are discovering they are victims of conditions such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, intestinal permeability (a.k.a. leaky gut syndrome), etc.; although these are all relatively new terms to most of us, they are real and debilitating for those who suffer from them. Invisible Illnesses, 2nd Edition covers all these conditions, as well as multiple chemical sensitivities, chemically induced immune system disorders and prescription drug withdrawal syndrome among others. It introduces natural therapies and lifestyle modifications for overcoming these disorders. They emphasize diet, supplementation, non-toxic therapies, environmental modifications, and therapies that encourage the healing process-reserving drugs and surgery as a last resort. With this book, and the guidance of a naturopath or integrative medical doctor, readers can learn what is needed to achieve optimal health, naturally.

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