Daily Dose of Toxins Review

Daily Dose of Toxins
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This book is a must have for any healing modality practitioner, especially NAET practitioners. It provides a wealth of information and helps you, as a Practitioner, on your investigative journey.

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This book discusses the impact of toxins on the physical body, with a view to assisting those seeking self-help or practitioners in restoring balance through identifying health problems and in detoxification and healing. 1. Provides a brief overview of how toxicity occurs;
2. Gives new knowledge and insight into the toxic effect of even relatively low levels of exposure to various contaminants;
3. Provides practitioners or those interested in their health with information aboutsymptoms and sources of toxic contamination, so they can help themselves and others live better with renewed health.
It has long been known external contaminations can upset our physical systems and create all manner of problems.It's easy to see the more obvious and extreme forms of toxicity, such as swallowing known poisons.Less obvious are the subtler effects of many manmade toxins, and the potential impact of various foods and other allergens on the human immune system.We see evidence of increasing toxicity in the mounting incidence of allergies, immune system disorders, birth defects and genetic mutation.A toxin acts as an irritant, and the immune system can only respond by attempting to isolate and/or destroy the toxin.Once this happens, the immune system has a "file" on that toxin and will automatically attack it once the presence of the particular toxin is detected.Sometimes the immune system is too weak to prevail against the toxin, and the body succumbs to illness or even death.In other circumstances, a given immune system may be stronger than the contaminant, yet still use up much of the body's vitality in combating or avoiding the effects of a poison.In many cases, the immune system is compromised, even if no overt symptoms are detected.It doesn't take many such contaminations to have a lasting effect on the body's overall health and vitality.

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