Soap Opera : The Inside Story of Procter & Gamble Review

Soap Opera : The Inside Story of Procter and Gamble
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I was a Proctoid for nearly 8 years and can personally confirm some of the stories Swasy relates.
The only weakness of the book is that she misses some of the dirt (the prostitution ring busted the same week as the drug ring at Sharon Woods Technical Center, for example) and some of the weaknesses of the company (low pay among technical people, driving out experienced people to bring in legions of temps with no loyalty to the company, and much more).
Procter isn't unique in its problems, but if they are not addressed honestly and in a timely fashion, in the long term, the company is in trouble. This 'elephant' does not dance, and they cannot go on buying good companies and running those brands into the ground while gutting research and innovation in-house.

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