Encyclopedia of Rocks, Minerals, and Gemstones Review

Encyclopedia of Rocks, Minerals, and Gemstones
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This book gives a description of numerous rock & gem types, along with characteristics, pictures, geography, etc. Good book for someone just starting out in the world of rocks. However, it is not helpful for someone with prior knowledge. It is a beginners level book and a really good one at that.

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Rocks, minerals, and gemstones have fascinated people through the ages. They have been used as decoration, and have often been attributed special powers. This book, arranged in alphabetical format, describes 288 different rocks, minerals, and gems. Each entry includes beautiful color photographs, describes where the material is found, basic facts, how it is used, and some interesting information about its uses, myths, and legends. The separate pages are color-coded to indicate whether the substance is a rock, mineral, or gem.

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Solving the MS Mystery: Help, Hope and Recovery Review

Solving the MS Mystery: Help, Hope and Recovery
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I gave this book only four stars for a couple of reasons. Despite its profound importance and excellent content on dental amalgam as the underlying cause of a great number of today's illnesses which have mercury as the root etiology, the content is unfortunately not up to date on certain technical issues. For example, he asserts that methylcobalamin will methylate inorganic mercury and is therefore dangerous. While it is true that some bacteria can methylate the mercuronic ion, and that this reaction can be made to occur in a laboratory test tube, this is not what happens in real live human beings or animals when given subcutaneously, intramuscularly, or intravenously. This was confirmed to me in personal communication with Boyd Haley, PhD, who has done much work in this field. In addition, please refer to the work done by the Swedish physician, Dr Britt Ahlrot-Westerlund, and her success with treating patients with high doses of injectable methylcobalamin status post amalgam removal for further elucidation on this subject. (One should be cautioned however, not to accept any B-12 injections which contain a preservative, as this can cause problems in a detoxing patient. Also, some people experience angry agitated aggression and can get themselves into trouble even though it is helpful for most.)
Huggin's approach to "balancing chemistries" is somewhat misguided, since this does not actually detoxify the system, but rather make it work better while the mercury remains in place. Thus it is a permanent lifestyle change - well worthwhile in terms of symptom reduction - rather than an intervention that can be stopped at some future point in time. While diet and supplements are paramount to the detoxification process, one will not get well if they are very poised unless they chelate. This leads to another problem I have with his approach of using DMSA on alternating days as there are multitudinous reports of this inappropriate and harmful protocol causing psychosis and permanent motor neuron damage in many people who use it. He completely disregards the pharmacokinetics of DMSA. If you are looking for an appropriate way to detoxify, I would recommend reading Andrew Cutler's book Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment (IBSN 096716808 - search on this number to find it easily). Cutler holds a PhD in chemistry and actually looks at the science behind detoxification as well as collecting patient reports on what the different protocols felt like and how the people responded after using them. Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment is an excellent companion volume to Dr. Huggin's book.
All in all, this book has much merit and a few problems. If you are sick - really sick - I advise researching your options thoroughly before you end up paying more than you have to - in terms of health and dollars - for bad advice. This book can be a good place to start your research, but further investigation is absolutely essential to avoid falling prey to the few pieces of bad advise intermixed with all the good advice the hard way. The book is well worth the money as long as you do further investigation before trying things. [...].

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If, unfortunately, you have Multiple sclerosis, or if you know someone who does, this definitive work in the field of autoimmune diseases, Solving the MS Mystery, will be just what you have been looking for. Hal A. Huggins DDS, MS, had promised that, after treating 1000 MS patients, he would write a book detailing the Protocol that has worked to reverse autoimmune diseases. This is that book.If you are frustrated and discouraged from hearing that there is nothing but pharmaceutical drugs you can take or you are exhausted from trying strange and costly treatments, take heart. This book quotes scientific journals and is based not only on scientific studies and biochemistry but also on the experiences that Dr. Huggins has had with his MS patients over the last 33 years.Always on the cutting edge, when he received information about dental toxicity that was contrary to what he had been taught in dental school, Dr. Huggins was, at first, disbelieving. However, reviewing the scientific literature, working with dental patients, and, finally, going "back to school" to receive his Masters emphasizing immunology and toxicology from the University of Colorado confirmed what others in the field had shown him—that toxic dental materials in the mouth so close to the brain could trigger autoimmune diseases. He wanted to know why—not just alleviate the symptoms, but also know why.His study in the field of biochemistry convinced him that he could balance a person's body chemistry just like a racecar mechanic could perfectly tune a car. Why, if we think it's important to have other mechanical devices work at peak effectiveness should we not have our body tuned as well?This book has practical information as well as scientific information for the professional. Take a look at the Table of Contents listed below. Information you need to know to give yourself Informed Consent for treatment is in this book. Take charge of your health and become educated about treatments that work. You can do as much or as little as you want, but now you will know what is available.

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Vet On Call: The Best Home Remedies for Keeping Your Dog Healthy (Dog Lovers Care Guides) Review

Vet On Call: The Best Home Remedies for Keeping Your Dog Healthy (Dog Lovers Care Guides)
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I think that the book Vet on Call is a great book. I am interested in a masters degree in Veteranary Medicine. This book gives some great background information about dogs. Also, for dog owners interested in taking good care of their dogs would want to read this book. It has great illustrations and pictures of animals and how to take care of them using home remidies. This book covers many subjects such as allergies, anal sac problemsm, bad breath, bleeding, constipationm coughing, dental problems, diarrhea, drooling, eye problems, ear problms, flatulence, fleas, heartworm, heat stroke, hot spots, poisening, sunburnm urinary track problems, vomiting, aging, bladder control problems, heart desiase, overweight, aggression, seperation anxiety, and much, MUCH MORE!!! I really recomend this book! It is a starting block for those kids who wish to be a vet when they grow up

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Dog Care CompanionsAll the answers you need to keep your dog in the peak of health! You'll find expert, practical advice on topics such as:Chewing . . .Exercise . . .Aging . . .. . . Even raiding the trash!Vet on Call shows exactly how to use home remedies to keep your dog happy and healthy year after year.Vet on Call is part of the Dog Care Companions, a series of books for pet lovers on behavior, health care, training, communication, and more.

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Buying and Renovating a Property in France: A Comprehensive Overview for Those With Little or No Knowledge of Buying and Renovating in France Review

Buying and Renovating a Property in France: A Comprehensive Overview for Those With Little or No Knowledge of Buying and Renovating in France
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excellent book with some extra information i did not expect to find. All you need to know to commence this journey

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This book contains 3 parts. Part One - the buying process - emphasizes the verification of the materials used in the property under consideration. For example, if a property is advertised as 'genuine 18th century' you can make sure that this is the case.Part Two - the 'bricks and mortar' part of the book - is designed to provide you with sufficient knowledge of French building methods and materials for you to understand estimates and evaluate what work should be done, and by whom.Part Three is designed to cut your costs wherever possible. It advises on which seals of quality to look for on materials you buy, how to get a loan to finance the work, and what factors to consider when choosing your builder.

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Fabric Dyeing and Printing Review

Fabric Dyeing and Printing
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I borrowed this book from my local library to look up information on how to turn dye into printing ink...Having found that information quickly, the book was impossible to put down. Each section captured my interest in turn and the great illustrations made me want to try most of the other techniques, and as soon as possible. This book would suit anyone from a textile beginner to the most advanced student at university level...perhaps even the textile practitioner, wishing to try new techniqes. It is clearly written but best of all, in reading it, you feel it is more than possible to try --and achieve--an exciting result. Thanks, Kate.

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Fabric Dyeing and Printing is the most comprehensive and well-researched printing and dyeing text available. Author Wells explores not only traditional techniques of fabric dyeing and printing, but also such cutting-edge techniques as devor and cloqu. The book offers a fresh and current aesthetic that will intrigue and seduce the novice and expert alike. In step-by-step process photos and illustrations, the author outlines 30 key patterning techniques. Twenty dye recipes are presented in easy-reference cookbook style.

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Healthful Foods Review

Healthful Foods
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What is not well known, is that Jethro Kloss knew Ellen G. White, who was given light from God on how to prevent disease through healthful eating, drinking, living, etc. and how to use simple natural remedies or herbs. Jethro Kloss new Ellen G. White, and read her works and was amazed at what he learned. This information he passed along in his own books.
If you would like to know more about the material he studied from Ellen G. White, find a copy of the books: "Healthful Living", "Ministry of Healing", "Counsels on Health" and "Counsels on Health and Diet" -- all by Ellen G White. She had much to say on health and true spirituality (she also talked about this subject in her other works) - way before anyone else was really promoting this in the US, back in the mid to late 1800's.
True health is absolutely dependent on true Spiritual health and Mind health. They cannot be seperated. If you find help for any one of these three, then the other two will be helped. Her main thesis was that "The Body is the Temple for the Holy Spirt to dwell in", and "he who destroys the body, God will destroy" - which comes from the Bible. She says that all who are waiting for God's Apearing should be temperate in all things and live healthfully. She also says that studying the laws of health in nature is part of God's law, the same as "the Scriptures" and should be studied as dillegently by all who take His name.
She was talking about Smoking promoting cancer and other problems at a time when Medical Doctors will still proscribing Smoking for people with Asthma and other lung problems!
She also talked about the importance of getting not consuming flesh foods and eating fruits, vegetables and grains. She also talks about not doing improper food combining - eat only 2 or 3 kinds of food at a meal. The importance of fasting for cleaning out the system, and many other things that people who are into health are not just knowing in the last 20 years or so.
She has also said things that the health industry still hasn't learned, so if you want to learn even more, study her books on health.

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Healthy eating doesn't have to be boring. Healthful Foods from the best-selling Back to Eden offers a beautifully designed re-issue of healthy-eating pioneer Jethro Kloss's 1939 masterpiece. One of the original cornerstones of the natural foods movement, this book is a guide to a natural lifestyle and has withstood the test of time, selling millions of copies. This new edition has been redesigned for greater ease of use and includes updates of herbal references and a useful index. Take control of your lifestyle with Healthful Foods.• A tried and true treasury of recipes and useful information on natural foods - all promoting health and healing.• Updated from an acknowledged classic, based on Jethro Kloss's 40 years of experience - this is a book that helped to create the natural foods industry.• Many agree that the original Back to Eden stands as one of the major texts on herbs, natural diet and health and a holistic lifestyle.• One of the first vegan (and vegetarian) cookbooks - and still one of the best.• Some of the first (and classic) recipes to use soy and soy products.

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Planning Your Perfect Home Renovation: Save time and money with this essential guide to fuss-free home improvements Review

Planning Your Perfect Home Renovation: Save time and money with this essential guide to fuss-free home improvements
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A lot of the information contained in this book is extremely basic, and having researched the topic for a little while myself, I've found almost the same information on many free websites suggesting the author may have gained inspiration from these sources as well. Save your money and do a bit of digging on the net instead.

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For people who want to improve their home but don't know how to navigate the world of building, or understand how to get tradesmen to arrive on time and complete jobs on budget - a complete how-to of assessing renovation needs, allocating a budget and a timeframe.

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Carnivorous Plants of the United States and Canada Review

Carnivorous Plants of the United States and Canada
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The book is a nice in-depth look at the carnivorous plants that are native to the United States and Canada. The coverage is expecially thorough for Sarracenia, although still adequate (and probably more extensive than any other book available) on Drosera and Pinguicula.
The pictures included are mostly excellent, showing the plants in habitat when possible, instead of just using cultivated plants. And although the distribution maps may be a bit dated, they are helpful to understand the general areas where the plants might be found. Also, included with each section is some basic cultivation advice that I've found very helpful.
This isn't a book for a novice grower of carnivorous plants, but rather for someone who's been growing them for a while and wants more information on their native habitats and environments, as well as more technical information on each plant. An excellent book.

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In this greatly expanded and revised edition of his classic treatment, Donald Schnell examines in detail the 45 species and numerous hybrids of carnivorous plants that grow in the U.S. and Canada. Information on each species includes an identifying description, the preferred habitat, the range in which it can be found, and the season for flowering and trapping, making this book a useful field guide as well as a fascinating source of leisure reading. With a full array of maps, drawings, and 200 color photos, this volume promises to enrich every enthusiast's library with a wealth of information. Hobbyists will find much to their liking as well. Schnell gives detailed instructions for growing these plants.

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Property Owners Manual Review

Property Owners Manual
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Property Owners Manual by Randall Bell is a very helpful book that covers all that any property owner, or even future property owner, would be interested in. This pocket size book is packed with information from buying a home and financing it, to development and zoning. I would recommend this book to anyone that plans on investing in property, or anyone that now owns property and would like to know how to get the most out of it. It's a great book!

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The Property Owners Manual contains up-to-date information on such topics as selling (what prospective buyers look for), moving (a step-by-step checklist), refinancing (how much will that loan cost?), managing (fire safety and emergency preparedness), and buying property (architectural and property features to look for). Escrow, taking title, loan prepayment, and many other topics are covered in detail.

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Getting to Phoenix Review

Getting to Phoenix
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For anyone who has made the move to Phoenix from a major American cultural city (New York, Chicago, San Francisco, and, uh...are there more?) this humorous and very well-written journal of the home-attaining process in Arizona's Best Run Suburb will be quite familiar. The hilarity arises when the reader realizes that they've been through the same frustrations and doubts, thinking they were possibly the only ones numbed by the world's densest population of realtors, decorators, furniture stores, and optional home upgrades.
While the viewpoint is of a home-buyer entering a well earned retirement, the anecdotes will still appeal to anyone new to Phoenix. Actually, mostly due to the fluid and off-hand wit, anyone who has even visited or is curious about many aspects of the desert city will find the book very interesting.

Former New Yorkers (well, those that have moved from New York, once a New Yorker always a New Yorker) will find this book all the more a propos, while those who have not yet made the move but are considering it should definately read this for some perspective. Then without a doubt put it in with the road maps and sunblock for handy future reference.

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A hilarious account of one man's adjustment in moving from New York City to Phoenix and the Valley of the Sun. Laughingly takes us from the last eventful days in New York describing frantic garage sales, the end of a career in the East and the long distance real estate negotiation.Gently satirizes every aspect of the Phoenix scene from the real estate boom to such ordinary customs as food shopping, cowboy art walks and the local sports mania. Comically details taking ownership, arranging renovations and remodelling a house. A cast of characters including gay designers, petulant wallpaper hangers, carpet installers, painters and landscapers. Even finding a doctor proves to be a laughable ordeal. Moving from Manhattan to Phoenix hits home when the sign on the public library's door says, "Deadly weapons not allowed in building." Culture shock personified! This is an amusing narrative most will recognize as part of today's American experience.

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A Place Like Any Other Review

A Place Like Any Other
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Before there was "My Monastery Is a Minivan," there was Molly Wolf. And praise the lord for her! She writes about spirituality and the everyday with humor, self-deprecation, and talent. I enjoyed this book immensely and will add it to my list of great essays.

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The Salem Syndrome Review

The Salem Syndrome
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The author has given us an excellent look into the workings of some aspects of medicine. Dr. Bartlett is a generational surgeon, scientist, musician, and now novelist. There have been notable MD/Novelist who in some cases never practiced medicine and wrote about it. Or practiced medicine and wrote about aspects of it not directly familiar to them. Here we have a clinician with enormous experience who gives us a peek into what things are really like from personal experience. The author gives the reader ample background or what the legal profession calls building a foundation. So the story starts out slowly as the characters are introduced. However, the detailed background gives us a vivid understanding of these principal characters; their strengths or foibles as the case may be. As a result the story picks up and almost tells itself as it moves to an exciting conclusion. Truly a page turner. Anyone interested in medical mysteries would love this book. This should be required reading for all medical students, or, for that matter anyone interested in or working in the medical field. Let's hope this is just the beginning for this talented author.

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Two little girls are admitted to the ICU with burn injuries that show signs of possible child abuse. The medical, social and legal systems swing into action and the investigation soon focuses on their father, who vehemently denies the charges. Dr. Steven Crane, a pediatric resident, is both a participant in and an observer of this process. He wonders if the father might actually be telling the truth. But Crane soon learns that, where child abuse is concerned, the accused are guilty until proven innocent.

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Total Productive Maintenance, Second Edition Review

Total Productive Maintenance, Second Edition
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Book was in the shape it said it was in. Shipped fast and excellent service. will buy from again

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Various case studies that show how to explain the value of OEE to everyone in the organization, from the senior executive to the shop floor personnel.
OEE discussions showing how to 'dollarize" results and present the financial terms to executive financial personnel.
A clarification of the goals and objectives of TPM, allowing TPM Champions to clearly present a TPM business case to their organizations.
Explanations of the pitfalls that may be encountered during TPM implementation and how to avoid or correct these problems.

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Mother and Baby Health: An A-Z of Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond Review

Mother and Baby Health: An A-Z of Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond
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Good book, but sorry I never bought it whilst I was pregnant. Alot of information on pregnancy and birth, I only bought it once my daughter was already 5 months old. However, I still think it will be a very useful book to keep on my bookshelf and have referred to it on several occasions.

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Targeted at both mothers and their children, this extensive health guide offers an integrated approach to maintaining wellbeing both during and after pregnancy. A wide variety of common complaints and illnesses are examined along with possible medical or complementary treatments. Self-help solutions are offered where appropriate, and the treatments or procedures that are most often recommended by doctors for more serious maladies are also discussed. An unrivalled source of expert medical advice, this book is essential reading for every parent.

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Whispers in the Night Review

Whispers in the Night
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This book has three main parts that kept my interest. Once you get through the first you think that's all there is to the book. It slowed a little until the next world came up. The last has an unbelievably terrifying scene at the end. I see the reason I hate spiders. I would recommend this book to anyone over seventeen.

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Is something whispering in the dark? Can you see it? Or can it see you. That is Mary's little problem when she inherits an old, dark, mansion. She and her lover, John, must fight for their lives against adversary's bent on their destruction. In otherworldly dimensions they endure terrifying floods, catastrophic earthquakes, and a world unlike any other. Only with the help of a mysterious companion are they able to return. Take the journey with them and behold the wonders they will encounter.

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Adventures With An Englishman Review

Adventures With An Englishman
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I've read this book cover to cover and really enjoyed the author's dry sense of humor and eye for detail. He writes so vividly it is easy to "see" things unfolding with the mind's eye......a real pleasure!

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I put together recollections in England that describe my early years to retirement in 1988. Born in 1923 the world was reasonably peaceful until 1939. WW2 started and I relate some encounters during that conflict, while serving in the Navy.My profession as a Naval Officer ended due to a war related disability in 1946, so a civilian environment took over. Married, we moved to Zambia and back farming. To Dublin managing a sail loft and Marine hardware; and so to America, which had a quieter and more orderly atmosphere. The memoirs describe those times, with some interesting side trips on the way.

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101 Things You Need to Know Before Investing in Real Estate Review

101 Things You Need to Know Before Investing in Real Estate
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This is a quality set of informational excerpts for the Do-It Yourselfer wanting to get started in Real Estate Investment!
A must own for anyone looking to invest in property!

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101 Things You Need to Know Before Investing in Real Estate! By Patrick Snyder

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