Good as New Review

Good as New
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Jeff Campbell is definitely a guru of cleaning. I've learned alot from every one of his books and this one is no exception. Especially since I hate to do housework.

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Ever had that nagging feeling that there's something you're supposed to be doing to keep your floor finish, fireplace, or VCR looking great or running smoothly, but you just can't remember what it is? In Good As New, Jeff Campbell, cleaning guru extraordinaire, masterfully simplifies the instructions you probably tossed long ago and tells you more than they ever probably revealed. Far from a fix-it manual, this is the book that tells you how to keep your precious possessions from breaking in the first place. Packed with information that will help you protect your investments and save money in the long run, Good As New will tackle schedules for maintenance chores (for example, how often should a piece of leather furniture be conditioned? how do you know when it's time to move your bed?); how to reduce maintenance by modifying habitual behavior (Tired of cleaning encrusted hairspray off the bathroom mirror? Train the culprit to stand elsewhere.); preventive products such as floor mats, air purifiers, caulk; and how to select building products for longevity (which material is best for a kitchen counter that has to last 10 or 15 years). All this and much more--including the "rules" of maintenance and an alphabetical listing of everything in your house (like this sampling from "C": CD players, coffee makers, cabinets, camcorders, ceramic tiles, coffee/spice grinder, countertops and more!)--Good As New is a book no cleaning fanatic or savvy consumer will want to be without.

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