Simon & Schuster's Guide to Garden Flowers (Nature Guide Series) Review

Simon and Schuster's Guide to Garden Flowers (Nature Guide Series)
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Finally, a book small enough to carry out to the garden with me for reference yet compact with enough information to enable me to find answers to my basic questions regarding best locations, season, size, appearance, care, possible difficulties, etc. I found the illustrated key next to each written description and picture of each plant to be extremely helpful and time saving for quick reference as to whether or not I want a plant based on its's being suitable for the location I want and the purpose intended for the blooms. All I have to do is flip open the book to the desired page, glance at the illustrated key symbols, slide my eyes over to the colored photograph of the actual plant and I know in less than 10 seconds if the plant may be suitable for my needs. I can then read the clarifying information and firm up my choice. The photography is very clear and the write-ups simple enough for a beginning gardener, such as myself, to understand.

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Simon & Schuster's Guide to Garden Flowers is the perfect complement to the popular Complete Guide to Plants & Flowers, also available in the series. Aside from the pure pleasure of seeing the most exquisite flowers in the world in full color and reading about them, gardeners and flower lovers are here offered a history of flower gardens, gardening techniques, and suggestions on how to create and maintain a blooming garden. The entries for 369 species of garden flowers present full-color illustrations and detailed descriptions, and are arranged alphabetically by genus (with synonyms and common names as well). Full-color symbols illustrate the plant types and how they can best be used in the garden, and maps show the origin of the species and their natural distribution. This is one of the most stunning and informative books a gardener can own.

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