Syncrometer Science Laboratory Manual (Syncrometer Science Laboratory Manual Series, 1) Review

Syncrometer Science Laboratory Manual (Syncrometer Science Laboratory Manual Series, 1)
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I was astonished when I saw this manual available from Amazon. Fantastic! For all the skeptics out there who view Hulda Clark's theories as "unscientific" and "quackery," I invite you to check out her latest publication. This is science way beyond its time. This independant scientist has bypassed the normal route of dicovery and handed the results to you personally. No medical journal time lag involved here! She is not motivated by peer recognition nor financial gain. (Clearly the great power above would not have allowed her tremendous success in cancer, aids, etc. if she was motivated by greed.) Anybody familiar with biochemistry and physics can truly appreciate this entire book. It is basically broken down into 3 sections: 1. Basic syncrometer testing: This section contains 30 experiments in basic syncrometer testing. It is a companion section on her 3 books, "Cure for All Cancers," "Cure for Hiv/Aids," and "The Cure for All Diseases."
2. Syncrometer Biochemistry testing: This section contains 62 experiments in advanced biochemical testing with the syncrometer. This is not for the beginner. Nor can one use household products to make testing samples, but with a few hundred dollars in specimen, tissue and substance slides the possibilities are endless!
3. Geometabolism: This 3rd section of 16 experiments undoubtedly qualifies Dr. Clark for a Noble prize in various categories.(Of course she deserved a Noble prize in medicine with her very first Cancer book!) This section involves the effect of the earth's(or outer space) magnetic field on the timing of our metabolism. It would be a great discovery in modern science if she or other syncrometer operator was able to perform these experiments in a space environment outside of the earths atmosphere. This would bring us major steps closer to piecing together many questions of our existence. Are we really connected to our universe? Is there an ultimate "force" that brings us all together? Is there really something to Ayurvedic medicine's philosophy of our health being connected with the cosmos?(Ayurveda is the oldest form of medicine originating from India and spawning nutritional and exercise(yoga) guidelines.)
This book is years ahead of its time for those who can look past its basic ingredient, the syncrometer. Although rather elementary in its design compared to todays technology, its use involves the most sensitive, fool proof machine existing. Our own senses. This device is more sensitive than ELISA immunology testing, is cheap, quick and user frendly. So what is the catch? Well ask any musician if their instrument is difficult to use and you will most likely get a quick, "No!" The reason for this confident answer is that they have PRACTICED long hours. The syncrometer will initially require a few hours of practice much like a musical instrument. It is a blend of hand eye coordination, sensitive listening and concentration to blend the two together. In 6 months of daily practice one can become a saviour to ailing family members and friends. Good luck and God bless!

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There are 3 kinds of investigations that can be made with a syncrometer; 1.You can detect entities in your body, taken as a whole. For example, mercury aflatoxin, Streptococcus pneumonia, Epstein Barre virus, orthophosphotyrosine, benzene. Such a test is not as sensitive as the organ test, described next, but for this reason allows you to select those entities most abundant in the body and therefore of special significance. 2.You can identify which organs contain a particular entity. For example, the mercury may be in the kidney, the Streptococcus in the joints, and so on. This allows you to embark on a cleanup program for your body in a focused way. The syncrometer lets you monitor your progress. 3.You can detect entities in products. For example, lead in your household water, thulium in your reverse osmosis water, asbestos in your sugar.

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