NAET Say Goodbye to Asthma Review

NAET Say Goodbye to Asthma
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NAET can clear even the worst allergies, and help relieve your asthma, if done correctly.
It can happen quickly, or if your allergies were as bad as my son's, it may take some time. The self-help methods in the books work if your allergies are moderate to mild, if you cannot clear them yourself using these methods, then you are probably below 45% clear on those items, and you should see a practitioner. I have learned to do full treatments myself, even on the really bad allergens, just from reading Dr. Devi's books, and Cutler's books, and combining that info. with what I've learned from the two practitioners I've gone to, and the four I spoke with. The practitioners are not permitted to give you all the info. on how it works, and the books do not give you all the "secrets" either, but if you investigate it enough, you can piece it together. (Here are some hints: It's more than just holding it and stimulating the points down the back. It's more than the holding/waiting period and avoidance time, which are essential - there are different levels that need to be checked and cleared on as well.) This is probably mostly for liability reasons, because people with anaphylactic tendencies should not attempt to do those allergens on their own. Just holding the item could invoke an allergic response, and practitioners know how to get around this safely.
If you get only partially clear on an item, and are still below 50% on it, it can actually make your allergies seem worse temporarily. This is called being "stuck on a treatment". You need to go back and finish clearing it the rest of the way. Once you clear an item all the way, you will feel great. Being "stuck on a treatment" usually does not happen on mild allergies, because you are essentially doing a "booster". It does not hurt you to try to clear allergens on your own, but you may need the help of a GOOD practitioner - some are better than others.
When my son and I first started receiving NAET treatments, we were going to a practitioner that didn't get us all the way clear, but we saw enough change to know that there was definitely something to it. I have since switched to a different practitioner, one who does percentages - this makes all the difference in the world!! She is also an RN, so is more familiar with severe allergic reactions, so I trust her more. It is possible to get a strong"ish" muscle test reading when you are at least 50% clear on something, but you may still have problems with the item until you get at least 70% or more clear. (Dr. Devi even says something about this in the patient handbook.) My practitioner treats to 100% on all items, and we are so much better now. (Some practitioners only treat to 50-60%, you may want to switch to another, or self-treat to clear it the rest of the way.) If you can learn to do it at home, like I did, it can really speed up the process.
My 8 yr old son who has been home schooled his whole life due to his severe food allergies, some foods he could not even touch... is now enrolled to attend a charter school this coming fall. This has been an answer to prayer for us in a major way! It works, if you get the right practitioner. We were better on some things, and worse on others until we found someone who would get us all the way clear on the allergens we had. My son has been able to re-introduce apples, chicken, watermelon, oranges, salad, vinegar, many other foods, and even some candy for the holidays. He was also allergic to some of his medications that seemed to make him worse when he used them. Now that he's been cleared on them, he can use them, and gets the full benefit from them. (We are hoping to eliminate the medications all together eventually.) He also used to get welts when cat hair even touched him, but was able to play with a cat for over 20 minutes the other day with no reaction what so ever. We are thrilled!
Some people have asked me how much the practitioners charge. Some are more expensive than others. Our first practitioner was $45 per treatment per person, but our practitioner we are going to now (that we feel does a better job) is only $20 per treatment, $40 for families of four or more seen at same time. There are still others that charge even more. Our current practitioner treats out of her "home-office", so has lower overhead, but she gives a better treatment in our opinion. She is also open to us doing home treatments, and follows up on the ones I have done to make sure they have cleared all the way.
Don't give up, keep trying, and find a good practitioner who knows how to treat you to 100% clear. I am not a practitioner, but I can answer questions based on my experience, or even ask my practitioner on your behalf. Please no junk mail, but for real quesitons, you can e-mail me at Thanks, and God bless.

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