Imagery on Fabric: A Complete Surface Design Handbook, Second Edition Review

Imagery on Fabric: A Complete Surface Design Handbook, Second Edition
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Having an interest in textile printing,art,quilting and other visual crafts, I found Jean Ray Laury's book both informative and up to date on today's methods of image, computer transfer. This book explains in both words and in illustrations and nice photos.Laury, once the editor of "quilter's newsletter" has proven that crafting on fabric, transferring images to fabric and other imagery on fabric is doable by even a novice. Owning a computer and scanner, plus and ink jet or some kind of color printer would be helpful prior to purchasing this book. I learned how to transfer photos, scanned images, computer images from the internet etc. Quilters will have a blast with photo image quilts. Buy it !

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Jean Ray Laury takes the reader step-by-step through techniques and technology for transferring images to fabric, with full-color photos and information on how to safely accomplish beautiful results. She leaves nothing unexplained about these methods and products. Lettering, photos, drawings - the possibilities are endless. Included are detailed explanations and complete material lists for each process, along with troubleshooting tips that provide tested solutions for any problems you may encounter. Topics cover working with copiers and computer printers, drawing and painting, dye transfers, silk screening, stamp printing, discharge printing, high-sensitive processes, and Polaroid. This classic text is an indispensable reference and sourcebook for anyone working with textiles. Note: This digital file contains patterns that may not print true to size and may require sizing adjustments (inchmarks are included on patterns for reference). Depending on your viewing application or device, printing desired page may result in multiple printed pages.

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